Discussion in 'Player Support' started by C+++, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. C+++

    All of you are asking a wall

    General Technical Support is a joke

    This post will be erased in 3.2.1... for that they are fast
  2. S7rudL

    While they may be hoping for an answer of some sort or even for a miracle fix,.. which is unlikely,..

    There is definitely a lack of something.

    First off, you would want to consolidate the posts since most of them are about hitching which are flooding the General tech.
    Then, you would want to make it very clear and politely ask for any future topics to include as much as possible of your PC specs.

    You know,.. shape up,.. whats up this forum section,.. potato PC,.. what ever,.. ???
  3. Pandora's Lunchbox

    Not if they are on holiday.
  4. Pandora's Lunchbox

    If they had made a game that was more stable, say without this memory leak ********, there wouldn't nearly be as many identical, flooding complaints.