Tier 4 Implants

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Doomzzg, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Doomzzg


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  2. Vndrew22

    We need NEW implants, not the same ****. Like faster reload ( not like a full sec but around .5 of a second could change a fight) or silent step (so infil's can sneak up on targets to knife). Damn SOE. We know your trying but you need to think a little more out of the box. Your Bursting with Locked ideas, just need to let them out.
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  3. WarmasterRaptor

    Can I say... disappointing??

    New creative stuff yes.
    Recycling and nerfing previous stuff to bring "new" but same as pre-nerf, no.

    It looks like their "creative" team is tired or something... maybe time to add some fresh neurones ?
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  4. Runegrace

    The implant system is turning into quite the convoluted mess. The number of times I've had to explain how implants work to outfit members as-is...

    We need less implants with numbers after them, not more. There should just be one Hold Breath, one Battle Hardened, etc. Simple and elegant is better.
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  5. Pikachu

    Good work with the pictures.
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  6. CuteBeaver

    Wait was sensor shield actually removed from this? or just not "implemented" yet? Happy... because I wasn't looking forward to inaccurate tools. Shocked because I didn't think that infiltrators would be spared.
  7. Doomzzg

    It's in there. Wish i could edit my first post to add it in.
  8. Brad seven

    Are you insane? that would be completely op, the goal of implants is to not directly affect things, they are passive effects that you don't really notice.
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  9. Vndrew22

    True but if there going to put T4 implants in the game, then why not make it a T4 implant WORTH the energy. In My Opinion this would speed up the game even more and help me win a few fire fights I KNOW that I should have won.
  10. Brad seven

    "worth the energy"? Am I the only person who has his energy constantly maxed out. I've got over 200 regular chargers, and a dozen ultra charges from crafting all the implants I've got. So anything that get's put out will be a constant effect for me. Am I the only one who's got energy falling out my ***?
  11. Kunavi

    Battle hardened 4? Is flinch when getting hit so important? I get the shake reduction though I wouldn't sacrifice my slot and energy for that(Did that sound awkward?), but whenever I hit people first they don't seem to become less accurate to any important degree. Same goes for me.

    I think I'll just use EOD4, it's extremely underrated even at level 1. And I have to burn all those Chargers eventually, I'm nearing 600 and I already have about 80K energy... Plus 2 large Chargers. Since the Implant system is going to stay, why not use them...
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  12. TheKhopesh

    The reload should be percentage based.
    Pistols would benefit WAY too much from a flat rate of reload reduction, where as weapons like the Gauss Saw or GODSAW with a whopping 7.5s reload speed would benefit too little.

    A flat percentage (each rank going up say 5%, so at rank 4 you get 20% reduction) would be far better balanced all around.
    No weapon gets too much, no weapon gets too little. ;)
  13. TheKhopesh

    I think Battle Hardened and all it's higher tiers should block only what small arms flinch it does already from direct hits, but the final tier should block all small arms flinch from shots that don't hit.
    (And it should go up from a lower percentage across each tier til it hits 100% reduction of small arms missed shot flinch.)

    As is, it doesn't help whatsoever against bullets that don't hit you, which is BS.
    Why reward missed shots more than direct hits?!
  14. Onhil

    woot more implants that I will use because I have way to many charges. infinite is a number right? I have infinite charges. I'm pretty sure currently that I could stand at the warpgate with a tier 3 implant for about 3 months before I run out
  15. Regpuppy

    This just seems like it adds very little to the game overall, while creating more frustration for players. I was not a fan of the RNG involved in getting my tier 3 implants. So the prospect of adding another tier to this, with another level of RNG involved, frustrates me. Instead of using 25 tier 1's to get the top implant, we're now scrounging up for 125 tier ones to get nearly the same thing.

    Tons of fun!
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  16. Dcrd

    Why not made class specific and empire specific implants? Also implants that have both pros and cons.
    For example - an implant that increases movement speed my makes footsteps much louder.
    Infiltrator specific implant that would increase cloaking duration, but decrease shields, or increase speed while cloaking, but decrease it duration, or increase damage taken while cloaked.
    Let's say, implants for HAs which would increase overshield's effectiveness for NC, increase speed while aiming with an LMG for TR, increase accuracy for Vanu. They could also include overshield effectiveness reducation for vanu, accuracy reduction for TR and speed while aiming reduction for NC or something along these lines. You can make tons of things that would affect the gameplay positively, yet they're only changing numbers.
  17. stalkish

    nope, im also confused as to how when and why anyone would ever even run low on energy, let alone run out completely.....

    The implant system is complete crap imo, and they destroyed an amazing implant / stamina system from the original game for it, nice job sony, well played.
  18. NoobBall

    I hate how SOE always ruin good ideas... and how they add 'new' things.
    Whenever they add new things, it is too weak so they nerf other counterparts like they did with liberator belly guns instead or like this(nerf existing tier 3 implants add 'new' tier 4 implant with same status with old tier 3 implants but with more energy usage)
    Seriously SOE must stop this, you are losing many players because of doing these things!
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  19. eatcow0

    I'm sitting on +700 chargers but, I don't use implants
  20. Cest7

    Too bad they didn't add a faster way to combine implants