Christmass sale?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alan Kalane, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. Alan Kalane

    I know there's no solid data on it but... I'd like to know if should expect some kind of a sale during Christmass...
    Was there such a sale in 2013?

    Cuz you know... I'm currently saving my SC from the Black Friday and waiting for some kind of discount to buy more stuff...
  2. Degenatron

    Yes, there will definitely be a sale. I think last year they did a "12 Days of Christmas" type of thing if I remember right.
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  3. Swapvizer

    There will be a triple SC sale for only one day(21st), and members only 1 SC + 99 SC non-member sales for 12 days along with 50% off on one category of item (Pistols, Camos, LMGs, Scout Rifles, etc.)

    It's called 12 days of "Holidays" but obviously it's a 12 days of Christmas thing.
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  4. Imperial Sect

    Probably gonna be members only like their Cyber Monday sale...which was pure genius.
  5. VsBooties

    Just asking, but is this info from a reliable source? Cuz if you are saying it only because thats what happened last year, then it doesnt seem so legit.
  6. Alizona

    Since Sony won't announce anything ahead of time, all we have to go by is what they've done in years past. Like it or not, that's probably as "reliable" of a source as you're gonna get. Otherwise you'll just have to wait and see like the rest of us.
  7. Pootisman

    From where do you have this info?
    Didnt devs say they will never do a triple SC sale again?
  8. \m/SLAYER\m/

    they should sale SC only for members then
  9. FieldMarshall

    After the anniversary/cyber monday thing, im not expecting much.
    And if there is a sale, better wait til it ends because you "may get lucky for waiting" :rolleyes:

    They also said they wouldnt do x3 sales again, but you know. SoE.
  10. RadarX

    This is not accurate and we'll start providing more details pretty soon. Make absolutely sure you are opted in for emails or you will not be able to participate in this years Station Cash promotion.

    We will also be having other sales closer to Christmas.
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  11. Tommyp2006

    The 99sc/1sc daily sales? One can only hope.
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  12. Whatupwidat

    Are any of those other sales accessible to us poverty stricken dirty FtP players? ^^

    *makes face like Oliver Twist*
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  13. Ronin Oni

    wrong. there will be NO triple SC day. I was surprised we got double on black friday TBH.

    they will have the daily sales reduced to 99sc for everyone items, and the member items for only 1SC.

    I think I might pick up a membership for the month to grab all those 1SC sales :p EVERY...SINGLE...ONE. :D
  14. Hot Pockets

    How can I make sure that I'm signed up for emails? I thought I was but I havent received anything yet even in terms of a confirmation email. Like many players, I'm flush with sc and will most likely pick up membership for this opportunity.
    IMO if you put membership on sale so it was say 5 a month for 12 months, id jump on that as well.
  15. Kislany

    Any ideas how we can check that? I haven't received an email from SOE like ever (and yes, I checked my Spam folder).
  16. uhlan

    Please sir, can I have some more... relevant SC sales?

    In my best voice full of Oliver Twistelence.
  17. Pelojian

    log into click your account handle this will open your account settings click the email preferences button you should be able to see a planetside 2 mail tickbox.
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  18. Kulso

    I have some station cash saved up and I really want that AXOLOTL Helmet to be mines already!

    And some camos too.
  19. Kunavi

    I'm curious to see whether the 99/1SC thing will return... Hope it does. :) Equally curious about the mail thing, what will we be able to get? :p
  20. Pelojian

    i'm thinking it might be another code to redeem something ingame or maybe a discount code.

    I figured i'd add this lol worthy thing about SOE email i got, *gets email on double sc for members (1st/12), on the (2nd/12)*