Boosts Broken

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Mhorlok, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. Mhorlok

    Unable to "equip" boost after purchase
    I logged to Character Select to reset
    I logged completely out of the game to reset

    It shows I have purchased the Boost but I am unable to equip it
  2. rhan101277

  3. rhan101277

    Well I just tried it and it seems to work after failing to equip several times. I don't know if this is intermittent or what. I tried 3 times and it would never equip, then it worked.
  4. Mhorlok

    I continue to try to equip it but no luck as of yet
  5. Mhorlok

    Still no luck equipping the boost...

  6. matt90

    Same problém ....
  7. Scab

    Same problem, is this acknowledged yet?
  8. mer1c

    Same problem here, can't equip it...
  9. Geminiry

    Same problem here, you are not alone.
  10. Waratorium

    Same issue here. 7 day boost, clicking on it to equip does nothing.
  11. Mhorlok

    I still cannot equip any boosts - 6 days now...
    I picked up a 1 day Resource boost to see if just the 7 Day Exp boost was broken and I cannot equip it either
  12. PoxLUFC

    " characters, 2 boosts bought, unable to equip, any update on this?
  13. Noif

    I have exactly same issue too :( I have planty of boosts but not able to activate them.
  14. Weirdo

    almost 2 weeks and no fix.. that's SOE quality i expect.
  15. Swordlord

    I've been having the same issue for the past 10 days, I completed a support ticket on the Website. The reply was SOE is aware of the boost equip issue and they are working on it, but there is no ETA on the solution yet.
    I wouldn't mind getting some free XP boost time for this inconvenience. If we spend SC on something, it should work. It's not like boosts are a new addition to the game.
  16. GlueHead