Cosmetics for cert players??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CARunner, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Auzor

    Making the 'camo-camo' available certs wise: yes please (indar brush/whatever; hossin, amerish ones)

    Instead of certs, they could be directives rewards:
    Kill X players on indar
    Destroy Y vehicles on indar
    shoot down XY aircraft on indar
    Capture Z bases
    Capture A biolabs/techplant/ big base
    Defend indar base B times
    Congrats, you've "mastered" indar;
    per tier, a "indar camo".
    The "final" reward per continent could be something cosmetic, over 4 continents you have an armor set.
    Issues: players have already bought indar camo's obviously, so you need some new ones that are similar but not copies..

    Bandanas etc: well, SoE is not going to do it..
    discussion might as well be closed.

    All the 'bling-bling' camos (i.e. the non 'camo-camo' ones, like "pumpking camo" etc remains SC only).

    Directives are per character, and getting a armor piece should take a lot of time.
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  2. JudgeNu

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  3. DatVanuMan

    I pay with certs...
    Does that make me ridiculous?
  4. DatVanuMan

    I would like some Esamir camo, please!:p
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  5. DatVanuMan

    Sounds far too complex...
    I LIKE IT! Seems like a good idea; I can still get stuff for free, but the devs are still getting money because the person I got my coins from did pay, thereby reducing or totally eliminating any monetary losses! Good thinking, man!:D
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  6. johnway

    Whilst the idea of purchasable cosmetics using certs is a nice idea, i don't see this coming any time soon. Its their main source of income and frankly i'm grateful that its not as p2w like some other games and its a small price to make cosmetics free (Hazard ops springs to mind at how a potentially good game is ruined by p2w barriers. Huge ones).

    If i cared what i looked like i would purchase stuff, but i don't. Hell, if i did have a vanity itch, i would go to the VR room and play dress up and you know what i learnt? Aesthetics is all meaningless to purchase. You won't get to see it 90% of the time and other people rarely care what you wear. If anything, it will get you killed sometimes. Someone was wearing the white flaming skull helmet whilst in hossin and he stood out like a sore thumb and i dropped him.

    Yeah its nice of them to give us the option, but its hardly an important demand regardless the posts i make at how i would like free composite armor. In fact i could get some if i managed to complete my directives. But i don't really care much.
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  7. BlueSkies

    You pay for cosmetic items with certs? Do tell.
  8. CARunner

    Its really a personal preference in what you want to wear , strategy is not always the main thing. Some players play for fun and don't
    care about how useful or useless their outfit is . ''Playing Dress up'' is what makes the game come alive
    and give you options on your look styles ,whether its goofy or flashy , Cool and tactical , Scary and menacing , the game
    has to give players a choice on who they wanna be in the game.
  9. CARunner

    Love your idea man! Well thought out !!
  10. LodeTria

    I suppose some of the basic continental named camos could be made available for certs, but only 1 for each continent. So Esmair Snow for example could be made certable. Nothing else though.
  11. Runegrace

    SOE's biggest money maker is weapon attachments, stark evidence to the contrary.
  12. Degenatron

    No, you totally miss the point. If you can get that for free, then why buy anything.

    YOU obviously want cosmetics, but you're too cheap to fork the cash. That ranks a big fat "TOO BAD" from me.

    All I hear out of people like you is:

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  13. Klypto

    Absolutely not. Pay money.
  14. Joexer

    white, black, shoot me pleez christmas treez, Cells camo, default(vanu only), and bribe your friends camos and armor are all availible for free*

    You can even get platinum guns, exclusive camos, RARE helmets and alternate Tank guns for bribing your friends!* Its free for you

    Good luck convincing 25friends new to planetside to spend $10 on the two year long public beta for next gen consoles(PS4, High End PCs) known as Planetside 2.
  15. Auzor

    Weapon attachments? Really? Those seem quite cheap in cert cost to me.. (as opposed to unlocking a 1000 cert weapon).
  16. Runegrace

    It was information from a SOE LIVE presentation. Remember seeing some screens of it, basically them talking about how the smaller micro-transactions made more money than big $7+ purchases.
  17. ajma

    To be honest, SOE has been very generous with PS2 and that's probably the reason development is going so slowly. So, again, no.
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  18. Pokebreaker

    My opinion. No, cosmetics should not be available for purchase with Certs. Would I turn down more free stuff? Nope. However, even I, as a SOLE Free Player (never held a membership), recognize the need to keep certain things for real money, and certain for in-game money. People will freely call a F2P developer "greedy" for not including free players in on "premium" content (not saying the OP did). However, when you step back to look, the begging Free players are the greedy ones. Playing a free game, then making "suggestions" for themselves to get even more free stuff. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say the begging types are the majority, but you can easily see them asking for things that are normally bought with real money, to be made available to them as well.

    As a Free Player, I understand there just has to be a separation of Free and Paid content, otherwise those that pay will feel like they made donations, rather than a purchase of exclusive content. Nothing would piss me off more than to have paid for something with real money, then for the company to turn around and give it away for "free" through cert grinding. I personally would never buy from that company again. Hell, I have plenty of time and patience to grind out certs, and do so regularly without boosts. If there is something that I truly want, and is SC only, then I'll step back and decide whether it's worth the real money or not. I often decide it's not, and move on, but that's the choice we have as consumers. WE must be able to control our urge to purchase things SOLELY because we WANT them, rather than NEED. We must also control our urge to ask for MORE free stuff (because I consider grinding a CHOICE, thus making it free to the player) within an already free game.

    You must be a responsible consumer and consider that SOE is a business, that is already producing/maintaining a free game. They must make money to have a reason to continue, and they do so through boosts, memberships, and cosmetics (and certain dual purchase items). Sometimes businesses will give out promotional tastes of their premium stuff, to try to draw people in to make purchases, but that is a temporary stategic move to hopefully spark purchases.

    This is not an attack on OP in anyway, but more of a defense of the image of Free Players.
  19. Whatupwidat

    If you'd been playing FTP since beta you'd also have the "Loyalist Camo" ;P

    It's much sexier than the Cells Camo and makes my behind. Look. AMAZING :D
  20. Klypto

    Then go pay for what you want to wear. Nobody is stopping you.
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