This thread again: HA shields

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by HadesR, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Liberty

    What is comical is right now "good" heavies don't simply turn their shield on at the start of an encounter, but wait until they start taking fire or getting hit half a second later. So with a delay, you simply turn it on at the start.

    When you are getting hit from behind, unless that person has bad ping and makes the damage come in all at once, it might be the difference between losing 25 - 75% of your shield before getting that extra 600 ish HP and losing 75% of your shield and 50% of your HP and still getting that extra 600 HP.

    The end result of both outcomes will be exactly the same in the hands of players with average reaction times.
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  2. maxkeiser

    Stop complaining about things that are fine as they are. The game has been out 2+ years. Shields have been in ALL that time. Stop trying to change mechanics this late in the game cycle.
  3. blackboemmel

    do you have useful studies? :)
  4. LightningPro

    Maybe you are wrong or this is out of date? But PS2 wiki says 700 health points
    And why is 2x143=600 even with headshots you get not over 600 damage?
  5. Selrahc4040

    Why was ZOE around so long? Tenure does not equal fairness.

    The main issue seems to lie in the role, or lack thereof, of the HA. Is he a brawler? Long-range Suppression? Anti-Vehicle? Anti-Group? Point Defense? Point Offense? No. HA is all of the above, and then some. From what I can see, when people complain about the HA's shield, they're actually complaining about HA's usefulness in every situation. There is never a reason to NOT pull a heavy.

    Just today, I was doing some public squading. I hopped into an AOD platoon, and was kicked for not being a HA. Tried two more unnamed squads, and was again asked to switch to either Heavy or Medic, or leave. Everywhere I go, I see HA's. easily 1/3rd of my kill/death-feed is HA. This seems to point to the idea that Heavy Assault is the only class worth playing. To change this, you have to give HA a downside, and a spin-up time for the shield is as likely a place to start as any.
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  6. St NickelStew

    Both Infiltrators and Engineers can also be pretty useful to have around. Good squad/ platoon leaders would know this ?
  7. Degenatron

    Let's phrase these threads by what people REALLY want:

    "I want to PLAY like an HA, but I don't want to BE an HA."

    That's what it really boils down to. People who don't want to be burdened with the difficulty of playing their class the way is was meant to be played, and would rather just charge ahead gung-ho.

    I play HA. I play HA a lot. I play it so much, in fact, that when I play other classes, I have a problem with instinctively hitting the Shield button when I get into a fight - which in most cases causing me to toss an ammo box at my enemy and then die. However, I'm the kind of player that likes to rush in and be the first guy through the door. I like rushing and blasting with my Jackhammer, and clearing a room. The HA is made for players like me. The Medic, the Light Assault, and the Cloaker are NOT my style.

    I've been playing Medic a lot recently, working on my assault rifles directives, and ti was a real adjustment at first. I had to learn to hang back, take fewer shots at the enemy from a long range, and focus on keeping the other players around me alive. It's a completely different game and I think that is what most people who make these threads are missing. Classes are supposed to play differently, and what you are wanting is an end to that. You want Engineers rushing just like heavies, and it's not supposed to be that way.

    If you want to run-and-gun,, then PLAY HEAVY. Don't play some other class and then complain when you lose because you are playing that class wrong.
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  8. z1967

    LMG KPH is, on average, better than Carbine, AR, Shotgun, and SMG KPHs. I am lead to assume that it is either the platform or the weapon that is causing these guns to outperform the rest of the weapons. I would assume platform, as all the weapons are out performing their counter parts and not just a few outliers here and there.
  9. Keldred

    Dont know why ppl complain about HA shield its a HA job to be on the frontline pushing forward to a objective. We dont have the mobility of a light assault or the ability to detect and ambush targets like an infiltrator. We also do not have the ability to rez and heal or repair and rearm in the field. Every class has a place. Reducing the shields effectiveness you in make the heavy into a vehicle deterrent. Which lightnings harassers and ESF already do. Just like you wouldn't try to out snipe a infiltrator or run straight into a engi turret. So why would you go head on with a heavy. When i play LA or infiltrator when i see a heavy i either flank or force him to keep activating his shield make him waste it. Its not hard to do. Most heavys reflexively activate their shield. Use that to your advantage. Let them waste it.
  10. Hatesphere

    the wiki does not include the activation cost of the shield for some reason, which makes it more like 620ish HP, which then quickly degrades into two head shot negating the hit points, which i usual dont find an issues when i get the drop on a HA, but YMMV
  11. hawken is better

    And I see no reason to believe otherwise. So, once the platform gets nerfed to nothingness, the weapon(s) should be brought up to the same standards as the other class's weapons.
  12. thenewbie

    That guy knows the art of 'TEH JUKES' and most people don't really know how to do that.

    He may have an easy time dealing with heavies, but the rest of us most likely won't.
  13. Shadowomega

    First NNG/Adrenaline shield have 600 units of fuel/shield power at max, however the moment you turn the shield on you lose 60 fuel/shield power so it goes from 600 to 540 the moment it turns on. While its online its lossing 10 units of fuel/shield a second.
  14. HadesR

    Reading comprehension must have slipped since I was last on the forums :)

    I do play HA .. In fact I have more time played as HA than you have .. So I kinda know every class has its time and it's role and it's place ..
    Still doesn't change the fact AS SOMEONE WHO PLAY's HA A LOT ( big enough for you ? ) I realize the shields could IMO use some re-balancing away from I-win buttons , even though it might effect me in a negative manner as someone who plays HA A LOT ;)
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  15. Imperial Sect

    Just make them decide like engineers do. Either your good at AI or AT. If you go AI your weak against armor, as in no rockets. If you go AT, your weak against infantry, make it a shield they have to pick that allows them to use rockets, instead of absorbing 9000 extra bullets.
  16. _itg

    Disclaimer: I'm NOT claiming the shield needs a nerf. Anyway...

    Actually, most of the complaints about the shield come from people who got the drop on a heavy, shot 'em first and shot 'em in the back, and still died thanks to the shield. As someone who plays a lot of infiltrator, I've died a lot this way, but eventually I learned how to ambush heavies properly without getting killed. However, a lot of times, the proper way to ambush a heavy is to just let him go, because at certain ranges (depending on your weapon) there's no way you're going to get the kill, no matter what you do.

    Also, I've recently started playing a little more HA, and I've pulled a few "spin and wins" on people. Now I can say from experience that this really isn't hard against an average player. If he's going for body shots or he's too far away, you don't have to have excellent reaction time or shoot better than the other guy to win. However, a good player will kill you with headshots before you can react.

    I guess the real question is, is any of this really a problem? I don't think so. Medics and engis are there to raise the dead and babysit MAXes, respectively. You could take their guns away altogether and they'd still be necessary. Infiltrators and light assaults need to flank, obviously. They've got the tools to avoid unfavorable fights and preferably kill their target before he can react at all. Both these classes have some issues with crowded indoor fights, but that's not the heavy's fault.
  17. z1967

    There are two constant trends in FPS games:
    -The first is that the person who fires first starts with the advantage
    -the second is that people never look up

    The first trend is prevalent in kills 1, 2, and 3, where the guy in the video suprises their target or fires first. The second rule is prevalent in kill 4, where he stands in the most obvious spot for a Light Assault to hide and kills an unaware target. Had the fourth target not had a HA shield, they wouldn't have been able to react in time to take away 80% of their shields. Just saying, its easy to explain and its obvious the LA knew what they were doing and didn't try to tank the HA head on.
  18. Alarox

    Shield functionality is fine. I just think they're a little bit too strong.

    Nobody ever talks about the strength of the shields though. They only talk about the design. That's why this discussion is always boring. One side says "let's break the functionality", while the other side says "every single thing about the shield is fine".
  19. HadesR

    Dunno .. It could be an option. Just personally I thought a re-balance of it ( Changing when it needed to be activated ) Would be better that an out right nerf ( Changing it's strength )
  20. Rovertoo

    The only changes I'd like to see:

    1) Remove shield speed debuff
    2) Make shield act like the Vangaurds, once it's activated it can't be turned off until it's depleted

    I think this would retain the Shield's reactive capabilities, but it wouldn't be something that is up for 100% of engagements like it is now.