With 2x SC, what're the best things to buy with SC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grumblefern, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. Grumblefern

    I'll start with my personal list:

    NS Commissioner
    MKV/PDW (get PDW with fresh meat bundle, pretty much the only good bundle IMO)
    AP for lightning
    Second burster for MAX
    Blueshift/Mercy/Mattock are very nice to have

    Faction specific weapons worth considering saving 1k certs on -


    Most of TR's best are only 250-500 certs I wouldn't spend SC here.

    VX6-7 if you prefer it over Serpent

    Feel free to add or post things you regretted buying with SC.
  2. VaIhall

    Only cosmetics unlock everything else using CERTS
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  3. toast2250

    Anniversary boost!
    Ive heard that the glowing armor parody unlocks on all characters for the lulz.

    Il stash the rest for a knife that will make you run faster like in cssource (would trade for no dmg knife), which will probably never happen. :(

  4. BobSanders123

    Armor bundle.

    That's all I could think of.
  5. Tommyp2006

    Cosmetics, NS weapons, and the long term xp boosts. IMO you shouldn't spend SC on weapons that cost less than 1000 certs because the value just isn't there on the cheaper weapons.
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  6. Auzor

    1) check the daily deals;
    2) check the in-game bundles..
    most of the in game bundles are "50% off" permanently.

    For VS I think there is the "medic pro", it is just a pistol (not sure which one) and the HVAR-45 for example..
    The HVAR-45 is 250? certs, so not interesting;
    but there is also the starter; which has another AR for VS I thought, with the attachments, and the second burster, and, again, a pistol.
    Worth going over the faction bundles to see if you want one of those AR's, if you're already shopping for the burster...
    There is also a Max Pro bundle I thought; not sure which weapons it contains..

    3) december is approaching... will there be "50% sales" for more stuff? To be seen.. but I'd be very reluctant to buy anything at 100% now, instead of waiting a few weeks.
    Personal wishlist:

    -camos for the various continents. 1 per continent should do. I'm only gonna buy camo's at 50% off however; and no faction specific ones either.

    -NS weaponry; specifically: vehicle weaponry. I have cert-unlocked AP & Skyguard on my 3 chars now I thought; I have the Max Burster on all 3 (guess how I feel about air farmers :p)
    If it comes with 50% off, I'll "certainly" buy 2x walker for the sundy, and the fury's (grenade battle-bus.. except I don't have blockade armor).
    Probably walker for the harasser too.

    -again, if they're coming 50% off.. the NS side-arms; commie/underboss, and the crossbow. #totally_not_trying_stalkercloak
    tempting: desperado, spiker and/or cerberus; repeater is fine-good

    -less interested in NS system infantry weaponry I think; I rather like faction specific-ness..
    empire specific vehicle AV weapons: the saron, the enforcer, the vulcan.. all 1000 certs.

    Others up for consideration: 1000 cert faction specific stuff:
    -Jackhammer, Lasher & the minigun (brrrrt!) -> a pack, maybe.
    -TR 1000 cert AR's: the Sabr-13 & the Torq.
    Normally I would add the Reaper DMR or A-tross for the NC, but I rather like the Carnage AR; my medic needs all the RoF he can get.. Reaper sure has the nice sound though.. hmm.
    VS terminus VX-9: not sure I even tried it in VR yet, let alone trialled "on the field".

    none of TR seem interesting to me, NC GD-7F or the bandit; possibly.
    VS: VX6-7: maaaybe. I would trial the Zenith I think, probably be dissapointed.. oh well.

    a pump action shotgun; 1000 certs.. hmm.

    SMG's: my NC has the blitz, so the cyclone aint a priority; I have the NS7-PDW from the fresh meat; and honestly, the PDW seems decent enough not to buy another SMG for what I use it. (infiltrator only really.. )

    I don't use maxes often, and even less for AI work...besides the burster, I don't have other weaponry unlocked.
    Double raven would be tempting, but they're on the nerf list :eek:

    New NS weapon: aerial EMP: you shoot it into the sky, and it disables all aircraft in your hex. :D
  7. FieldMarshall


    You will reach a point where you have too many certs and nothing to spend it on, and may regret spending money on something that you could have gotten for free anyway.
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  8. Valok

    If you don't wanna spend certs.
    Baron G5
    TORQ-9 - TR
    Anchor - NC
    GD-7F - NC
    GR-22 - NC
  9. Cz4rMike

    I also was kinda happy to see 2x SC... but I don't really know where I would spend it. All the important stuff I bought for some SC and tons of Certs...
  10. _itg

    Sale items. If you're not in a hurry (or not picky), you can get twice as many weapons that way.
  11. Villanuk

    XP boosts if they are on sale. More XP, more certs, more certs to purchase items.
  12. Harbinger

    Is 2X on already? I'm terrible with timezones.
  13. DoomFruit

    Only weapons which cost 500 certs or above (NS weapons especially) and cosmetics. Also, only get stuff if it's on the daily sale - your SC will go a lot further.
  14. MaxDamage

    Gold trim.
    Gold trim everything.
  15. Saool

    Treated myself to 5000sc. I'll mostly be getting cosmetics for my NC: Max Composite, a new Max helmet. Also considering the Commissioner or a Phoenix (for fun). I'll see what is on offer on Monday.
  16. sindz

    The bundle containing heroic boost is by far the best purchase.
  17. Jaeger41

    I wouldn't buy anything at full price between now and the New Year. You definitely want to wait and see what SOE has on sale during the Holidays. As someone else suggested, check out the existing bundles (which are basically 50% off all the time) to see if there is something that interests you.

    I only play NC, so my wishlist at this point (playing for 2 years) is pretty small.

    I've recently started certing my Vanguard and my Valkyrie, so any weapons for those vehicles that go on sale I'll take a look at. My Sundy, Lightning, and Galaxy are set at this point.

    Infantry weapons (guns, rocket launchers, and pistols) I'm pretty happy with what I already have, so unlikely I'll make any purchases there. The only thing that might be considered is the Piston (auto-shottie).

    I already have the MAX AA and AV weapons. My AI MAX currently uses a Scattercannon/Mattock combo. If the other Mattock goes on sale, I'll get that. I also have a Hacksaw I bought on sale about a month ago, sitting in storage waiting for the other Hacksaw to go on sale. With my aging reflexes, the auto-shotties might be a better choice.

    Camos I'm set on. MAX cosmetics I'm set on. I'd like to get a Player Studio helmet that I can use for all non-MAX classes.

    I love my Sundy bus, so any Sundy cosmetics that are on sale will get a look.
  18. \m/SLAYER\m/

    supposed to be sale, right?!
    AV MANA Turret
    Commissioner and Underboss
    NS smg
  19. Dualice

    Common pool weapons seem like a good buy. Don't forget things like the AV-MANA turret, Skyguard, Bursters.

    I myself got the MKV Suppressed. Only SMG I have left to aurax to get the Shuriken, so didn't really feel like waiting until it came on sale. It's actually pretty decent for infiltrating too, so I'm happy, even if it was a possibly silly purchase.
  20. eldarfalcongravtank

    just got 10k, effectively doubling it to 20k.....but damn, buyer's remorse sure came fast...:(