Emerald VS Briggs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meir33, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. Meir33

  2. Meir33

  3. SafetyDance

    More ****ters in my skies?
  4. Meir33

    I'm just wondering because if this is going to be like a server smash I want in
  5. SafetyDance

    People from one server show up in numbers while being organized to some extend, battling mostly pubs from the server they're invading.
    We did the same thing to connery before we fought them in the server smash to get a feel for them because we haven't participated in a smash before that.
  6. Meir33

    Ahh was wondering what this was about I'm going to have to dust off my lmg's and smg's in preparation