Anything new for 2015?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Comet, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Comet

    Hey everyone,

    I just watched on the Planetside 2 YouTube channel the videos surrounding the 2nd anniversary of the game. I didn't understand the Presidential mock video though.

    Is there something SOE is actually announcing about the game? They made it sound like there was a big announcement and a bunch of new guns etc. but the guy never actually said anything. From the comments, it seems a lot of people didn't understand the video or find it funny =/

    Is there actually any new information about the game that's coming and I've missed?

    Thanks :)
  2. Comet

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  3. Yuukikun


    - he community will keep decreasing at the same rate it is now and probably even faster soon.

    - we will get a bunch of patches that will add completely uninteresting stuff to the game while adding an amazing amount of new game breaking bugs

    - SOE will reduce the amount of double xp weekends because free stuff for loyal players is a joke

    - forumsiders will run out of OP stuff to cry for nerfs about so they'll start crying about weapons like the spiker or ZOE max for nerfs

    - Higby will still be repeating that the game is better than it never was before while people post on reddit and the official forums pictures and videos about the hundreds of new bugs that 2015 will offer to us

    - More employees from SOE will quit their job because of the amazingly bad environment PS2 workers have.

    - More new ugly helmets

    - More bugs

    - More hackusations

    - More people using the forums as their diary

    - Less players

    - More bugs

    - A new continent for low br players to have a bit of fun before they reach normal continents where they will immediately quit the game because they will have known that the game could have been so much more fun

    - One patch will probably delete everyone's directives progress again (and mysteriously won't be able to be restored)

    - One player will ask about 2016 but no one will reply because the game will die in 2015

    - SOE will still have made some profits because they have a monopoly of this game ''genre'' even though they don't deserve it

    What are you saying? I'm being negative? Wait i was just listing the positive part of the list..
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  4. MotionBlured

    So could we get an answer from someone who isn't here purely to crap on a game they clearly don't like?
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  5. nuclearunicorn

    I posted that there asking people to think what they thought the big announcement was. The conclusion i've come to is that the announcement was the new low level map for new players. Which is great but as someone who already knows the game in and out it doesn't mean much to me. I was really really hoping for the continental lattice. The only other hope i have is that the announcement they were talking about is still yet to come, but i don't really think it is.

    I try to be positive but honestly with the disappearance of the road-map it doesn't look good. I'm pretty mad about it honestly. I've spent alot of money with the mindset that i was helping the game reach those goals they had set.
  6. Yuukikun

    I don't crap on the game, the game has the biggest potential i've ever seen for a long time, but god the management is crap, and deserves to be called out.
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  7. OldMaster80

    Current situation is devs run low on resources as most of them is focused on the PS4 version: this mainly means PS4 UI (gamepad stuff) and a new tutorial island which will mainly be used as training while the rest of the game gets downloaded.
    Once this is done they will hopefully implement all those things they've started but never finished: Missions System Phase 2 and 3, and the rest of the resources system (ANT run and all the rest).

    Yes you do.
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  8. Yuukikun

    Nice 5 year old argument you brought me here.
  9. Halo572

    Yuukikun isn't being that unreasonable.

    30 months into development this is all there is?

    Think about if you had spent 30 months on a project full-time even without the same resources and consider how satisfied you would be with your endeavours. Scaled up it makes it even worse.

    Any normal person would have started with a gaming concept, this has just been a graphic engine demo development exercise that just so happens to allow people to play TDM in it and beyond belief there still seems to be no gaming concept on the horizon 2 1/2 years later.

    Closest I can compare to the current mentality is Garry's Mod. Steam Charts says that has an average of 25k players, 51k peak and to be perfectly fair it says what it is on the store page and delivers it excellently.

    PS2 has 8k peak, maybe 1k offpeak and shrinking, pretends it is a deep strategic title and delivers appallingly.

    The only glimmer of hope that I could offer this title is that it can never get near the abomination that is SMNC. The last update there was now 20 months ago and Uber have left it up to see if they can milk any more money out of the 150 global player base or anyone stupid enough to download the installer.

    SOE created the hype around this title and in 30 months they have delivered t-shirts, weapon skins, hats and the PR disaster of a player spotlight which has been turned into a public mocking exercise by the very people that play it.

    What does 2015 hold for PS2 other than a console release? No idea but if you start with the expectation of absolutely nothing - which I was at 6+ months ago - then you certainly won't be disappointed.

    Listen to their PR department and you really are going to be very upset in another 12 months and 42 months later.

    Although I doubt even that can dent the rose tinted view that some have to this title, with their deluded cries of 'give them time this WILL be the best FPS eva'.
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  10. Pikachu

    I think by the end of 2015 ICL will arrive.
  11. FieldMarshall

    PS2 team is like ~50 people. Minus the people who are working on the PS4 version.
    I think they are doing ok considering their resources and manpower.

    Someone should link the post made by that dev that quit about how much pressure there was fro mhigher ups to get a f2p game like PS2 to make money.
    That they really wanted to make a fun and exciting game, but that they had to be agressive in trying to get money from it, or they would simply loose PS2 altogether.

    There is always someone higher up that dictates how things are run.
    The PS2 team have to answer to someone, and i think that if they would just invest a little more in PS2 to get it running smoothly and advertised properly, they would gain more of a profit in the long run.
    And wouldnt have to compromise between making a fun game and a money making game, as both will happen naturally.

    I used to bash on the PS2 team for making wierd random and bad decisions that nobody wants or likes.
    Digging a bit deeper than the cold corporate facade made me understand some of it a little more.

    There is probably a dev sitting there going "It would only take me 2 days...I want to fix the ZOE... =[" and the guy next to him pats him on the shoulder, without saying anything.
    Then they both silently start crying as they go back to working on coding more implants that nobody wants.
    Ok probably not. But you get the point.
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  12. Goretzu

    I don't know about new information, but supposedly coming is:

    - Battle Isles.
    - Proper nanites system (with Sundy ANT module).
    - T4 (and maybe eventually T5) implants.
    - Engi auto turrets.
    - New knive system.

    Other than that, who knows (to be honest I doubt anything much will occur till the PS4 version is out and the inital Live bug issues are sorted with it).
  13. CNR4806

    The most funny thing I see from your list is that only the first two are absolutely essential, and we haven't even heard of either for a very, very long time.
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  14. Goretzu

    Pretty much everything has been sacrificed on the altar of PS4, I think, although to be honest I can't really blame them for that, SOE is a business in the end.

    Just have to hope that once the PS4 version is out they start real game development again (for PC and PS4).
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  15. Auzor

    I wonder about that PS4 release..
    PS4 has some fps of it's own to compete against..
    PS4 would bring new people unused to the PS2 "air game"

    and I also wonder:
    how many PS4 players would find the current weapon balance acceptable, even only "infantryside" between the factions?
    Orion & SVA-88 vs MSR-W & Carv-S for example...
    I think SoE would be better of doing a serious re-balance patch, differentiate weaponry between factions, before putting it on PS4;
    but I'm semi-hopefull that after a PS4 release they'll have to rebalance stuff.
  16. Thesweet

    Hopefully. I would really like to see the full potential of ps2.
  17. patrykK1028

    They keep working on new bugs to come.
  18. Waratorium

    I don't think battle islands are really essential- heck, on Briggs they wouldn't even function because on Briggs we have 3 continents locked at all times.

    A redesign of how bases work is something we need though- currently cutting of a base from the lattice network is more or less meaningless. This can be fixed by either

    1# Redesigning the resource system
    2# Making bases that are cut off have penalties- e.g. no spawns, terminals don't function, stuff like that.
  19. hawken is better

    We've gotten new ES sniper rifles, assault rifles, carbines, SMGs, and shotguns.

    Enough with the Higby excuses, can we get some Higby new LMGs, or are we going to have to wait another year?
  20. Jbrain

    You know what breaks my heart. I have dumped a ton of money into PC version of planetside 2 so that developers see we support them and want them to keep improving the game. The people in charge of Planetside 2, the shot callers so to speak don't see to be gamers of ANY type except maybe monopoly. If they were gamers they would be the happiest guys on earth because of the shear amazing potential this game has with the right changes. I have put money into this game for stuff I didn't need but I did because I want to support it.

    I feel sony has kicked us as pc gamers In the groin and stole our wallet to go pay for the console version instead of using our support to make this game the best damn shooter ever invented. I honestly don't know what else to say.. on 1 hand I am very thankful for the devs who do their best, but very disappointed has taken so long to do so little. When is the last time we had a new round of weapons.. and im not just talking 1 new gun per faction.. how about the nc max getting us a medium range option we been begging for and the other factions get the shotguns they want so bad on their maxes.. That is just 1 of the simplest things to fix that could be done. What about adding in battlegrounds.. where you que for a siege of a base with 24 or 100 on each side depending on what people prefer.. each side gets a change to offensive and defensive. How about fixing the spamable items during sieges.. aka droping c4 every seven inches...nades raining down like confetti, and anti vehicle rockets

    With some support from Sony, this game could be the best shooter ever made.. and it breaks my heart they cant even see it.. People from call of duty, battlefield, and counter-strike communities would come also. I know this game has that much potential