NC-15 Phoenix

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schizomatic, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Revanmug

    Of course not. He just another random without actual experience trolling the forums.

    I mean, I don't blame him considering that it is more amusing to troll the forum than actually playing this broken game.
  2. Goretzu

    After a sucessful shot and reload first scope in (like you were going to fire, then scope out, and then scope back in again, it shouldn't misfire then. It still slows your DPS down (scoping in and out and in), but not as much as the bugged dumbshots.

    I think 1 engi with maxed tool can actually out-repair 2 Phoenix (2 and a bit in fact) users hitting a Sundy (more if the Engi uses the terminal trick).

    You're right about it being able to hit otherwise unhittable things, but equally everyone else is also right about how low Pheonix DPS generally is.

    To be honest as well, every time I've shot a Phoenix from the top of a tower I've been killed (sniper, cloaked, MBT, Libbed, Lolpodded, Bansheed), the only place I'll shoot a Phoenix from in a base tower is half way up the 2nd set of stairs as that's the only place with enough cover to be (effectively) AFK long enough.

    The problem with Phoenix is well illustrated with your example, though.

    That is every now and again a situation comes up where the Phoenix would be great (and you think "I wish I had a Phoenix now!").... it is just that 90% of the time the situation is you'll be better of with some other sort of RL (and if you have a Phownix you think "why I have got this *****ing Phoenix now!")....... which is why most people only pull them specifically for situations and don't carry them generally.
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  3. Badname707

    Actually, no. Shooting a target you can't possibly kill is about as effective as running around in circles. The cost in time spent is greater for you than it is for the stream of people coming out of that sundy.
  4. Schizomatic

    Oh, well, it's utterly useless for me to even try because X. Why bother? It'll never work. Not in a million years.

    I'll just go hang myself off of Bio Lab now. Good bye, oh cruel, cruel world.
  5. Badname707

    So far as our prior discussion regarding killing a sundy with a single phoenix user, both choices are about equally effective. Killing yourself perhaps moreso, because at least your ammo and deployables will refill.
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  6. Schizomatic

    True. If I do it fast enough, I might just get enough C4 on target to actually dent a deployment shield.

    Be right back. Committing suicide.

  7. Frostiken

    Biggest change that needs to be made to the Phoenix is that it needs to ban you for a week if you fire it from inside a spawn room.
  8. Schizomatic

    Well, just to keep you informed, though you don't give two sh*ts: I shot myself in the head, successfully killing myself to death, came back with a load of C4, but they had already moved the Sunderer. So now I'm left with a load of C4, a below 1.0 K/D, regret, and sudden, lingering sense of doubt and uncertainty about my eventual place in the afterlife.

    Meh. I just wanted to shoot blue balls around corners. Now everything's all existential.
  9. Pokebreaker

    Personally, I discovered the Pheonix a week or so ago. After so long of thinking it wasn't worth the certs, due to the low damage shown in the tooltip; someone put me onto the Wikia that showed the damage modifier on-hit to various vehicles.

    For those that don't have it:

    With the phoenix, I've killed more vehicles and players (Engineers) than I ever did with the other launchers, although I don't have the Decimator. One aspect that players don't care for (because most play for points and not team support), is that while a phoenix may not quickly kill armor, it does often cause them to displace. I can't count how many times I've hit a Magrider perched on a mountain, shooting into our base, racking up so many kills. After two hits, the Driver usually has to get out, or move the vehicle, which in turn temporarily causes the fire from that tank to cease (unless he has an Engi Gunner, which is still one less gun shooting for a few seconds). This pause, COULD allow for friendly movement. So it's seemingly like a form of suppression.

    This sort of harassment could also cause a tanker not to return to that same advantageous spot, because they can't always identify where the fire is coming from, but know they are still getting hit. This happens quite often with Sundees as well, sometimes causing the owner to relocate their sundeee. People can't spawn at that location while its driving, so thats some slight relief from that location. Similar to sniping, if you kill enough people in one spot, they eventually stop going to that spot (it may be a while though). If that spot happens to be one where they had an advantage on your team, then that might allow your team to advance.

    So for me, while it doesn't always net kills, it provides me satisfaction in the team support it provides in the other ways. Causing an MBT or Sundee to flee its position, while doing so from a position they have no way of getting me from, is a small win for the team. Then sniping aircraft and Engi turrets is just the best. I don't know how many Engi I've killed who were on AI turrets at the top of the Small Stairs at the SCU Shield Generator in a biolab. I stand way back, fire the Phoenix, guide it up the stairs, and get a free insta-kill. So now, when I hear an Engi turret, I get excited. Sniping ESF takes some practice. I usually wait until I see the ESF approaching for its strafe, and generally launch before it actually starts to slow down, that way by the time they arrive at strafe distance to slow down, my rocket can meet them.

    Yeah it has its drawbacks of leaving you open to be killed, especially when the round gets deflected and is flying around in the air, lol. However, I feel much more effective with it. Sorry for the long reply.
  10. Schizomatic

    Was jerking around with a max rank Deployment Shield Sunderer in VR Training just now. The bleedin' thing is so ridiculously OP when deployed, it seems to render moot whether or not you're carrying a full double-bandolier of C4, AT mines, AV turret or Phoenix. Pick your poison.

    Anyways, tested things out. Here's the results, fired from the same distance of 10 meters:
    Takes 8 AV turret missiles in a constant barrage 30 seconds to kill a maxed-out Sunderer
    Takes 8 Phoenix missiles 40 seconds to kill a maxed-out Sunderer.
    Takes 9 rockets from the Shrike, the basic NC RL, 40-43 seconds to blow up a maxed-out Sunderer.
    Takes 8 rockets from the Decimator and 40-43 seconds to blow up a maxed-out Sunderer.

    At 75 meters:
    It takes the AV turret 8 missiles and about 38 seconds to blow up a maxed-out Sunderer.
    It takes the Phoenix 10 missiles and 80 seconds to blow up a maxed-out Sunderer.
    It took the Shrike 50 seconds and 9 missiles to blow up a maxed-out Sunderer.
    It took the Decimator 50 seconds and I actually ran out of rockets to get the Sunderer down to 10%, so lol, wasn't expecting that.

    So, for NC weapons, there you go.
  11. Goretzu

    The problem there is that would wouldn't survive 2 seconds (never mind 40 seconds) 10 m away from a Sunderer firing a Phoenix.

    Even 75m is pushing it given that it is hard to hit anything under 100m [flight length] from within decent cover (as you tend to have to curve the Pheonix in having to clear the cover in the first place) with a Pheonix and the turning circle is big.

    Usually I find the Phoenix most viable in the ~100m to 290m flight length range (of course, flight length isn't usually the same as horitzonal distance).

    The reality is much different to the theorycraft.
  12. Takoita

    Besides fixing the bugs, it would be really nice to have a dumbfire mode on this thing.
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  13. Pikachu

    You thought the damage listed was it's vehicle damage? o_O You are unaware that all AV weapons in ps2 have all kinds of hidden modifiers?
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  14. Pokebreaker

    Seeing how I posted a link to the damage modifiers page, it should be implied that I read it...

    However, early on in games I don't usually go looking for game code statistics, for as I don't even know if I will play the game for longer than a day. Plus, so many people way back said the Phoenix was crap, that I didn't bother looking any further into it. However, after many months away from PS2, and lots of comebacks, I was put onto more information.
  15. Schizomatic

    Had to deal with an NC spamming the Phoenix from Crux Mining into Onatha North last night. It was a $##$@$ to find a safe spot to park a Sundy.
  16. Flashtirade

    It's an interesting weapon with a niche role that it can't reliably fulfill.
    Great for vulching vehicle kills from people doing actual damage and annoying Sunderers and maybe instagibbing engie turrets (is this still a thing, I don't know).
    Actual effective range is something like 50-200m (just outside estimated reliable dumbfire range to a comfortable range while maintaining reasonable but not great damage output).
    Up and down maneuverability is severely overstated and overestimated, better at shooting around large obstacles rather than over IMO.
  17. Oreilley

    This post reminded me of some videos I made a few month ago
    Real session begin at 30 sec
    Havn't used it a lot lately tho.

    I know I would have done more kills with a sniper rifle, but that was quite funny
  18. qquqq

    I cry about the phoenix all day check the tag for more info.
    things been broken since the game started, they nerfed it into the ground and its still op,