It's all OP! Let's start over.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hosp, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Hosp

    Just go through the thread titles in Gameplay Discussion.

    HAs...Shield is OP, Ability to carry rocket launchers is OP. Medpacks/C4 is OP. There's to many and that's OP.
    LA...flying + C4 is OP. "It can get behind me and shoot me with a shotgun OP"
    MAXs..."It's Obvious they're OP"
    Aircraft...The Sky chariots aren't deterred by their deterrents. Each ESF is OP because of something.
    Tanks...Each is OP for some reason and needs to be nerfed. a tank can ZOMG! kill Infantry.
    Infantry...ZOMG! OP cus it can kill tanks! Lockons might kill aircraft OP.

    Heck, the only thing I barely see labeled as OP is infils...and that's probably because their cloaks don't work half the time.
    So I have a solution...

    We start from nothing (there was an event like this in PS1 but I'm taking it further.)
    We all start with some prehistoric weapons that can't possibly be OP.

    TR will start with sticks. They can throw 3 Sticks a second and do 334 Damage each.
    VS will start with hardened mudballs. Can throw 2 Mudballs a second and 500 Damage each.
    NC will start with rocks. Can throw 1 Rock a second and does 1000 Damage each.

    From there we slowly start adding things back into the game and rebalance everything else around everything perviously added.

    What say you?
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  2. SerasVic

    NC looks OP since they can OHK me with one rock and with hit detection / server lag it'ld be more OP
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  3. Hosp

    This game is doomed.
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  4. The_Blazing

    NC rock OP because OHKs in all shapes and forms are OP. Pls nerf NC now, then nerf VS and TR to balance a month later.

    What if we start with NS weapons and then "empire-specifc-fy" them from there?

    Also, what was the PS1 event?
  5. SerasVic

    NO !!!

    If you nerf NC damage you'll steal my Vanu faction trait of 2 hits to kill !!!
  6. Hosp

    Empires lost all their vehicles. Then based on a point value for capturing Caves and/or Battle Islands(i forget), the winners would get credit toward a vehicle. Took a couple weeks but first faction to get all their vehicles back were the winners. Then everything went to business as usual.

    It's wasn't necessarily an initial winner would snowball a win type scenario as vehicles on Battle Islands and Caves were limited.
  7. Degenatron

    Understand that what people REALLY want, but will never admit, is all the weapons to be exactly the same. They SAY they want faction differences, but they really don't. The only thing people are comfortable with is a basic "reskinning" of the weapons. In every instance, they want to be able to mirror their enemy exactly, and if the enemy has a weapon that acts differently, and they don't have access to that same weapon, they scream and yell because the enemy can do something they can't. It really doesn't matter if that something is actually better or not. All that matters is that they can't ape the enemies tactics exactly. It's the most basic, crudest form of learning, and really all most of these people are capable of doing.
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  8. Hosp

    That can go both ways. What you say is no doubt true. Things are so similar to each other to begin with they blame the slight differences (@ the infantry level) for making one of those weapons OP. However, if we had some significant faction flavors in things (as with the ESHA) those aren't to horribly lamblasted. Unfortunately because they're also very situational weapons those flavors can't be replicated among all the other weapon types.
  9. Flamberge

    But where are our shotguns? :(
  10. SerasVic

    Are you dumb bro ?

    When you throw a rock, on impact it'll explode making many small pellets rocks , just like a shotgun
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  11. Flamberge

    Not exactly. Rocks typically don't do that. And if they did, the pellets would travel in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION of your throw if they released on impact. However, the vanu mudballs would probably do it.
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  12. Kirppu1

    Me thinks that you just cannot counter them properly, does not make them op
  13. Kirppu1

    Those are granades, not rocks
  14. [HH]Mered4

    I'll let you in on a little secret: Technically, grenades are rocks.

    Man made rocks.

    They explode. It's a cool feature.
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  15. Hosp

    Not talking about myself, but all the other people making the complaints. (Though I do have a gripe with AvG balance)
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  16. Akeita

    Man made rocks. Yo God, what do you have on me ? I thought you created Earth
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  17. Fatal_Finn

    Only HA shields are OP
  18. Leeloo

    Maybe I remember incorrectly... it has been over ten years after all... but what I enjoyed more in PS1 over PS2 was the combination of these two things:

    1.) When I was shot at I had time to react meaningfully

    The very first thing I noticed playing PS2 was that I die to things so fast, there is not even time to take cover half step away. This mechanic makes you feel impotent, more like a ball in a pinball machine rather than an active agent of your destiny. There is so much that is out of your control that whether you die or not is based more on pure chance. I know that this changes as you get more experienced, but it is a huge threshold for beginners to get over.

    Personally, I would prefer a longer TTK (maybe even double of the current one) so skill / strategy is given more of a chance in an environment where there are simply too many actors which can surprise you and it's over.

    2.) Weapons felt effective

    At first I liked the "idea" that a one armed Burster can't kill a mosquito by itself. TEAMPLAY IS NECESSARY BROTHA!! I thought with pleasure. Then I got dual bursters and it is still not enough to guarantee a kill against the vast majority of players... and I am really good with bursters.

    The more I played the more I felt that weapon designs (clip size, damage, reload, COF, etc.) are purposefully made to **** with us. I do not get that James Bond feeling where a lab is working night and day to give me some cool deadly and useful gadget. What I feel is that they all stop at the point where they could actually be useful.

    PS1 gave me a very different feel in this respect. No, I could not snipe anyone in one shot, but skill allowed me to do a two shot OHK anyway. If you are sitting in a death coffin flying through the sky and I am an achored burster max, I am the last thing you will encounter, because you know... AA beats Air and stuff.

    I understand, that PS2 is much more "epic" and thus PS1 balance cannot trasnslate directly. I am just describing the different feelings that I got from playing the two games.

    I do not know if double the TTK would actually make PS2 better or worse. And I am not talking about what people think about TTK but whether it would make the game more enjoyable. I simply do not have the vantage point Sony has to see the effects of their actions.

    Here is a good read in this respect I found yesterday:
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  19. -MJ12-

    I say you spent too much time in the forums.
    Just go play and enjoy the game.
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  20. McMan

    Why dont we nerf the word "OP" and buff the word "UP(underpowered)". OP stuff which is now NERFED must be BUFFED and stuff that isnt OP must be BUFFED and than doe to new rules NERFED again. Than we NERF all stuff that has ever been OP and BUFF all stuff that has ever been NERFED, which means everything that has ever been BUFFED is now also NERFED and vice versa. Than we take stuff that is OP or UP (which is all the stuff in planetside 2) and squareroot it from BUFF and multiplye with NERF.

    This now means that everything in the game is now NERFED and BUFFED and OP and UP.
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