[Suggestion] Weapon Sexiness, Pistol Balance, and Nerf Stuff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Uranoob, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Uranoob

    Hello. Today I talk about 3 things.

    1. Improve weapon design. Specifically the TR weapons. Don't get me wrong, as I personally believe the Lynx and the Cougar are the best-looking weapons in the game, but some TR weapons look like utter garbage or simply have parts/designs that don't make any sense. To start off, replace wooden grips. Said grips are located on weapons such as: T1 Cycler, and TR pistols. I get that TR is the conservative faction, but come on, this is 800 years into the future. Wood doesn't exist anymore. Additionally, get rid of the random details on weapons. For example, the barrels of the default TR weapons have some random spikes and bumps that make them look bad. The general design philosophy for good looking weapons is "simple but sleek", which the Lynx and Cougar follow perfectly. Hell, I wouldn't be disappointed if EVERY TR weapon had the same model as the Lynx or Cougar. You don't need a unique design, you just need a GOOD design. Anyways, that's that about that.

    2. Pistol balance. Currently, TR pistols are superior. Repeater is superior to Desperado, due to better dps, more accuracy (apart from ADS), higher velocity, etc., and is free, compared to the 1000 cert Desperado. Emperor is superior to Beamer due to higher dpm, higher velocity, larger magazine, and better damage model... all for 250 certs. TS2 Inquisitor is arguably more better if you're an inquisitor type of guy (or girl). Not going to talk about the 4th gen pistols as they're pretty much all garbage (even the new Spiker, which is a worse version of the Desperado, which is a worse version of the Repeater). Fixes to these problems: A) Lower TR dpm and velocity. NC weapons tend to have better performance at range due to accuracy and high velocity *cough* Gauss Rifle/SAW *cough*. Make the Repeater and Emperor drop off damage at closer ranges, and lower their velocities to 350 m/s. Similarly, bump up the Mag-shot's and Rebel's velocities to 375 m/s. VS stays the same due to no bullet drop, but their pistols are all garbage anyways.

    3. Nerf trees and debris. The Auraxian Magic Tree devours Galaxies, Libs, and ESFs on a daily basis. Also, I once got my shielded Manguard instagibbed by a freakin' Scythe that was destroyed just moments ago by overwhelming Freedom Flak.

    Anyways, that was pretty long. Have a nice day!

    TL;DR: Screw you, man.
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  2. FateJH

    From the Planetside Syndicate Acronyms and Slang page, the only entry for its letter:
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  3. Uranoob

    In regards to the first one, a simple and good fix would be to have the same grip for all default weapons. So, replace the T1's grip with the ones found on the TRAC-5 and T9 CARV. This would create consistency and good looks because the TRAC-5's grip is already great.
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  4. Flamberge

    Lol wut.

    Anyway, not sure why weapon cosmetics are such a big deal, when you can't see much of your own weapon when you are using it. Sure, if the devs have the time, it would be something to look at, but for now, there are better things to do.
  5. Uranoob

    There is some truth in your argument; HOWEVER, there are also some other things to take into consideration.

    They do have the time. For the artists, at least. They're pretty much done with Hossin and the Valkyrie, and they've also been spiffing up the weapon models on other weapons as well. Besides, look at the infrastructure of their team. Obviously, they can't have the artists working on meta-game, game physics, community support or programming, or other stuff like that.

    I think at least SOME cosmetic and aesthetic touches here and there would definitely be appreciated by the community. Another thing is, don't make new content, improve the existing content. For example, continent locking is a good idea, but maybe evolve it into a type of mission system. It would be like a mini server smash, and people would warp into the alerted continent and hash it out. That would be an improvement upon the existing system, so you aren't starting from the ground up, which would be the case with adding new, unique content.

    Anyways thanks for your feedback!
  6. Uranoob

    Oh, and as regards to the quoted portions of my original post, "wood doesn't exist" is SATIRE, and is a reference to our world using up everything to fast, to much.

    And trees ARE OP. Instagibbing any vehicle, is, by far, the most astonishing feat achievable in Planetside 2.
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  7. Killuminati C

    I actually think the VS weapons need an artistic overhaul before the TR. They all look just about the same and I'm not a fan of the template they used.
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  8. TheKhopesh

    I want options for pistol iron sights.

    The tiny little indicators on pistols like the magshot, rebel, and desperado are terrible.
    The only NC pistol that gets a good iron sight is the Mag Scatter.
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  9. Rogueghost

    I know I'm the minority but the beamer is my favorite non-NS pistol. I'd take it over a repeater and the emperor doesn't have a golden variant.
  10. Nerp

    If trees are so OP, why haven't we made prowlers fire logs yet?
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  11. Hatesphere

    its the year 2014 and people still buy wooden furniture for fire arms even though synthetics are available. so why wouldn't we have wood 800 years in the future?
    as for pistols
    beamer is boss if you dont have a broken index figure, its funny since people say with a straight face that its impossible to click a mouse button that fast and hit things.
  12. Uranoob

    Wow. Much reply. Very discussion.

    True, but as far as design philosophy goes, they're all pretty similar. TR weapons have some designs that look old fashioned, and some that look cutting-edge new. I think redesigning pretty much every infantry weapon would be a good way to go. Vehicles, bases, and other objects don't need a lot of work (although the Reaver still is pretty ugly).

    This is a good idea, but as the NS pistols are already set for receiving sights (as shown on PTS), I think a better idea may be to just implement regular sights/scopes for all pistols. Just a thought.

    I also believe that the Beamer isn't total trash, although most VS players do tends to automatically go for the revolvers. Manticore is also pretty good, but once again, the VS pistols in general are just not as good as ES equivalents from the TR and NC.
  13. Uranoob

    Because Auraxian wood is indestructible, and as such, cannot be harvested. Much less used in the field.
  14. z1967

    Think about it, if we can't chop them down we can't fire them. Their root structure is likely well anchored as well, making them hard to uproot. Nothing can cut them down, the fact that they haven't taken over the planet yet makes me think there might be an invisible fauna that keeps the population trimmed down to the size we see today. Or the trees have become infertile and just cannot make seeds to reproduce and grow more trees.

    Maybe one day we will be able to cut down these trees, but nothing short of a supernova seems to be able to chop up these things.
  15. Pikachu

    One thing they could do for tr guns is to remove the lights. Freaking lights on the sides of a pistol! o_O Oh and givr the option to change back sounds to old ones. I want to use my tmg again. NC desperately needs new sounds for the carbines, I want to use bandit. Some detals on the models should change like remove the bumps on carnage/gr22 and remove all gimmicky grip parts.

    About pistil performance I dont understsnd how youbpeople can debate 350 vs 375 velocity. I would notice unless the difference is >=50%. o_O

    Yes nerf debris to h*** and make trees less deadly. How about alowinh aircraft ti fly throught the smaller branches with some damage?
  16. Siilk

    This is exactly what TR wooden grips are made of. TR scientists would've loved to make whole guns out of uberwood and make them fire uberwooden bullets too but they have limited power at their disposal and cutting even a single grip out of uberwood takes years...
  17. SpartanPsycho

    lol no. i play nc. we are the zerg brainlessly faction
  18. TheKhopesh

    Speak for yourself. :D

    NC are the Gauss/Railgun faction, and IMO we've been getting WAY too many shotguns instead of high power high velocity Railguns.
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  19. Leftconsin

    Trees on Auraxis are actually made somewhere else.
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  20. tf2hero

    while you are at it change the VS max it looks like complete a**
    change it from this
    to THIS

    looks like a real max now