What kind of player are you?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hot Pockets, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. Matt879

    I'm a cheeky SMG infiltrator, a die-hard combat medic, an average pilot with some moments of glory and someone that likes to shoot shotgun pellets into the heads of my enemies while I'm sitting on my comfortable wraith flash.
  2. Kunavi

    I am not sure. I don't say no to Bio farms(Medic, HA), I do deploy to defend(Yea, the good way, pulling AA MAX, going out, ETC)... I'll use any and all means necessary... Really I have no idea what I classify as. I don't attack often, but when I do it's either long range support(Sniper, I guess?) or just being silly with HA. Lately I'm also using AP Lightning, it's quite good in fact. When friends play it's a wee bit more organized, we try to do MBT or Harasser or Lib sessions, with a bit of infantry in between(That may involve MAX and Engies if it escalates) if we're all low on Nanites.

    Admittedly, despite being bored of Directives I still go after them when I'm on my own.
  3. Kubin

    I'd like to say that I'm "jack of all trades, master of none" but it wouldn't be true because for example, I don't play medic. Like at all. The only exceptions were when I first tried that class out and then sometimes when I saw a dead MAX near a terminal and there was no medic to revive it - then I switched, revived, switched to Engi, repaired and switched to anything I was playing at the moment.

    - I'm mostly an Infiltrator, be it SMG runner, long range sniper, close range sniper or sometimes a Stalker. I like it all. Also I hope for wieldable knives to turn out well so I could lurk in the shadows as a Stalker.
    - I like Engi when I feel like supporting (which isn't that rare) or I need my AV MANA. Also a steady cert farm.
    - Recently (somewhat long after switching from a potato to a gaming PC) I re-loved LA which was my class of choice since my first minute in PS2 but had to be forsaken by me because I didn't perform even remotely good at 20-30 FPS. I thought I just sucked as LA but recently I gave it another chance and I must say I love it much. I think I'd have to do Carbines directive so I can get my heating-mechanic carbine but it's a long way since I didn't aurax any weapon yet.
    - There was a time period I was running HA (after some update when my FPS dropped even further and it was impossible to snipe or react quickly with SMG). HA's firepower and his mighty shield allowed me to perform a little better than morbidly bad ;) Now I rarely pull my HA.
    - I like my MAX from time to time, especially in Biolabs of course. I didn't unlock second Burster yet so AA it's not much of an option but both AI and AV are feeling great.
    - Recently I began my adventure with Harasser as a driver (and sometimes a gunner if there's someone else to drive).
    - When it comes to "lone wolf or team player?" I'm 50/50.
    - Before my PC update I was a punching bag but after that I'm keeping my session K/D well above 1.0 so I'm slowly recovering in my overall stats.
  4. Hegeteus

    I use shotguns(although I've tried to quit) and I'm TK prone with vehicles
  5. Bape

    Lonewolf that loves jumping into big battles in the front line as a medic/infiltrator.

  6. Alarox

    I like to use tanks, but recently I discovered the ability to farm the hell out of people as pure infantry.
  7. Flag

    I drive Magriders and Harassers (sometimes lightings too).
    Occasionally I gun magriders.

    Always going full ****** when driving, and see how well I can live through it.
    Go out in a blaze of glory, or redeploy while the vehicle blows up (yes I'm that kind of scum)!
  8. KnightCole

    Im EM6 obsessed NC HA who lives only to make piles of Esoldiers. I dont really mess around to much, mostly serious and aim to shoot Epeople....
  9. Takoita

    Good exp for those who kill/revive me, mostly. :D
  10. MetalCotton

    MAX suits, I tend to target Flash wimps or use Ravens to scare away enemy armor. I usually manage to last long enough to pull another suit instantly if I die. Basically I'm the big guy in the squad shooing away the air, pelting tanks, or clearing hallways until that one HA runs a corner with a rocket primary out.

    Vehicles never really appealed to me, with the exception of the Skyguard. Just gotta find a nice and secluded spot and start railing the hostiles flying by.
  11. Leeloo

    I prefer to play Medic.

    Not Combat Medic, but Medic.

    Which means I only fire my weapon when there is absolutely nothing can be done as a medic. And even then, I am mostly shooting sensor tip crossbow darts to light up enemies for my squadmates to track down and kill.

    I also enjoy finding and blowing up enemy AMSes as an engie when defending our base. It is such a rush to run past the oncoming enemies in the underbarrel smoke I created beforehand and take down a sundy with a deployment shield using 3mines+sticky then 2 mines and commissioner.
  12. FieldMarshall

    I used to be the "have fun" guy.
    Now im the "grind black camo" guy
    • Up x 1
  13. Tommyp2006

    You know that guy who immensely hates the game but can't bring himself to leave because of crippling addiction? Ya, I'm that guy.
    • Up x 1
  14. Linedan

    Bad. That's how I sum myself up. A bad.

    I've been a combat engineer most of the time (playing engineer on foot, I don't do much vehicle stuff) but lately have tried to play more HA and get better at the actual shooting-people part of the game. Only problem is now, when I do switch back to engineer and I round a corner on a bad guy, I hit "F" for overshield out of sheer instinct...and hand the guy a free ammo box as he shoots me.

    Told you I was a bad.

    Also? I love mines. Because I'm lazy. And what's lazier than getting a free kill or two while I'm on the other side of a base?
  15. Dieter Perras

    I like murdering things, what kind of player is that?