Average/Good KPM?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kunavi, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. KnightCole

    I accept no less then about 5-1KD, im actually only about a 4-1KD player, but I manged to get an average of 5.7...so I figure I want no backwards progress....
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  2. Alarox

    If one player has 100KPH and another has 10KPH then there's an extremely high probability that the first player is better than the second at killing. The larger the difference in KPH then more probable it is.

    Stats don't lie. They don't tell the whole story, but there is objective meaning behind them. If I have a 20% HSR and another player has 30%, then objectively he gets more kills with headshots. It is an indication that he may be better than me, at least at aiming.

    The stats can't objectively tells you how someone plays but you can see trends. If you see someone with a very high KPH and low KDR then that's a strong indication that they play aggressively. If you see someone with a high KDR but low KPH, it might be the opposite. Etc.
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  3. Leftconsin

    Just do drive this point home I went on hossin and just played as medic for an hour. Here are my results:
    I'm bad at this game. This is a good example of garbage game play and honestly I'm embarrassed I'm this bad.
    So if average/good players want to come in and critique/slam/flame me for my play I welcome it. I want to stop being this level of scrublord.
  4. KnightCole

    Lol, thats not absolutely horrid. 1.9 is near a 2.0. About the only way you truly do get a really high KD is:

    A: Stop attacking posts, especially outnumbered.
    B: Dont try to pressure the post to much, if it starts to look like its heavily contested, dont keep rushing into it
    C: Take advantage of spawn room camps and shoot what you can...

    Basically, overall, its about cheese tactics.

    that hour of play you got 44 kills, thats not to bad really. Might not be a 1KPM, but its fine imo....

    When I used to play hardcore and really try for posts and attack and defend and actually play, I was about a 3.75, had up to a 4 something.....I would single handedly defend Amp stations and tech plants from 3-4 guys for atleast 30 minutes at a time, raking in kills.

    But really, your 1.9 there, thats not that bad, especially if you are actually out playing the game. Other things to help get ur KD up is kinda pay attention to the map better, look out for flashes of the enemy on the map, kinda always know the general area the enemy is and where they can come from, that way you can be prepared for them. Learn the patterns of the enemy, some like to follow a certain path over and over, some will always attack, no matter...gotta take advantage of the enemies moves. Plus, you just need luck for the Hit detect to not troll you.
  5. Leftconsin

    Thats all basic stuff that I already understand and trying to implement but am simply failing at for some reason unknown to me.

    And yes. KDR of 2 is horrid.

    EDIT. I'm sorry. I'm just so frustrated at how terrible I am at something I'm trying to get better at, but seeing zero improvement.
  6. KnightCole

    Lol, infantry combat basically comes down to who the Hit detect decides to troll and who hits who in the head with the most shots the soonest....so, pretty much, you probably just have to work on aiming at the head and never missing it..........
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  7. Leftconsin

    I honestly don't believe that. Good players don't ever seem to experience these 'hit detection' problems. It is something I see time and time again that bad players like me come around and try to use that as an excuse.

    No more excuses. I'm terrabad at this game. It is my fault. And I'm failing pretty hard at getting better. Always have and always will.
  8. KnightCole

    No, the good players all put every round in your head before you do. So, no, they wouldnt experience the hit detect issues as much. Its pretty much the get around for the questionable hit detection.....land nothing but headshots.

    IDK how you play, so I cant really say much on what you might need to work on. Maybe your PC isnt really up to snuff on playing PS2? Do you generally play in the big *** zergs? If so, your simply lagging to much to really do much...if your only in smaller fights, idk...
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  9. Leftconsin

    I don't have a clue either. I just know I'm bad.

    OK, edit. real response. Can you tell how frustrated I am with how bad I am?
    My computer is a toaster. I get 15-20 frames per second.
    Bullets do tend to seem like they go straight through people.
    I ALWAYS aim for the head. Even if the head is the only thing on them showing I usually get body shots.
    Somehow my headshot percentage with guns I'm using recently is like 22-25%.
    I play with zergs sometimes so I guess I have a lot of downtime.
    The rest of the time I'm lone wolfing and have to check the map constantly.
    Sometimes I go to deep underpop fights to defend for funsies and try to be the hero.
    Just now I had a guy that I swear I put 15 bullets into and I saw his shield drop after like 10. I was using a 143 dmg weap.
    I don't want to think it is anything with my computer or hit detection or anything. IT HAS TO BE ME AND MY FAILURE ALONE.
  10. Demigan

    nah, PVP was advertised to compare your performance against other players. The original idea was "building AI is hard, we need something that can raise the bar on itself and keep the game enjoyable". Even today with technology being more than 200 times what it was since games like Doom, Quake and UT the AI is a tough thing to code. They found options to make them look more advanced, but they still can't make decisions to run away naturally when all their buddies get killed, set up ambushes etc without an almost scripted event.

    And what Zombielores said, the game is about fun. If you get your fun from statbuilding, you should do that. Planetside 2 is pretty hard to be a real "my stats are better than yours" game. If you are always with the Zerg and always have medic support you can get incredible KD's. While the guy who's fighting the Zerg might get his fun out of beating overwhelming numbers, superior force multipliers etc. How can you compare the two? The last one is almost definitely going to have a much lower statistic just because they like different style of fights. Is that a fair comparison? No.
  11. KnightCole

    Oh jeez lol, toaster PC with 15-20FPS? That might be your sole issue. 15-20FPS just simply makes your shots and everything lag so badly. You shoot like hell on your screen, but with such poor FPS, the guy isnt rendering where he actually is. Your PC is holding you back a fair bit.

    In PLanetside 2 I get like 40-60FPS, it sometimes hops around 30-45 and stuff...I can usually get decent results lol.

    I get 20-25FPS in Mechwarrior Online and I get similar performance to you in PS2. Game stutters when the shooting starts, cant really track anything cuz they are more teleporting across my screen, rather then moving. Yeah.....a good PC is key to the start of having good success in a shooter game.

    I mean, there is only so much you can do to improve your self as a player, but if your PC is crap, your at an impass until you can improve it. Your poor PC isnt rendering people where htye are. You walk in a room and dont see anyone, but they are there and your PC isnt powerful enough to render them before htey shoot you in the face.
  12. Liberty

    If we are talking about LMG's and AR's then the most range will ever play a difference is an additional +1 to your LPK. That would assume that player 1 never shoots a target at greater than 10 M away and player 2 always shoots at targets at least 65 M away.

    The other variables you mention pretty much are pretty much even themselves out over larger sample sizes as they fall under "stuff you do while playing planetside" Sometimes you will shoot someone 6 times and they will get away or your teammate will kill steal you, other times you will just put 1 bullet into them and "secure" the kill for your teammate. Sometimes you will face an over shield nanoweave heavy, other times you will face a grenade bando medic.

    The real beauty of LPK is no one and I mean *no one* sets out to pad it, so it is one of the better pictures for aim tendency, especially for heavies (as they have the RL to shoot light armor / MAXes, where other classes might small arms them more).
  13. Liberty

    That right there is your issue. 15-20 FPS is pretty much unplayable if you want to consistently win head to head fire fights. Target tracking becomes a nightmare and you are really fighting an uphill battle.

    Until you can hit 45-60 FPS consistently I wouldn't really bother. This coming from someone who started out on a machine that got 15-20 FPS in large fights and 30-45 in smaller. I now sit at ~120 FPS and the difference is night and day.

    Sometimes if I play for a while and don't restart, I'll dip below 40 (used to hit 25 with the memory leak) and I can say from experience, that is partly responsible for the perception of hit detection issues. Once you get smooth frames, you'll be amazed to get those 9-12 bullet kills on other players up close as things will seem really crisp.
  14. IPLAYTF2

    i have an spk of 19.2 and lpk of 7.6

    guess my high level tf2 tracking pays off in this slow movement fps
  15. DrBash00

    So if you are alone, you see a enemy sunderer with blockade armor, it is alert and they will capture the base.

    Now you have 2 player

    player 1: save the 5:1 KD and farm the enemys but loose the base
    Player2:. Take your engie, with Tank mines and blast up the sunderer, even if you get killed 2 times on trying it... but saving the fight

    After the match player 1 says to player 2 " you are a noob, look i have a 5:1 KD"

    Player 2: F** U**

    I would say player 2 is right ;-)

    Btw. i am player 3:

    Doing what is FUN, and dont give a sh** about KDR or KPM.
  16. KnightCole

    Lol, when I see an enemy sunderer, yeah, you could say I "farm" it. To a point. But if im with another player who is attacking it, I will shoot it with my rocket to help kill it. In an alert? If im trying to actually win? Then I will blow the sundy up. But if its just a random fight? Yeah, im gunna farm it, not by standing near it, but by shooting the guys who spawn off it as they get in the base.
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  17. Leftconsin

    I don't accept framerate as my problem because of YOU specifically. I already knew you had bad framerate problems from a thread from a few months ago and yet here you are with a respectable KDR and a respectable name and here I am with the same framerate and no skill no aim me gets laughed at by probably every person that dunks me.

    I gather up a 2KDR with about 40 kills per hour so what if I have 15 frames per second? It is that I'm bad. I'm just a bad.
  18. TheShrapnelKing

    The **** are you talking about?

    Any KD1 and above is automatically above average. Once you get to 2 you're basically in the top tier of players, relatively, despite what people in DA might say - note how they colour code KDRs. Anything from 1 - 2.5 is just considered "ok" (coloured black) and you're only "good" if you have a KD above 2.5 (coloured blue) which is virtually impossible for the overwhelming majority of players to achieve.

    Why are you taking elitist definitions of good? **** them. YOU ARE GOOD AT THIS GAME.
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  19. Fortress

    Dude, I wouldn't play this game if I got less than 55 frames upon start up. 15 is unplayable, I'm sorry.
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  20. zombielores

    I somewhat agree with you but stats do lie, incomplete stats are meaningless stats as they don't include the whole picture, KPH is nothing if you don't have the complete set of stats that accompany it like AVG. Playtime, AVG. Life expectancy, total kills, total playtime, downtime, etc.
    Never judge someone by numbers that can easily be manipulated, but judge someone by how they play because you never know what they could be doing when their not shooting at a enemy.