VS or NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mezramort, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. IberianHusky

    I have a vendetta against the Emerald VS because they're the cheeselords of the server. They don't like to dig in and have extended battles like TR and NC do, so most fights with them either end up getting uber-zerged or the VS will just disappear entirely. They abuse redeployside much harder than the other factions do, which makes fighting them a slog. The /yell **** is just icing on the cake.

    However, the Miller VS really aren't that bad. I'm not sure how they've been post-merge, but pre-merge they were extremely underpopulated, which made them a much more likable faction. Come to think of it, they actually weren't all that different from the Mattherson and now Emerald TR.
  2. sindz

    The problem with the MBT stats are that you cant see how many certs people throw at their MBT's. And certs on an MBT makes a ton of difference as you know. Nor can you see if people pull the right combo of weapons in the required situation.
  3. Alarox

    From your original post I thought you were trying to say it is worthless like I've seen a lot of people do. Nevermind then.
  4. Alarox

    You're saying that the factions have wildly different rates of people with properly certed tanks to the point where it will skew the data?

    I don't see any basis for that assumption so I'll stand by the numbers.
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    i like that people ask which faction to play in PS2 like it is some kind of RTS game with unique factions and unique traits:)


    an identity like this doesnt exist in many shooters unfortunately. especially todays mainstream fps games like Call of Duty or Battlefield allow both teams ingame to use everything as common-pool weapons while having all vehicles as carbon-copies of each other with little to no faction diversity (except the visuals). this is probably PS2's strongest selling point and people tend to forget it too easily
  6. RenegadeHelios

    Okay, now upsides.

    - Lateral motion.
    - Denial of the laws of physics.
    - Maneuverability.
    - Shot drop allows for shots over cover.
    - Best/better secondaries overall, in general performance, albeit by a minute amount.
    - 2/2 Maggie vs. 2/2 Vanguard win depends entirely upon range - past 75m, Maggie wins almost all the time due to maneuverability, closer the Vanguard wins due to high alpha damage and the shield. Assuming equal skill and appropriate actions taken by each side, of course.
    - Magburn allows quick lateral drift, highly effective at dodging at range.
    - You will also roadkill far more friendlies. About those physics....
  7. Hatesphere

    waterson VS were under pop before the merge and many of them still are on the VS, dont hate the all, some of them just want to fight.
  8. IberianHusky

    The former Waterson players I don't hate as much. They kinda just got sucked into it. The Mattherson VS is who I have a problem with.
  9. Paragon Exile

    What can I say? /Yell is just a goldmine of possibilities.

    Sorry :(
  10. IberianHusky

    I hate the faction, not the individual.
  11. Keldred

    VS will welcome you with open arms brother! But anyway. I would say VS and heres why.

    -While NC do have more powerful guns having high accuracy is rewarded more with VS weapons. If you miss with the orion and there is more than one opponent your dead. You can shoot for a year with the Gauss Saw and clear a whole room (don't get me wrong i love the gauss saw just wasn't as fun as scoring head shots).

    -Orion is a good LMG but its really restricted by its clip what you should really try is the SVA-88 or the Polaris. Polaris is VS's most accurate LMG with a amazing hip fire accuracy. The SVA-88 is our jack of all trades LMG good hip fire, .75 ADS bonus, a nice 75 round clip, and a rate of fire of 695.

    -Our MAX's are decent enough with infantry support. What i like to do with MAX's and tanks is put them in a support role. We can't go toe to toe with NC or TR MAX's and tanks. However our infantry is our strong suit and our vehicles and MAX's support this theory in my opinion.

    -PPA wasn't nerfed. It's was changed and personally i like it alot. while its COF can get pretty bad if you have proper trigger discipline you have a PPA that has a now beautiful ROF.

    Pretty much i find VS funner than NC. I've tried each faction and they are all pretty balanced if you play to your factions strengths. What i would say is which faction do you find most visually pleasing. Thats how i would decide.
  12. Paragon Exile

    We should sit down and have a little heart-to-heart, and that'll change pretty quick.
  13. HUDuser

    If you're basing your decision entirely on the weapons then why even post this? Of course NC weapons are superior.
  14. Mauzeraut

    Want the best guns, tanks, MAXs and air in the game and have hopeless leadership that (somehow) throws victory away at every opportunity? Live free in the NC.

    Want the worst tools in every category and still hear cries for nerfs, but win alerts anyway because the leadership is competent and coordinates? Vanu is with you.
  15. NoctD

    You're living in the past - the Mag's main gun and the Saron both don't have much going for them at range. All the Mag can do is whittle away a little at the Vanguard, while each Vanguard hit is going to do serious harm to the Mag.

    You're just a really terrible shot if you can't hit Mags given the projectile velocity advantage of the Titan AP.
  16. FocusLight

    First of all, I find it funny that almost all "I'm leaving faction A need help picking B or C" tread I see is a TR leaving.

    He can't even tell me WHY that is or where they go, only that TR is not good enough and NC and VS is a hard choice.

    Well, I'll be a little constructive regardless, you traitor.

    "VS has no good mid-long range carbines" Pulsar C. The TR Cougar is a cheap copy. If I did not know better I'd say the Pulsar C was a CQB Carbine because I can recall SEVERAL cases where I've engaged VS at point-blank with my Jaguar and have been out-gunned by VS who spray plasma right to my face. The Pulsar C is good. Very stable, very reliable.

    "Pistol: Wooo, VS finally have a good one." I wish people would stop whining about this. The VS has plenty of good guns. The basic Beamer is equivalent to the Emperor for TR, a stable, semi-auto 167 damage pistol. It does EXACTLY what a pistol is supposed to do.

    "ESHW: Jackhammer obviously better. Lasher very situational - didn't like it with a trial and felt kind of helpless although I know it's a suppression weapon or whatever."

    Not better. Different. Lasher and Jackhammer has vastly different jobs. The sooner everyone understands that the sooner we will drastically cut down on the crying on these boards.

    "MAX: NC AI MAX is stronger, VS MAX easier to pull anywhere I want to farm with at longer ranges" Yeah okay I will just stop here. If farming the best is your priority then nothing of value will be lost when you leave. Take care and have fun.

    BTW VS is about 20% easier to play then NC, you are likely going to be more happy there.
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  17. Kulso

  18. RenegadeHelios

    You're just a really terrible pilot if you can't use your movement to your advantage given the lateral ability that's not shared by any other vehicle.

    No pilot in their right mind will goof around in a flat, open area, right out in front of other people's guns. Maggies are best at bouncing in and out of cover quickly. That's the point.
  19. vanu123

    If you want variety, effective weapons at all round different ranges, and a faction trait go NC.
  20. Mauzeraut

    I play all three factions. Current main is TR. Most played character is NC.

    The only thing I miss playing NC and TR (functionally) is the lancer. That's literally it. By the way you instantly trigger with bleating "PPA! PPA!" as soon as a differing opinion appears paints you a lot more than me. Other than an experimental loadout with the canister and radar (...C4 fairy paranoia), I rarely farm infantry from a vehicle. I do, however, do a lot of room holds, and guess what the most preferred weapons for those are?

    If you guessed Scat Maxes and Jackhammers, waddle over to your pantry and grab yourself a cookie. You've earned it. The second by a good walk is Pounders and MCGs, and the distant third is Blueshifts and whatever Vanu LMG that isn't the lasher.

    On Emerald, the case is as I stated it. I fight Vanu more than I play them. I've died more to the PPA than I've killed with it, and could still care less about using it. Spend some time listening to the NC leadership channel on Emerald and you'll quickly figure out what the real issue is. Grass is looking awful green under my feet. Or did you start making assumptions as soon as you saw the purple galaxy picture?
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