Will this run PS2 max settings?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Venioxx, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. Venioxx

  2. Harmaakettu

    Not familiar with AMD CPUs but for GPU the R5 230 will definitely have troubles running the game.

    It's usually a bad decision to buy prebuilt PCs. They skimp on a lot of parts and the power supply on that particular one worries me the most. 350W and no mention of the brand or anything. And that water cooling is just unnecessary.

    I looked up the other options and holy Higby with those price tags. They've got way too many extra hundreds tossed in them, so the ones capable of maxing the game out with acceptable framerates are probably within the 1500$+ range.

    Unless you have tons of cash just to throw around I would recommend you to build one yourself. It's not rocket science and there are plenty of tutorials available. And you save a lot by doing it.
  3. Venioxx

    then can you sent me all of the parts to make the game maxed out for 800 or less?
  4. Harmaakettu


    Those sites are a pretty good reference for picking the parts. You can find them on newegg or amazon but I'm not sure about other sites since I'm not from the US. SSD is optional but greatly helps with loading times, including the windows boot time. Money spent on that can be used for a better video card or a processor if you don't feel like you need one.

    It's a good idea to read reviews on the parts and consult more knowledgeable people. It's not a good thing to buy the parts at whim. At least a quad-core processor is almost required to have a good performance and make sure the motherboard supports the chosen processor. It's good to take measures of the case when considering video cards, I could barely fit an ASUS R9 290 in my case.

    Maybe some other people can drop by to give their advice here as well.
  5. Smagjus

    That is not possible with that budget. Also we don't know at what FPS you want to play, neither the resolution.
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  6. Venioxx

    Ok then I need a 800 pc that runs medium 60 or 50 fps
  7. Pandora's Lunchbox

    I managed (at one point) to run it at around 20-30 FPS with a dual core AMD Athlon. I didn't dare go into big fights, but...yes. You may run PS2 on all maximum settings with that rig. If mine could, yours can. Just don't expect glorious performance if you do that.

    I'd tell you to check out SOE's minimum and recommended specifications and perhaps look for some third-party reviews on that kind of thing (more so the latter option, because [following]), though it wouldn't be wise to follow SOE's list, at all. I'm sure some people will agree that they have hardware that shouldn't be able t handle the game at all, hardware that appears to them to be underperforming, etc. The forums are probably the best-working parts of Planetside that actually work marginally properly, right now. ;]
  8. Smagjus

    This system might be an option. I had moderate overclocking in mind so if you don't want to overclock then you might swap some parts:
    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

    CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.96 @ OutletPC)
    CPU Cooler: Scythe Mugen 4 79.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($46.88 @ SuperBiiz)
    Motherboard: ASRock Z97 Anniversary ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($88.99 @ SuperBiiz)
    Memory: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($68.99 @ Amazon)
    Storage: Western Digital RE3 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($48.99 @ Amazon)
    Video Card: PowerColor Radeon R9 280 3GB TurboDuo Video Card ($140.00 @ Newegg)
    Case: Zalman Z5 ATX Mid Tower Case ($55.99 @ Amazon)
    Power Supply: Corsair CX 500W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($34.99 @ Newegg)
    Optical Drive: Lite-On iHDS118-04 DVD/CD Drive ($21.99 @ Mwave)
    Total: $736.78
    Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
    Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-11-02 02:57 EST-0500
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  9. Shalalala

    Ok... let's say you want a PC to run at 1080p with ~50 fps almost always. If you're going for pre-built then good luck - I doubt you'll find a good deal.

    If you were to built it yourself, then we're talking business again. It is potentially possible. Now here's the first question: What currency are we talking and from where are you buying? 800 British Pounds could buy you more than 800 US Dollars (higher purchasing power), but prices are often adjusted accordingly. For example, i7 4790k costs around £260 or $340. Thus, currency matters.

    Next step: Do you have a mouse, a keyboard, and an appropriate monitor already? Do you have an suitable OS already? If you don't then that means the net budget for the computer itself is less than 800, since you'll have to get the peripherals and the software too.

    Last question: Do you care about aesthetics? Please don't. Aesthetics should always come second, when building a machine for yourself, i.e. you don't plan on selling it. Trust me, I'm an engineer. (Seriously I am...)

    If you're answer was "British Pounds", "Yes", "No" then we could rock this game at max settings (maybe not shadows on ultra... that stuff kills framerates). Should your answer be something else... then well it's a bit uncertain if it's possible or not.

    Here's the problem: PC gaming is unquestionably superior in performance compared to consoles, but also crazily expensive and complicated. There is no such thing as an "high-end Playstation 4 for 900€" while it is perfectly possible to have a high-end PC for 900€ or one for 1200€.

    So here's my suggestion: Answer my questions truthfully and then we'll talk again. In the current state, it is, in my opinion, impossible to get you something that will run on ultra settings smoothly. Also think about whether you are willing to settle for lower settings - that would be easier to achieve.
  10. Venioxx

    Well I have the mouse, keyboard, and monitor I just need the parts to build it under 800 USD with 60 or 50fps around high settings
  11. Shalalala

    Ok, great. Do you have an OS already?

    Either way, I can only support the items listed by Smagjus, although I would a more powerful PSU due to capacitor aging - this only applies if you wish to keep your PSU for more than 1 year. That build should allow you to play Planetside 2 and other games at high settings and framerates, especially if you do some overclocking on it.

    Be aware that there are only a few rigs that can run Planetside 2 at 50+ fps constantly, due to the architecture of the game's engine, so don't be disappointed when you start seeing less than 50fps in certain scenarios.
  12. Venioxx

    its good I have win7 and I don't mind having 40fps I am just looking for a good rig that runs on high medium settings around 40fps or higher.