Question about 2x XP Weekend

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DurandaI, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. DurandaI

    Hey, do you guys know if 100% bonus xp is the cap you can get from boosts, I just activated A hyper boost, which gives 100%, and then tried to equip a halloween mask for the extra 20% but it does not seem to go above 100% on the boost portion of my xp breakdown
  2. Crayv

    I think stuff like that does stack (as hyper boost + membership + 2x xp + population and alert bonuses stack) but if I remember right I don't think some of it shows in the displayed XP bonus.

    How much experience are you getting a kill?
  3. Leftconsin

    Don't forget to wear a mask!

    Please people. Wear masks.
  4. DurandaI

    Yeah it definitely stacks, but i dont think that you can get over 100%+ xp from any one category, or so it seems.
  5. DurandaI

    Well normally I do wear the 20% mask, but if I get 0 bonus xp from wearing it while having a hyper boost equipped, then there seems to be no reason/
  6. Leftconsin

    So let's add it up for people who don't know how this adds up.

    Double XP weekends apply before anything else. It does not give you an extra +100% XP.

    This means that any +%XP things you have such as population bonus, MASKS, the defense bonus (I don't remember how much it is), MASKS, any boosts, MASKS, membership, or the masks you should be wearing all the time all apply to the 200 XP per kill.

    These numbers all stack and can get at least above 200%.
  7. DurandaI

    yeah....i realize this, not an idiot. But what im saying is I dont think you can have more than a 100% boost in any one category, boost being one of them.
  8. Leftconsin

    OK fine then. Why don't you just go in game turn your boost on, write down how much XP boost you have, then put the mask on, then compare?

    Or I guess you can take the mask off, kill one guy, then put the mask back on and kill another guy.
  9. DurandaI

    I did, which is why im making this thread...? Did you even read my original post?
  10. Leftconsin

    Well then I guess you have your answer.

    Really, the ONLY reason I was posting in this thread was to encourage more mask wearing.
    • Up x 1
  11. DurandaI

    I was more wondering if anyone else was experiencing this or if it was a bug, or if it ever happened in the past, ya know, info.

    Or potentially if the devs knew/were aware.
  12. lothbrook

    You won't see double exp increase your % indicator in game, but it does indeed stack well over 200% or whatever you're asking. So if you're only seeing 35% you're actually getting 135% with double xp.
  13. DurandaI

    Yeah i know already man, but that wasnt my question.
  14. JustBoo

    Yes, please wear those flaming, glowing, "can be seen from a kilometer away," pumpkin head masks. Please. ;)
  15. lothbrook

    I'd assume that they didn't put special events into the calculation either, just like Double xp doesn't show up.
  16. DurandaI

    Hmmm, no i just tried, it seems that you cant go over 100% for any one category :/
  17. Cest7

    Was sittin at 200% yesterday....
  18. P1GG

    You should get a kill and write down the xp it gives you, as well as the boost you are at, to see if they are consistent with each other.
  19. Morpholine

    Double XP event bonus stacks with all other boosts, but is never displayed on the boost % screen. It only displays the purchased/membership/population/etc. total.
  20. Zazulio

    Is that happening this weekend? I thought it was over Halloween weekend?