Cheaters or P2Win-ers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by orangejedi829, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. MarkAntony

    These are just people who have put work in their aim or otherwise have superior hand-eye coordination.
    I am a distinctly above average player. But I am also smart enough to realize that there are people like me, and then there are people who have 30%+ accuracy with full auto weapons and a 50% headshot rate. They just play in a different league. Don't be accusing them of cheating.

    Or better yet: Don't hate, appreciate. I do. (watching vids of good players can be fun, entertaining and educational.)
  2. Liberty

    This argument is always hilarious because it always comes from mediocre players looking for a way to excuse their mediocrity while insulting someone who performs better than them at one of their hobbies.

    The reality is, it is possible to balance your life between work, social stuff, and your hobbies and still be successful (or at least happy with) all three.
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  3. Irisyn

    The Cyclone is the single best SMG in the game, arguably the single best gun in the game, available for only NC.
  4. LegioX

    When did I insult someone? You are reading to much into it. In the previous posts I have made, I have stated that their stats are better than mine. So your argument is invalid.

    But whatever, believe what you want. I'm not going to get into b*tching contest with someone on the internet I don't give two sh*ts about.
  5. DatVanuMan

  6. DatVanuMan

    That weapon is the bane of my VS character...
    Fear the storm that that... that MONSTER carries.
  7. SeanFree

    AC baby, combined with the best class/gun combo in the game, the Orion.
  8. Shanther

    Someone is salty. News flash, it isn't the gun its the player. Go watch Visigodo use an MSWR.
  9. SeanFree

    I'm 100% aware that these guys are so good that they can dominate with anything, thanks for not enlightening me in the slightest. However, there's a reason the l33tfits main VS. FCRW, DA, AC, ZAPS (when they still played) etc.
  10. Shanther

    Considering they have all been playing VS since beta...sure.
  11. SeanFree

    Yeah, because they're smart players who put themselves in the best position to win. If one is in the top 1% of players, combine that with heavy assault (the premier infantry killing class) and the Orion (the best LMG in the game, even if by a slim margin) then you tend to win. A lot.
  12. Shanther

    You are still acting like the gun is doing all of the work.
  13. orangejedi829

    Oh lol actually 9:12 wasn't a direct hit. Check it:

    As cool as that explosion was, the one I was referring to was a point-blank shot, when you were standing a doorway. I think it happened before the start of your video.
    Hmm, I see. What about the BLITZ GD-10? It has lower damage but a significantly higher ROF and double the clip size of the Cyclone.
  14. SeanFree

    I don't understand why you think this. I'm saying that the best players use this specific gun because they're smart and know what they'll do well with, as I said in an earlier post they can do it with pretty much anything, it's just the Orion is the best option so they use it. It's the exact same situation on the Cyclone, the best SMG in the game. People use it because it's good and you give good players good guns and they dunk normal players even harder.
  15. Keldrath

    It does do a lot of the work. You get a distinct advantage over someone using say an Anchor or a CARV. Even at equal skill in a 1v1 the Orion is going to win 9 times out of 10 simply because the guns better and has that juicy .75x movespeed. Makes you much harder to land headshots on than someone using a .5x gun.

    It's a really good gun, and a headshot machine.
  16. Posse

    No it doesn't, I get better stats with every single LMG (including the Polaris, which sucks really bad) than 99% of the playerbase gets with the Orion.
  17. Yuukikun

    If you have any brains, you will agree with me with this:

    If we have 4 players with the exact same skill level (every aspect included), a team of 2 working together will be able to beat 2 guys coming one after the other. This means Team of 2 players > 2 times 1 player

    Now that you agreed to this, you automatically agreed to the fact that being in a coordinated group (aka team/squad/platoon/buttbuddies) multiplies each player's individual skill in this manner.

    T(x) = kxs where T is the team's skill value which depends on x which is the amount of players. Then s is the skill of an individual player and k is the skill multiplier, and since k(2)s > 1s+1s as we agreed earlier, it means k is a positive value.

    Now if we take a random number for k such as 1.5 and an s of 1 let's see what happens:

    T(2) = (1.5)(2)(1) we end up with 3 total skill for the team compared to (1)(1) + (1)(1) for the individual players. We end up with a difference of 1 skill value between the 2 groups.

    Now if we double the skill of the players (all 4 of them), we will end up with this:

    T(2) = (1.5)(2)(2) = 6 and (1)(2) + (1)(2) = 4
    The difference between the 2 situations is now a skill value of 2. What does this mean? It means that individual skill is the most important thing for the benefit of your team. You can always say '' I can just bring more people'' but you have a cap per continent, and if you consider your faction as a team, your only way to help your faction in a maxed out (pop wise) continent is to improve your individual skill value.

    Also, even if we removed the pop cap on a continent, there is a negative marginal relation with the addition of people because you will reach a point when there are going to be so many people that they will be a hindrance to each other (aka team killing and other such things), which means that at one point, adding more people will decrease the team's value (we can already see this happen in 96+ vs 96+ fights in some occasions)

    In other words you can't say you care about your outfit's skill more than each individual's skill because your outfit's skill is directly dependent of each individual's skill.
  18. Kentucky Windage

    If we're going to insult one another there is no need to continue.
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  19. DatVanuMan

    What IS AC? I know it's an outfit, but which one?
  20. Shanther

    AC is AC.
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