Should I switch out of nc?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by silver032, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. silver032

    So I'm a little over two weeks into my ps2 experience and I'm seriously considering making my main vs or tr instead of my Nc. I'm like br 30 and farmed prolly 2 k certs ... Mostly engi
    It's not thAt I don't like nc, I love their color scheme , music , and back story but I think they're just the weakest faction by far. I feel underpowered in the air dog fighting uncerted Mosquitos or scythes even in my reaver which I've put around 1.5 k certs into . I feel underpowered as infantry when I die mid to long range due to the shear number of bullets or the gravity immune lasers coming at me. And I feel weak in a vanguard when a prowler just shells me from range or a magrider just strafing away.

    I'm a veteran fps and Strategy player and have been playing Starcraft and battlefield my whole life. I'm not a "noob" and I understand the concept of tactics and how difficult it is to balance asymmetrical games with three sides.

    So I'm asking if
    1. Should I switch to vs or tr?
    2. If so, should it be tr or vs?
  2. Cest7

    If you want to use vehicles a lot then TR or VS are probably your better bet. TR has faster ROF, TTK and greater range at the expense of mobility. VS is mobile and some things don't have bullet drop. NC are definitely lacking in the vehicle department
  3. GoyoElGringo

    On the US servers, the NC has the weakest air presence. I enjoy flying much more when I play TR or VS. It's a shame because my favorite ESF is the Reaver.
  4. Titan6

    I say switching for awhile will do you good. You'll appreciate the NC's strengths much more once you're on the other side for awhile.
    It also keeps it interesting.

    So my advice: Make a character on both the TR and the VS. Play them both for about a week, and see where you stand then. Maybe their methodology clicks with you better than the NC.

    Fun and accomplishment are, in my opinion, more important than color scheme and music.

    Good luck!
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  5. KnightCole

    If your having issues dying to long range TR and VS, its prolly your own accuracy and not being able to properly compensate for the NC's higher overall Vertical recoil. While TR and VS have higher horizontal recoil, compensated for with good bursting.
  6. AkharGriffon

    Are you using the Vortek? I have very little time on NC, being the good law-abiding, tax-paying TR citizen I am, but on my NC character, one of the few significant purchases I've made was the Vortek. I love the reaver, it sounds nice, good afterburners, and the stats on the Vortek look great. However, when I tried to use it, I discovered that it seems to be a weapon with a very high skill ceiling. I'm a middle-of-the-road pilot myself, but I couldn't do much with the vortek, because I kept missing most of the tiny clip. I'd advise trying out TR, and maybe playing with the default NC nosegun for a bit.
  7. GoyoElGringo

    Yeah the Vortek is like a less forgiving Rotary. It's so hard to use, but if you get it down, it has the lowest TTK.
  8. JudgeNu

    I say yes.
    We don't need second guessers.
    You can repent of your heresy once.
    I you refuse, there will be no mercy shown.

    (all in fun ofc)
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  9. S1lver

    I personally think that the NC's gear is actually the best stuff in the entire game. Just played a bit NC for the lulz, coming from VS and..holy ****, I want your SMGS, Ravens and this murdering mashine called GAUS SAW.

    PPA, ZOE, Banshee, Striker all the good stuff from the other factions got or will get nerfed to absolutlely uselessness while NC still remains unchanged. My experience is that NC has the potential to rule the world, the players suck compared to VS and TR though (awww yeah, here you go filthy freedom addicts)
  10. _itg

    Honestly, you're just experiencing being a new player, for the most part, especially with regard to the airgame. That said, NC's equipment isn't always the most newbie-friendly. The Gauss SAW (the default heavy assault weapon) is the biggest offender, but slower-firing guns are in general a bit harder to use, as well, since each missed shot hurts more.

    I'd say make a new character for each faction and try them out for a few hours, to see how they feel. Go with what's comfortable for now, and you can return to NC when you get a little more experience under your belt.
  11. FieldMarshall

    You should play TR and VS up to the same BR as your NC (BR30).
    You will notice how every faction has the same problems and complains that the other two are better at everything.
    Then you can happily go back to your NC.
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  12. KnightCole

    Well lol, I initially started as a TR, and switched to NC. I had a NC and a TR to fairly high BR, I always liked my NC better. Always seemed to just plain get better results with my NC. So, I think in the OP's case, its just a matter of he needs to find what clicks with him, maybe the NC isnt it. For me the TR wasnt it and sure as hell I cant make the VS work.
  13. RykerStruvian

    Depends on your server. NC on Emerald are awful. I would play either VS/TR on Emerald. Connery NC have the best NC outfit and can really wreck ****. I'm not sure about the other servers though.
  14. silver032

    I'm on emerald, and I do know how to aim. I often switch my carbine to semi auto at long range for better results.

    I'll probably play the other two factions until I'm 30 or so...

    Also another issue is that I mainly play support engineer so I'm limited I what my team can do
  15. RykerStruvian

    Just play Vanu. It's been great so far for me playing as support engie. A lot of people appreciate it.
  16. Zinus

    Honestly play the faction you have most fun with. Maybe the TR/VS vehicles/weapons suit you better and you will end up with better experience.
    In the end, you will get to the point where you don't care which faction you are on, because they all behave (unfortunately) quite similar :/ ...

    You will most likely find that all factions have similar problems but do try out all factions, and chose the one you like most. Just try to have fun and use whatever your preferred faction has :)
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