[Suggestion] Need solutions for vehicle TK mainly

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fatal_Finn, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Fatal_Finn


    Lost my count on how many times I have been TK'd by friendly vehicle. I understand that it happens easily if engineer decides sit behind a tank. But too many times I've been ran over on an open field when there was no one else around or when I was walking on the side of a road. There are other types of TK ofc but I find the vehicle TK the most annoying. Thought about some solutions:

    - Remove the possibility to hurt a teammate with a vehicle: Vehicle could only push the players out of its way.
    - Reflective damage: The amount of damage you deal to teammate, get's reflected back to you. For example, if you hit your teammate with your vehicle and the damage dealt would be enough to kill him, you would die instead and your teammate would walk away unharmed. This could mean problems with infantry blocking the advance of vehicles, though.
    - Losing personal shields only: If you hit your teammate with a vehicle, that teammate would only lose his/her personal shields and you would get the normal notice of team damage/ team kill. Vehicles would not be able to decrease the player's main HP.

    What do you guys think? Got more solutions?
  2. KenDelta

    I love the 1st suggestion.

    I feel you , as a guy that TK roadkills his allies on regular basis I would love to see some sort of change , sucks to get weapon locked when you're trying to run away to a safe location only to drive over a whole platoon of allies and cause grief.
  3. Pelojian

    1) i like this idea, don't see it happening though
    2) how would you feel if you were moving around during a fight in progress and die because some lemming thought it was a good idea to run directly past your rear side just as you decided to reverse because you were taking serious damage, then you die from reflect and loose your vehicle?
    3) don't see this happening myself

    in this game there are plenty of lemmings and thoughtless people. you run over or are run over (or both), you ether tailgate or someone else tailgates you resulting usually in your death because you can't backup to avoid super obvious C4 fairy(or move in other directions because you are between terrain to your left and right)

    I've had this happen in my MBT i was moving through a small space to get at an enemy sunderer and someone with a harrasser though it was a good idea to tailgate me thinking it was a good idea to cut of my retreat and one of only two directions i could move in i got C4 about 10 to 15 seconds later because i couldn't back up.

    the whole point of leaving vehicles reverse space is so they can avoid C4 and the person behind them can anticipate movement and move when a vehicle in front is taking fire and need to fall back.
  4. WTSherman

    1: No, this would make it perfectly safe for Harassers/Wraiths/Magmowers to just turbo right through dense fights, hitting anything in front of them and not having to worry about damaging their own side.

    2: No, there are too many ways this could go wrong to count. I don't want my Sunderer to instantly self-destruct just because the game randomly decided to spawn someone underneath it instead of next to it (yes, this does happen).

    3: See 1.

    What would be nice though would be if you had to be going above a certain speed to deal collision damage at all. This would help vehicles in crowded areas in general, since by moving slowly you could avoid damage to both infantry and friendly vehicles. Would make it a bit hard for Vanguards to perform roadkills, but they don't really do that anyway. If that speed just so happens to be higher than most vehicle's reverse speeds, it would probably save a lot of engies from getting run over.

    Though if you get pinned between two vehicles you probably would still die.

    And yeah I hate it when people decide that it is their duty to push me towards the enemy. Especially in open fields where there's plenty of space for them to go around.

    The repair sundy is quite content sitting in the BACK of the armor column, TYVM. No need to push it forward.
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  5. Champagon

    Have you ever driven a Magrider? If you gently tap a friendly they die a gruesome death instantly.

    The best fix for this problem is to fix vehicle collision for friendlies and enemies. Which has been bugged for awhile now. Once that is fixed by association the friendly vehicle TK will be fixed too
  6. Ixidron

    Vehicle TKs are annoying, I speak as a tank driver, it's incredibly easy to TK, some time I'm static and people die, that's because if you are sitting in uneven terrain the tank counts as a moving vehicle, and if someone touches it, he might die, you can also kill people with the turret or the cannon.

    In crowded battles allies might take a couple of seconds to render, and even the TK might take a few seconds to register, sometimes I see the TK, look behind and yep, dead man 200m behind.

    Sometimes people might spawn inside your tank, killing them.

    Some people are just plain stupid and run in front/behind your tank without looking, sometimes they are just blocking your retreat path and you are forced to kill them to save your tank.

    And may times has happened to me that a shot meant to kill an enemy was blocked by a friendly, not that they were close, no, just same line of sight and bad timing.

    Maybe vehicle TK should be removed if you are moving backwards and sidewards with the magrider.
  7. TraatAdmiral

    A 'friendly' Prowler ended a killstreak of 50 on Thursday. :( Best life I've ever had.
  8. patrykK1028

    That would be the biggest buff to Magriders ever
  9. Brenold

    its all part of the fun. I personally feel bad *** when Im shooting someone and kill him and jump just in time to land on top of the lightning that almost ran me over while reloading.

    or running straight for a head-on collision with a sunderer and jumping right in front of the windshield and pressing E to enter while in the air...

    No there is too many problems with downright removing it and killing vehicles when you kill a friendly is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
    Just make it harder to TK friendless with vehicles because ATM I sometimes run over 3 people I can't see with my mag because I have tunnel vision in 1st person camera and 3rd person still makes it impossible to see anyone behind you. Plus a simple touch is enough to kill.
    Make it so that you have to actually try to kill the person ie. Direct ram or full speed hit to kill and otherwise make it damage and a push.
  11. P1GG

    Just remove damage from friendly vehicles. Done.

    The second suggestion would be terrible and open the door for tons of griefing.
  12. Alarox

    Friendly fire is a good thing.
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  13. Jac70

    I had a situation recently where someone rammed into me from behind and pushed my Mag into a friendly. I also had a situation where I asked for a ride from an approaching Sunderer only to have the driver change course and run over me without stopping. Naturally I spent the next 5 minutes tracking him down and putting bullets into his helmet and then C4'ing his deployed bus.
  14. \m/SLAYER\m/

    they did something with ESFs, now its time for ground units
  15. Fatal_Finn

    At number 3, you would still have to worry because ramming through your teammates would remove their personal shields and give you many warnings of damaging friendlies/ doing TK.

    It is a double-edged sword indeed. This method, however, would be suitable for those who TK on purpose.
    Think this could work. The damage caused to a teammate could smaller if you just started moving with the vehicle.

    What do you guys think, how would it work if you could spawn again faster if you were TK'd by a vehicle?
  16. FBVanu

    We asked several times for the "push friendlies".. bump friendlies out of the way, maybe by several meters..
    They should just bounce off of my vehicle..

    There is another thread going about the Magrider.. how can a hovering vehicle run anybody over?? Makes no sense.

    I don't think that respawning any faster is going to change anything.. what is the spawn timer now? 15 seconds?
    An extra few seconds more or less are not going to make a difference..
  17. TheBloodEagle

    I agree with you. If we go down the route of making vehicle TK's not possible then it's a slippery slope because why even have any kind of TK possible then? We should reward awareness and decision making, not carelessness and derping.
  18. thelonewolf151

    This is death race 2000 not planetside 2... if only we could have spikes on the front of our harasser that would be nice:p.

  19. Tommyp2006

    There's a few issues with trying to punish vehicle drivers for TKs.

    1. It's not always their fault.
    2. Sometimes it's genuinely an accident. Because Planetside 2 physics.
    3. Clientside hit detection often makes players several meters away from where they appear to be. I can't count the times I've ran into somebody who I appeared to miss by several meters.

    Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of times where it's 100% the driver's fault. But there are just as many so where the guy on foot just don't look where they are running, or like the ones who will try to use vehicles for cover while they are under heavy fire, etc.
  20. Pelojian

    Personally in regards to 'crash blame' i.e deathscreen etc if something like a flash or harrasser and is moving near top speed it should be their fault(even if they are airborne near the time of the crash) if they hit a slower moving vehicle and the game should recognize when vehicle A is hit on the side by vehicle B's front side that it is vehicle B's fault.

    Sometimes it is hard to tell who is to blame, just today a friendly flash was driving around and saw me coming(i didn't see him coming) and didn't even bother to alter course and ended up flat as a pancake. when i am driving i expect the faster vehicles to give way to the slower ones since they can move/slowdown and avoid collisions better.

    Ether they should fix how the game interprets vehicle crashes or any friendly roadkill death should be labeled suicide. jsut because the deathscreen or game labels a friendly at fault doesn't mean it isn't your fault.
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