Make HA slower, LA and Inf faster.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Bobman23

    Does this guy seem really angry to anyone else?

    Chill man. A lot of us are combat vets and know all about the weight soldiers have to carry (I was an 11B, served in Iraq.) If you look at trends in body armor in the last few years (you know those gold plates that Ranger Bat. and ODA had? There's new ones beyond that too) we are moving away from throwing on as much armor as possible onto a human frame because after over a decade of war the brass finally realized that more protection isn't always better. That's why we are dumping the IOTVs for plate carriers and the like.

    As for your comment about the ESAPIs, we got those because the SAPIs were causing further injuries to the user and needed to be replaced with something safer. The Spectra backing and Kevlar adds weight but actually works, unlike the SAPIs.

    On topic, I could actually get behind an idea like this for the HA if it didn't come from such an angry person.
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  2. siiix

    i can see medics and engineers being mildly disadvantaged.. but as LA or infiltrator seriously just shut the F up :)

    this idea is complete nonsense
  3. Hatesphere

    the idea could be workable, it just needs to be balanced a bit differently. if you are going to make LA and infiltrator faster by default since they are less durable and HA slower, then HA better get a bit of a default durability boost kind of like the opposite of the infiltrator, 100 extra HP instead of shields. this would mostly be to compensate for the HA not being able to really run away at all from a lighter class.
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  4. ajma

    In the spirit of diversity, HA should be 10% slower, Infiltrator 10% faster while the remaining classes should stay the same, with the LA getting a side dodge that consumes 100% of the fuel tank of level 1 jump jets or 50% of level 1 drifters. Test, adjust and balance accordinly.

    Edit: As Hatesphere said, HA could also get 100 more hp.
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  5. Hatesphere

    so kind of like the hawken style strafe dodge? might be fun if they could get the hit detection issues nailed down.
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  6. BobSanders123

    A man wearing spandex with an SMG, sidearm, recon tool, and a small cloaking backpack sprints at the same speed of a man wearing heavily reinforced armor plating, as well as carrying 5 large rockets, a rocket launcher, a giant LMG with several extra drum magazines, 2 bricks of C4, and a high capacity energy shield that blocks high amounts of damage.

    Sounds legit.
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  7. Hatesphere

    I would love to see some more faction difference concerning things like this, sadly its way to late to make such large sweeping changes concerning faction would be sweet if NC actually had more hit points then everyone else but sacrificed mobility. VS had the most mobile infantry with a bit extra shields but far less base hit points, and TR could be middle of the road all rounders ect... this could even be extended from class to class. maybe in planet side 3. :(
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  8. siiix

    you guys listening to your self ? LA can Fng FLY, infiltrators are frekin INVISIBLE .. if anything HA is disadvantaged even at the same speed

    you LA and infiltrators can complain all day long .. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN !!!! it would be an outrage
  9. Frostiken

    They do have a default durability boost. It's called the shield. There is literally nothing else they can take in that slot except a shield, and they're given the shield for free, which at its first level is more than adequate. The shield is instantly activated with a single press of a button.

    Even aside from the shield, why do they deserve more durability? They also carry a massive bottomless and insanely over-accurate LMG and enough ordnance to destroy a building. If you don't think that the shield justifies the overall slower speed, then their absurdly over-the-top easy-mode weapons certainly do.

    Half the reason LA and Infiltrators deserve more speed is because they have nothing else going for them. Light Assault has no 'unique' tools whatsoever except the jetpack.
  10. Morti

    As someone who never, ever equips adrenaline pump.. yes please.

    I feel naked without flak armor on.

    Kinda iffy about slowing down HA's though. If they did drop their max running speed, they'd probably also have to remove the shield speed slow so they aren't 100% sniper bait
  11. Hatesphere

    that is not an increase in default durability, it is an ability. take 100 hp of the shield to help balance it out. the idea is the heavy frame should just be more durable own its own if its going to be slower.
  12. cykael

    Adrenaline pump is a utter waste of slot at the moment, every other suit slot is infinitely better on both LA and Infiltrator. I think HA should be slightly slower than other classes but above all either ad pump or the overall ms of la/inf should be buffed. If ad pump was a higher value it could actually be worth picking up, or if it would increase your overall movement speed instead of just sprint.
  13. gibstorm

    It's actually pretty good, If you are using close range weapons or C4ing stuff. The extra speed mean you don't have to worry about what is behind you as much, You can dodge fire better and run away from people if you take a wrong turn and get into a fight you can't win cause they enemy is too far
  14. GhostAvatar

    And HA's already have a speed debuff with the overshield.
  15. z1967

    Seems fair enough. Wouldn't mind if sprint speed for LA was much faster but consumed jetpack fuel while sprinting. Just to increase rollout power and total reaction speed.
  16. Siilk

    Hmm... Speed rebalance? Not sure if that's necessary but we can try slightly reducing HA speed(x0.9 or so) while slightly increasing Infi speed(again, x0.9). LA speed should stay as is it.
  17. NCstandsforNukaCola

    So much anger in the post
  18. BobSanders123

    And almost every time you flank the heavy, he pops his shield, turns around, and kills you.
  19. Bobman23

    No, actually, not almost every time.

    Edit: To clarify, let's not exaggerate. I am by no means MLG status, but I rarely have trouble flanking heavies. When I do it's most often because my aim sucks, I let the weapon get away from me, or I tried to engage too many targets at once and ran the mag dry.

    You can't honestly tell me that this is a rampant problem. You guys have just singled out an issue that you want to focus on, and so you try to justify it by any means necessary. I'm not saying you're wrong in doing so, but let's keep this all grounded in reality here.

    Unless of course you were being facetious, in which case carry on.
  20. a-koo-chee-moya

    I main Engi, but I can understand why HA mains say its supposed to be the best class in the game. I mean, SOE gave them the diverse variety of tools to deal with anything. In other games, their is always a stock "starting" class, usually called the soldier, that is the best all around, while the other classes are more specialized. That is HA in this game. LA has insane mobility, Infy provides vital recon to his team, Medic can bring back the dead, and Engi has access to infinite ammo and repairs. Heavy may be the best infantry v. infantry, but without any of the support classes, he/she is nothing.