[Suggestion] Do not display KDR/Deaths to new players - Make it a toggleable option

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Catalyist, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Catalyist

    We all know that new players have a hard time in Planetside 2.
    And there is nothing that tells them "YOU SUCK" like the KDR and Death displays ingame.
    KDRs of about 0.05 are not that uncommon. I wouldn't be happy with a KD like that. Whould you?!

    So how about simply not displaying KDR and Deaths ingame at all? :eek:

    All the player gets to see is his Kill stat. Something that is positive and that he/she can improve on.
    Day 1: "Wow, this game is insane! And I got 7 kills the first try. Pretty sure I can do better."
    Day 2: "Man, that Tech Plant is huge! Today I gunned down 13 people in two hours."
    Day 3: ...
    The player is still happy and impressed, not knowing that he died 43 times to get those 13 kills.
    Hey, we are just nanite clones of our previous selves anyway...

    Of course there has to be a toggle somewhere in the settings.

    Experienced players just want to know that kind of information.
    If a new player is curious, he can always turn it on/off again too.
    At some point, you could also add a tooltip or something that says "Did you know, you can check you KDR by toggling it on in the settings."

    Why are we talking about this again?!

    While it may seem kinda weird at first, I have a feeling this could be neat trick to keep new players in the game and not make them quit due to the frustration of being constantly told that they suck - because they won't know they do :)


    What are your thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? Let's hear it!
    Maybe someone can even improve on this.
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  2. MarkAntony

    yeah because new players totally won't notice that they are dying over and over without stats telling them...

    How stupid do you think they are?
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  3. Bindlestiff

    I'm still shocked on a daily basis by the intelligence level of some of these players who frequent our servers.
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  4. SerasVic

    yes, they are.

    To explain, if you play 2 hours, get 55 kills and died 100 times, you'll not notice that much that you did poorly.

    Then you see "0.55 KDR" on your screen
  5. Brahma2

    So your idea is to make sure that most of the idiots who play this game don't have a clue that they are getting farmed and just keep coming back to provide more free certs?

    Good idea.
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  6. ronjahn

    As a new player I didn't check my KDR for probably a month or two. I simply didn't care, but I knew I was still doing poorly,

    Even without the numbers in front of you, it's pretty damn obvious that you are doing poorly when you are at the death screen at the end of most/all of your engagements.

    The people who want to know this information will find it anyway and obsess about it the same amount. Those who don't care will just play on. This change adds nothing to the game other than an extra click that 95% of the playerbase will click in and never look back at.
  7. Shadowyc

    Dying over and over is more noticeable than killing large swaths of players. As a complete failure of a player, I can guarantee you that every death is pretty much a nail being driven into your eye socket, and the kills barely do anything to pull it out.
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  8. SerasVic

    Any guy coming from another FPS 'll watch this stat.

    And even if 0.7-0.8 KDR is not being farmed, for a guys coming from another game where he had 2+ KDR, he THINKS he is doing poorly, but since he is new player in fact he is not.
  9. Robes

    Im pretty sure anybody would notice theyre dying nearly every 30 seconds.
  10. Catalyist

    I'm just throwing this out here for discussion.
    Yes, In the end it's about keeping the game alive. But it's not my fault that they are clueless free certs.
    I remember when I started out, even though I wasn't measuring myself by KD, I was still annoyed by knowing that I died more than killed others..

    This idea is not supposed to make the game better/easier for everyone, just to make the bad ones feel less bad.
  11. Brahma2

    Meh. It would be a psychological aid if anything... So I wouldn't really care if it was put in place either way. Maybe you would have less people doing the more obnoxious KD preserving tactics if they didn't have that statistic hammered into them from the beginning.
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  12. Catalyist

    Then incorporate it only for the chars created from now on.

    Because I don't think you can compare how a seasoned player checks his KD with how a new player checks his KD.
    The experienced one will see 2.14 and think "****, I gotta do better" and whereas the new one will see something like 0.14 and think "Oh Lord, I just flat out suck."
    If you take away the KDR from them, of course they know they still suck. But they won't feel as bad.
    I tell you, that zero before the .14 has a big negative influence on motivation.
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    I would not mind it being a toggle-able option as long as it not do not display it anywhere. If someone wants their stats to be private I'm fine with that. A toggle-able option to turn off stat tracking period would be a nice option to have.
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  14. Badname3073

    I already suggested this way in the past, to choose, at character creation, whether you want your stats tracked by the game engine or not. That way, even K/D ****** would have a stat-less alt to just have fun playing the game. I do not think the game designers cared though
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  15. Ikarius77

    I Don't see the point of this "medium side" suggestion...

    If you don't like the K/d, or understand that doesn't matters... ask for delete it as displayed stat...
    if not... simply left people play whatever they like... concerning or not... about k/d.
  16. Shadowyc

    If I read the OP right, I think the idea is about blunting the edge of the "I'm a worthless piece of ****" that KD/R might instill in some of the greener players. They'll still feel it, similar to my experience above, but they won't feel it as badly.
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  17. Ikarius77

    Show < ---- >not show... doesn't matters... some people checks his stats... and some people don't care...

    what's the problem?, if the intention it's about "perception" about k/d as a main indicador about the game... don't ask for hide him... ask about his completely suppresion as "Stat" in this game.
  18. Shadowyc

    I don't know precisely what he meant, so that is merely my interpretation...I don't know how to describe it competently, because it's a bit subjective on my part. Like, sometime last night, I checked my KDR, because people were talking about it; mine was 0.45whatever. Highest I've had in forever. Made me happy. But then I remembered that I'm still absolutely worthless and I stopped feeling much of anything afterwards.
  19. Ikarius77

    I Repeat, if the concers it's about the typical situation when you are a newcomer, and after some gamplay, your friend ask... ey dude, what's your k/d... and you reply... k/d??? wtf?, after some checking, sou say 0.64... and your friend starts laughing at you saying that your are a Badddddddddddd player....

    well... remove it entirely of the entire game, in game shows, and all "official" stats... if not...

    you actually have a system when people can check...and concern... about his k/d... or not.
  20. Pardus

    That depends on your personality type.

    As already said, there is a difference between knowing your dying a lot and know exactly how bad your doing against fully certed assaults when your still on your first 10 or 20 certs.