Buff ALL guns

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by grubers, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. grubers

    Yes, you heard me. I want my default NC gun buffed to act like a futuristic one, not like a flintlock pistol from the 1800's.

    Increase all bullet velocities to over 1000 m/s. Increase all bullet damage. Enough of one-on-one hallway garbage where the first one to shoot the other 3 times in the head wins. I want to win the fight if I shoot (and hit) first, it shouldn't be the other way.
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  2. Villanuk

    I agree, the NC have the most damage from guns, so sure give them 1000 rof, and hey take away the recoil as well. Thinking about it, why not make it auto aim and then you don't have to use any skill at all?
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  3. BetterFasterStronger

    I guess the overal big picture of gamedesign is to hard for some.
  4. BlueSkies

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  5. Leer

    Sure! Buff all armor and shields as well. I want fights not first shot kills.

    NOTE: shotguns can still be OHK mostly because people rant about LA's with shot guns and it is funny. It's like they are surprised a shotgun blast to the head from 1 meter kills you.
  6. Pikachu

    Is there less skill in shorter TTK? I don't get it. Sounds just like a different preference to me. Is there less skill in CS where guns kill with 3-4 shots or 1 shot to the head for most weapons? Or Unreal Tournament with instagib mode? Or sudden death in Super Smash Brosh and what not. Or those Delta Force games where limb shots do nothing and body shots kill, I think.
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  7. Revanmug

    Are you saying the character movement in UT or Quake is around the same as in PS2? It does sounds like you did.

    Please correct yourself before I call you mentally ******** over such an awful assumption. You are comparing game with such different gameplay that you make my head hurt.
  8. pnkdth

    Those games are small scale combat though. Introduce the numbers and explosions, and PS2 becomes a game where you spend more time dead than playing. I think it needs to be an entirely different title, sort of like a MMOFPS in Arma style... Which, I must say, sounds pretty f***ing awesome.
  9. LT_Latency

    The thing I don't like about High time to kill is when you use all that time to simply avoid death.

    I learned this from fighting some of the better players. When you are walking along and get caught in a bad fight you are pretty sure you can't win. You can just make a run for it and start shifting your mouse left, right, left, right. You can most likely drain a whole clip from your enemy and force a reload and escape as long as you are not too close to your enemy
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  10. Cavadus

    Oh man, an MMO ArmA??!?!

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  11. Whatupwidat


    Just a suggestion ;P
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  12. patrykK1028

    I love short TTK (CoD WaW HC kept me for 8 months, then I switched to MW3 HC), but.. it doesnt fit this game. I mean, there are 100 enemies in base, you dont want to get instaggibed by some random noob.
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  13. Cinnamon

    You would still die to people you think you shot first because of latency. And you would also have more random annoying deaths form people behind walls or in groups.
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  14. \m/SLAYER\m/

    i prefer nerfing TTK
  15. z1967

    Sure, if recoil becomes very, very prevalent to keep practical TTKs the same.
  16. GoyoElGringo

    The current TTKs are fine. You want a lower TTK, try a pump action shotty or a sniper.
  17. z1967

    I should clarify this, these weapons allow potential one hit kills. However they are punished heavily by missing and I would recommend a high ROF primary instead of these weapons for all your CQC fast killing shenanigans.
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  18. grubers

    OK Fine.

    LEt me tell you my story.

    I log into PS2 and shoot someone from far away. OK. I do infact moderate my timing of shots, watching my recoil. It fire like 2-3 shots, wait shoot, then in 2 seconds the enemy who is so far away kills me, without watching his recoil at all. And no, I was not being shot at by anyone else.

    Guns have problems in Planetside 2, or is it just me? Bad damage, bad ROF, bad accuracy... the list goes on and on.
  19. Dualice

    I agree with you on the muzzle velocities. However in the game we all have personal shield devices which absorb large amounts of incoming damage, so one-hit kills are largely eliminated.

    As for the one-on-one situations... rather than "first to headshot thrice wins", it's almost always "whoever fires first wins". Unless their aim is terrible.
  20. silver032

    I actually experience this a lot when i use my infiltrator.

    Ill be sniping using a bolt action from like 300-600 meters from people... I spot a HA, I shoot him once it then chest, he sheilds, hit him again in the chest. At this point i've used 4 bullets. THen he starts mowing me at literally 300+ meters, forcing me to miss my shot and killing me at a rediculas range. It doesnt just happen with has either. IVe had SMGs kill me from 300+ range and im not that bad of a shot either

    Also in that case, even though NC is suppose to be the strongest at range, their high recoil and Slor rof make them the worst