Has TR become the 'win' faction now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kidou, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Fatal_Finn

  2. Harmaakettu

    I sometimes laugh at the people whose criteria on playing in a certain faction is whatever perceived OP weapon they happen to have. Having played a single TR character since the beta I have never felt a reason to make an alt (Okay, I have two alts for VR testing purposes) to jump and abuse some FoTM weapon and I just can't comprehend the mindset of these people.

    Can they not adapt? Do they always feel like if they can't beat it they must join it? Do they really have to have the most powerful weapons to compete? I've dealt with whatever was "OP" in the NC/VS arsenal for two years just fine. Missed the ZOE though because I was unable to play at the time and I just unlocked the Striker after the revamp. I've done some banshee cheesing, I admit, and I can see where the complaints come from although some of them are somewhat exaggerated.

    I'm not against playing multiple empires to experience all the content in the game. But people who change the side they play on JUST to piss on others by abusing a mechanic that performs even slightly better than others. That's the reason I quit WoW. I liked the PvP, but the arenas were just dominated by FoTM class combinations. I liked sticking to one or two classes and was then penalized for it because I didn't have one of every class for the chance that one of them becomes the next pick of some MLGpro streamer who found out a way to abuse it in some combo.

    And I hate when it happens to the class/faction/gun you play with. For a long time you play with what you've picked and suddenly something changes or new things come out and suddenly you're getting hated on for sticking to what you like during the good and the bad times. I feel sorry for the Vanu who genuinely enjoy the Orion/SVA-88 and now they are being called on as abusers because suddenly 0.75x movement multiplier is the new FoTM thing to abuse and hate on.
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  3. bookbook

  4. AdmiralArcher

    except the purpose of a tank is to fight other tanks in this game and kill sundys....and it fails quite often in that department unless you get crazy good positioning with lockdown
  5. bookbook

    They can't afford to lose, then want to NERF TR and NC

    im NC Never complain
  6. z1967

    A small increase in the uniques for the Banshee supports your statement. 4th faction gonna 4th faction I guess.
  7. CNR4806

    It is the only counter to the age-long VS late night overpop from Asian players (which said time period is their prime), which Aussie timezones aren't too far away.

    I for one welcome the not-exactly-fresh blood from Briggs to even things a little for the late night hours (which was basically VS "playing" Ghostcapside with overwhelming pop while everyone else eats dirt), as well as seeing some big names I know from my days in Briggs NC.
  8. Archlyte

    Yeah Connery is pretty much borked right now due to TR overpop, especially late PST. It was VS before that so pretty much business as usual. I'm hoping someday NC will get a turn. Maybe if they get rid of our yellow paint scheme.
  9. HadesR

    TBH it seems more like the normal game of " Connery OP musical chairs " ...

    ( As an example )

    PPA nerfed > Move to the Banshee.. After the Banshee tweaks it wouldn't surprise me if NC get a pop boost for w/e item they have that's allegedly OP ..

    It does seem to be standard procedure on Connery at least .. Add in the Briggs lot and hey presto ...
  10. z1967

    Uh, NC on Connery has usually traded places with VS for highest pop. This is one of the first times in recent memory that the TR pop has been this high (in percentage).

    Not that I like the overpop, it sucks and I would rather play underpop. Which is kinda why I have started playing my VS alt more.
  11. Archlyte

    There has only been one period post-beta that NC has had a consistently larger Pop through the 24 hour cycle. VS have owned Connery for a while.
  12. Whiteagle

    This rebels think their libertarian overloads and eldritch technology will save us, but it is only with our combined, UNITED WILL that we shall persevere through this crisis!
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  13. Ronin Oni

    Only Banshee.

    Ravens are on deck too.

    Oh, and if TR ever gets what they want and Vulacn and Marauder swap roles (Vulcan becoming ground Banshee and Marauder a vehicle mounted Fracture of sorts) that will end up being a nerf. Mark my words. The Marauder is actually the top performing ground AI now, and Banshee is getting nerfed, and Fractures aren't that great, I'm sure it'll just be a weaker Enforcer AV and the Halberd would still be better for range, whereas the Vulcan is currently great in close and awesome on Harassers.

    So TR are actually begging for a nerf... it's kinda funny... but since I play TR too... I kinda fear it.
  14. SpartanPsycho

    but i like jackhammer. :oops:
  15. SpartanPsycho

    No you won't.
  16. SpartanPsycho

    Banshee is not OP. I think it needs a AoE nerf and a direct hit nerf, but a magazine buff to compensate. I think that a 100 AoE a 330 direct with lower spread, velocity buff and 1000 rpm with 35 in default magazine would be cool. Defintely DAKKE with 1000 rpm
  17. JDCollie=VX9=

    Don't misunderstand me, I don't want VS or NC overpopulated either. It sucks for the underpopped, because they get roflstomped, and is kinda boring for the overpops because it's difficult to find a real fight.

    Of course, there will always be some overpopulation due to natural player flow and 4th faction, but come on, 15%? That's just insane. They can fight both factions at nearly full strength, or focus one so hard that it becomes impossible to make any progress whatsoever.

    I'm not blaming TR per se; however, I am blaming R18. Go back to Briggs (or if you're going to stay bring some enemies with you).
  18. Ronin Oni

    I don't believe I said it was. (Though it kinda is. I have it, I use it, I ♥♥♥♥ it)

    I agree lowering the damage a tad and increasing mag size would be a good fix.

    I was just saying it IS what's getting nerfed next, alongside Ravens... at least according to the last I heard from HigbyPlz
  19. SpartanPsycho

    Yeah I love it too. I think that instead of hammer nerfing it, we should try to do something along faction traits to balance it. The "its not OP" statement is just to piss off infantry-side.
  20. Slamz

    If they quit the VS to join the TR due to the PPA nerf, rest assured they'll be back.

    Wait til they realize the Vulcan looks awesome but is probably the worst AV option they could waste money on.
    And the Striker is useless.
    And our AV MAXes are good at killing infantry but not good at killing vehicles.
    And nobody wants to gun for their Prowler because Prowler secondary gun options are all basically no fun.
    And our infantry weapons actually make you think about recoil.
    And our SMG options are pretty terrible.

    Swear to god, I'm only TR because we look awesome. I complain about our equipment pretty much every day.
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