Looking for new launcher

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Rhin01212, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Rhin01212

    I'm approaching 250 certs, and I would like to get a new launcher. I'm looking at either the g2g (M9 Skep Launcher) or g2a (ASP-30 Grounder). Most of the time when I'm fighting there is ground vehicles around me, but my dumbfire does fine there, but when there is air i'm useless. This being said, I am leaning towards the g2a launcher. But I would like to know things like this.
    • Can the g2a be dumbfired at vehicles. If so, with what effectiveness?
    • Do the launchers (both of them) do a good job of locking on?
    • Can I still kill maxes with them?
    Thanks in advance.
  2. CornyWarfare

    I use the Grounder as my main rocket. You certainly can dumb fire it effectively. It has a higher velocity, so if anything dumb firing vehicles should be easier. A2A works well, but flares do exist, as do hills, purple spears, mountains, etc for the aircraft to dodge. Hitting MAXes works well, but the both the Grounder and Skep have scopes instead of sights, so tunnel vision is also a negative factor. Overall, I prefer the Grounder. Much easier to dumb fire vehicles than aircraft.
  3. Takoita

    I don't think that that bit about higher velocity is still true. And the sights on the default one are terrible when compared to the clear picture the scope provides.

    Otherwise, what the above poster said.
  4. Rhin01212

    Welp, bought the grounder. Turning out good so far :)
  5. Neo3602

    the default launcher does do more damage than the lock on launchers, for example you need 3 rockets to kill a ESF with the Grounder, but 1 rocket with the default sets an ESF on fire causing it to die shortly after.
  6. johnway

    For utility the grounder is a good option it won't shoot down ESF but you can score a couple quick points for hitting something and act as a deterrent to shoo away fighters. Most top pilots have flares or simply just fly around mountains or abuse the fact if they fly downwards in built up areas, the missile will just fly downwards and hit an object. Hell, i've seen occasions when i get a lock and fire the weapon it just blows up on my feet.

    But its more effective then the lock on launcher for vehicles i guess. The amount of time you need to be exposed is depressing. Generally when i know its going to be indoors and no chance of ESFs i would use the standard launcher, but if in the open or there is a chance of ESF will little or no AA support, the grounder is my go to weapon.
  7. Dramonicous

    Or... you join the Master Race!
    Lancer will outperform any other launcher.
    It has almost same outgoing projectile speed as a LMG so if you can reliably hit a ESF with a LMG then you can hit em with Lancer too. This becomes very effective for taking out retreating ESFs. Its also the only launcher that can destroy a sunderer without munitions pouch.
    Against MAXes it does require some foresight, when you know a MAX is behind a corner you begin to charge and then unload 3 tap fires instantly afterwards. Or just dump a AV grenade on it instead =) . Outdoors its a MAX killing machine.
    If your using adv targetting implant then you could use it as a makeshift battlerifle to kill wounded enemies on far range.

    The absolute best feature of Lancer is that it provides no warning to your target, no chance of escape.
    Its also the most reliable way of taking out "professional" flyboys.
  8. Neo3602

    He's playing as the TR so he doesn't have access to the Lancer.
  9. Dramonicous

    I was looking for a clip of nicolas cage saying "Really?" but couldnt find it =(

    Read the very first sentence again in my previous post, over and over again. If you cant figure out its meaning then get back to me.