Thoughts on the Valkyrie

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jaybo H, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Jaybo H

  2. S7rudL

    I would imagine that as an mlg fast deployment vehicle it would/does a good job duo to its low cost, size and maneuverability.

    But as in a everyday to day farm, it simply sort of,.. doesn't.
  3. Joexer

    Imo It fould be fixed by: Adding an altitude cap. Innate squad spawn , better small arms resistance and.....

    *drumroll plz* flak imunity. (flak doesnt explode because It is too low altitude like irl)

    Diversify the weapons a bit and youve got yourself a troop transport capable of rapid insertion and low altitude infantry support! The angel who choses who lives and dies on the battlefield. A craft worthy of its name.
  4. Dudeman325420

    This was only true until the proximity fuse was developed in WW2.
  5. Joexer

    You dont use flak against helicopters irl... it was more for a reason in game.