Nvidia and PS2 updates make game unplayable

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by rockhead101, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. rockhead101

    The game is now unplayable after PS2 and Nvidia driver updates. I'm not the only one having this problem. What driver works for PS2? Sony is a huge company, so why can't they get a driver from Nvidia that is optimized? Right now I just want one that works. players are just bouncing all over the place. Friendly players won't even materialize until I'm on top of them. Still getting 100fps. NOT my computer. 4770K with 2 770 GPUs and 32M RAM. It used to play great. After SOE updates and Nvidia driver updates it doesn't. Need help!
  2. user101

    I run into this last night ... ran right through the enemy and did not see them until I got shot from behind. They did not show up 10 meters away. Did not even see the bullets coming.

    I know these bug are coming from PS4 updates and your making it better...???? Yes I have 120 PFS now also. But everyone needs to be on the same page.... Nvidia and SOE. Not SOE running DX9 and Nvidia running DX11.
    Driver 344.60 supports DX11 not DX9 and yes they are different in how they handle some things.

    SOE lets catch up with Nvidia. Show us that Dev magic. The SOE PS2 terminals need to be in DX11... so we can see them at least a little red icon over them does not count as a terminal, they keep vanishing in the game.
  3. chevyowner

    The issue of players not showing up correctly is highly likely a server issue, and not caused by your computer hardware. It could also be a client issue in that the client is requesting the wrong players to be loaded. Those issues will not be fixed by changing from DX9 to DX11.

    There may be a performance gain by changing to DX11, but I don't know. Regardless changing from DX9 to DX11 will not fix the client and server issues that are there right now.
    • Up x 1
  4. Ultramarine

    My nvidia is actually getting about 15fps now and switching weapons makes my character pull out the same gun but won't fire anymore... I've got an i7 and a GTX 660 so it's not like I don't meet the specs
  5. chevyowner

    What i7 exactly? How much ram? A GTX 660 should do much better that. I admit I have 2 GTX 660s in SLI, however they don't go above 50% usage each. The lowest FPS I normally see is about 35-40. I have not edited any *.inis I am just using custom graphics options.
  6. user101

    Ya - 15 FPS is really bad... turn off shader cache, turn off all the filtering . set all frames to 1. in the video panel for the v-card --- even last night it was running in the 40 and 60 range for me - on high in battles when I could see the enemy.

    Not seeing stuff in the game that's an SOE & the driver stuff problem. Load the 344.60 driver... it runs great. Make sure your restart the PC after.
  7. Ultramarine

    It's an i7 36Qm 8GB of ram and these problems were when on low graphics. I used to play everything on high and get 40 even in the worst of battles. My CPU also is never utilized beyond 53%, but the game says the CPU is my bottleneck...

    Edit: I am installing that driver so we'll see if anything changes.
  8. user101

    Try turning down the number of audio channels in the game to like 35. That may help. The last 5 or 6 updates my GTX470 fan is on high mode all the time it never slows down. It's just a heat maker with this game.
  9. Assassin22

    min mark 3:00 here are some answers to why they will not go to DX11
  10. chevyowner

    Is this a notebook/laptop? If so the 660m is not as good as the desktop 660.
    I know about the poor CPU usage from PS2 I have yet to see more then 15-25% usage, and yet the CPU is the cause over 75% of the time.
  11. Ultramarine

    Alright, made the driver update, changed the audio channels, and I increased my graphics quality to high by another recommendation and my FPS went up to about 35 in battles with the GPU bottleneck. I guess better graphics means less cpu load? It is the 660m by the way, but it still plays Crysis 3 on high/maximum and gets 40FPS and pulls the same at max on MWO and even better at max with Titanfall(except textures).
  12. chevyowner

    I did not think about it earlier, but I had something like this happen last night also, hmm.... I was running one way and someone appeared out of no where about 1 foot away. We both started backing up in the same direction, and shooting each other in the back. I lost that one. The game was showing me I was getting shot from the rear, and I saw his back and was shooting it. Yes it could have been someone else, but for me I only saw one other player. This was also baking up towards a wall.