[Vehicle] Prowler Prowls

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chad_TR, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Chad_TR

    • Up x 7
  2. Lord_Avatar

    Nice job wrecking the "Sky Knights". Such a pleasant sight to behold... :D
  3. DrBash00

    Lol, so funny... Everytime a Video is called "Prowler" all the balancing guys start to look the Video... I am waiting for the balancing discussion here.... :p
  4. Jeslis

    Uhg.. inb4 another velocity nerf.

    IMO just make planes fly faster.
  5. Vixxing

    Wish you could do that **** with magrider... :( (no you cant 90% of those shots you wouldnt even have an angle to shoot)
    • Up x 1
  6. Chad_TR

  7. ajma

    You can, but it's considerably more difficult.
  8. XenoxusPrime

    I love the video, but i still hate Prowlers.....:cool:
  9. Finalizer

  10. \m/SLAYER\m/

    better show vid to players who think that anchor mode is useless
  11. Zeroeem

    Love the music... What is it ?
  12. CNR4806

    Firing on the move with a Prowler? Shooting and killing aircraft with the double main gun?

    This is awesome.

    So awesome that I think it's time to say "inb4 PROWLER OP NERF PLZ".