Further Details on Hitching

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. queue

    too late, you can't do it any more. and if you have to ask how, you probably shouldn't be doing it.
  2. P1GG

    This hitching thing is horrible. Flying an ESF is nearly impossible with hitching every few seconds. And as if that wasn't bad enough, I get just as much hitching as infantry. WHY?! I left this game months ago because of CTDs, and when I come back I find this wonderful new issue. Why is it so hard to make a game that can at least run like it's supposed to? I cancelled my subscription after I quit the last time, but I am not opposed to starting it up again. But at the moment, this game is such a frustrating experience, I just can't pay for it.

    I hope SOE stops forcing new content into a broken game. You folks really should stop with the cash-grab nonsense and fix the serious issues before you add new content. And anyone with a subscription or the desire to buy SC should seriously consider not supporting a publisher with such messed up priorities.
  3. P1GG

    Just a little update: I was getting massive amounts of hitching a few days ago, but now I am not. I don't know if SOE did something server-side that fixed it, but on my end I uninstalled Nvidia Geforce Experience and tried PS2 the next morning to find the hitching gone. Not really sure why Geforce Experience would do that, Shadowplay wasn't being used(though it was enabled). Whatever the case, anyone else who is experiencing hitching might want to try that if they haven't already done so.
  4. P1GG

    Congratulations, today's update brought the hitching back. And on top of that, you guys broke the model for the Reaver. Now the thrusters on the wings are all cockeyed. Bravo, SOE.
  5. Bazmatties

    Major hitching problems here as well after the patch.
    • Up x 1
  6. Sgt. Martin

    Man this getting worst... now not hitching but the game is freezing every few minutes and I have to restart it... Diossssssssssssssss
  7. denni49

    1/2 the time my mossie spawns at the warp gate it is upside down ,crashed and burning...real fun radarX ha ha think maybe its time for me to find a different game to play.i am not a programer and personally could care less all i know is i want to go pew pew pew...most of the time thisgame hangs so bad all the players heads are missing..so theonly thing i can do is fly around my own warp gate and look for pumkins any thing eles and I am a dead duck.
  8. denni49

    any deveoper worth his pay check would probably have tried this right off the bat no?
  9. CuteBeaver

    I have been noticing player jitter. Especially when creeping up behind and then trying to stab someone. At times they disappear and are instantly placed somewhere else nearby. I wish I could be more help I will start to shadowplay when these things happen. Iv also noticed my allies seem to warp around too. While unpredictable the problem I am having is no where near as bad as that video. It just feels slightly strange and the warping is generally within 10 meters. The game seems to correct their position in quick spurts.
  10. DatVanuMan

    Headless people?
    Sorry, man. Hope it all gets better for you.
    P.S. When you say headless people, do their heads not render? Or do they not count as headshots? Because I'm hoping you meant the latter...
  11. Sgt. Martin

    No hitching ... now I just got a frozen screen and I got to restart the game every 20 minutes