Can we give up on Faction Traits and asymmetrical balance yet??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gibstorm, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. gibstorm

    I have played since launch and one thing that seems to be a constant is anything that is good and unique to one faction is going to get Nerfed and it's going to get nerfed hard.

    As TR I would really like some slow, accurate, high powered guns. I don't want every single gun to be a machine gun that shakes all over the place.

    Just open things up so all the faction have more options and we don't have to drown in a sea of salty tears over which faction can do what.
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  2. DatVanuMan

    The SINGLE reason why this game is the only one of its kind is because of three UNIQUE factions duking it out on a distant planet almost 1,000 years from now. We should be IMPROVING upon empire specific traits, not belittling them and working on NS ones.
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  3. Drasilov

    Forumside wont be happy until all weapons and vehicles for all factions do the same damage and have the same stats.
  4. gibstorm

    And it's all people complain about all day long obviously people don't actually like it
  5. Maljas23

    Sounds like a terrifically awful idea. Understand that people will complain NO MATTER WHAT. Don't dumb the game down just because people get butt hurt over nothing.

    All my nope.
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  6. Ribero

    This is a great idea. No one will have anything to complain about if every faction has access to it. Take the Liberator for example.

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  7. Longasc

    I agree to both gibstorm and DatVanuMan, but what we face is an ongoing nerf cycle.
    Might work for a MMO somewhat, but for a MMOFPS its even more annoying IMO.

    And guess what, all that matters not at all. The number of players is stagnant at best and receding and so is my motivation. Yeah I cry doom, maybe PS2 was a still birth to begin with, it requires too many players playing to be fun.

    Try to convince people of PS2 nowadays, they tell you a dozen of alternative shooters. The supposed open world approach isn't really winning people over anymore.
  8. MotionBlured

    Are we playing the same game? The majority of weapons lack any faction trait. Factions are hardly "unique".
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  9. DatVanuMan

    The underlined text is what I regard as the most hurtful statement in my time in the Forums. This is NOT true. People are complaining about balance, not special faction traits. Can they be improved? Hell yes. Will whining aid the process? Of course not.
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  10. Munq

    They are already practically the same... They make slightly different noise and shoot different colored tracers. Thats it. There are the differences.
  11. JediNinja

    You obviously haven't been on these forums very long, have you?
  12. AFK1

    There shouldn't be separate factions at all, it only leads to a balance disaster. This game should just have the US and the Russians, or red vs blue, with the same equipment, not locked into one faction, etc

    Currently it's just a mess of everyone being forced to reroll Vanu because of the VS MAX unit
  13. CMDante

    Bollocks to that. We need MORE empire unique kit. Faction replacements for all NS vehicles, engie turrets, medic/repair tools.

    The only things the factions should have common pool are the NS weapons.

    And if you'd like a heavy hitter, I would like to introduce you to the Emperor, the Cougar, the TMG-50, the AMR-66, the SABR-13 and any of our 1hk bolt rifles.
  14. iller

  15. OldMaster80

    The problem is not in the game. The problem is players heads: some cannot accept the fact different faction have different weapons, stats, pros and cons. Some play the game with the idea all carbines must perform exactly the same, MBT must always be an even fight in 1vs1, and so on. At the same time many pretend to see these so-called "faction traits" everywhere.
    As long as this is the mindset, players will always ask for more balancement. But it's never gonna happen.

    My 50 cents: let devs fix those things that are clearly over/under-performing and enjoy the game as it is, appreciating gear differences.
  16. Problem Officer

    You think it'll end there. aaaahahahaha
  17. OhBamaBinBombin

    I have been thinking something sort of similar... Instead of doing what you said tho, I would like to see all factions get a super OP NS vehicle.

    For EX: ESF's would basically get the best of each ESF. MBT's you would have a magrider that could hover, turret that could rotate, and you could choose between mag burner, shield, or TR's faster fire. Cost would be like 750 certs so you REALLY need to be careful, but you would pretty much dominate all 1v1 fights. Harasser maybe just a slight cost increase for ability to access other empire weapons in the loadout.

    I think it would be relatively easy to implement, would probably eliminate much of the nerf talks, and still remain diverse to each faction since still empire specific weapons would be limited to their empire, but would require a higher level of skill to compete against the NS more expensive vehicle.

    Plus many more certs would be spent on upgrading all the new features for the NS vehicle, and as well SC spent for the weapons... SOE and players would both benefit here.

    Another thing I just thought about, is by doing this, SOE could easily analyze data for when a nerf is needed... Ex: If every faction is say putting the PPA on their NS MBT, then it would be solid proof that the PPA is indeed OP enough that people are willing to be spending their nanite resources to use the weapons on their NS MBT.

    *SOE, hire me on your dev team and I have many ideas I could share ;D
  18. Keldrath

    Asymmetrical balance has been gone for a long while.

    If it still existed then NC and VS wouldn't have the better faster firing weapons in the game.

    For example TR LMG's are capped at 750RPM. VS STARTS with that. All the faster VS and NC carbines are better than the TR ones, which the only one over 750RPM is the Lynx, which while fast, is down a damage tier and sucks because of it. VX6-7 and GD-7F are both vastly superior, faster firing carbines, than the TR arsenal, with the exception of the Lynx, all fire slower than the VS or NC counterparts.

    The only thing TR really has their faction flavor for, is Assault Rifles. Which is fine, if you are a Medic. For everything else, VS and NC have better options if you want fast firing bullet hoses.

    On second thought, maybe that doesn't count as asymmetrical balance, it's certainly faction flavor, which is a joke that just doesn't exist. But vehicles are asymmetrical at least/
  19. Takoita

    I don't have the words to describe all of my nope.

    Yes, I feel incredibly bumhurt when some vanu smg out-dakkas the MCG at close range and has enough accuracy a bit further away to compete with SABR. But it doesn't mean that homogenization is the target we need PS2 to move forwards to.

    Even if VS arsenal muscles into the red territory because they don't have much to call their own and NC has a finger in every pie on top of their 200 dmg tier just because.
  20. DatVanuMan

    First of all, what the actual hell? How would this game be more special than TF2 if it were only NC versus TR WITH THE SAME WEAPONS?
    Second of all, DO NOT bring the VS MAX into this. ZOE has been nerfed a long time ago, and the TR MAX performs better than any VS MAX, BUT TO BE HONEST, it doesn't matter on a thread where EMPIRE SPECIFIC traits are being discussed.
    And third of all, everyone is rerolling Vanu? That makes:
    1. No sense.
    2. For a false statement.
    3. For a statement that is saying that EVERYONE plays VS after a certain period just because of our MAX.
    Much sense, much aid... WOW.
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