[Suggestion] Why do you play vanu??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterDk78, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. MasterDk78

    It seems.. well at least on cobalt vanu is strong.
    Make me wonder why you chose to go on with vanu?

    I do play tr, but i love the way vanu is designed.
    they look cool, have cool weapons, and cool max and tanks and aircraft.
    Even females looks sexy in that spandex!!!!

    I would really like to see both NC and esp TR getting a redesign in apperance to make new players more attracted to play them.
  2. SeanFree

    I had an account completely dedicated to Orion Heavy, why would you play anything else? :D
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  3. Schizomatic

    Population, record of winning, PPA on Harasser, Magriders, little or no bullet drop, good basic camouflage.
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  4. Talkirk

    Reasons why I went with Vanu was based upon the infomation during character creation, I read all three factions and thought Vanu was for me... have not looked back since
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  5. Pardus

    I joined the vanu because just because I played them in PS1 way back when I still played it. (I loved the unified ammo.)
  6. Shatteredstar

    Been vanu since PS1 main wise. I've always liked the look and feel. I also love the color purple.

    I also was hoping my beamer could still lightly damage tanks, WHAT HATH THOU WROUGHT SOE?!
  7. Frostiken

    NC was full of morons and the TR just cried about everything constantly.

    Started off playing NC, grew to hate everyone. Went to TR, grew to hate everyone. Switched to VS, haven't looked back.
  8. Mahaut


    It's relatively simple in planetside 2: each faction has an admirable ideal at it's core, but horrible methods to bring them back in a dark grey moral area. So it was just a matter of choosing the core ideal I felt the most in touch with. And while freedom and social cohesion are nice and all, in the grand scheme of things, I felt the betterment of mankind through science was more my alley. You see, constitutions, governments, empires and the likes... Those rise and fall. Always. But scientific progress, true progress? Earth shattering cataclysms aside, that's something that stays and build upon itself from one generation to the next and, ultimately, this ability to create, transmit and reuse knowledge is what differentiates us from insects.

    Also. Lasers.
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  9. Cransoon

    Purple is my favorite color...Yup, that about sums it up.
  10. task_master

    to abuse 0 bullet drop shotguns xd
  11. Morpholine

    Purple and Teal since PS1.

    It's the hovertanks, really.

    I do miss my Thresher, though.

    Aesthetics and pew pew laser. I started playing as VS on Mallory for the same reasons, and I came back to it on Ceres after a break because I wanted to play as the underdog just to see that we're now with the Cobalt merger probably the most dominant faction on the server. That's why I'm playing a lot on my NC alt on Cobalt lately which turns out to be a major PITA because there's next to no teamplay and the NC is simply put full of newbs/noobs. NC was gated fairly regularly the last couple of days, struggling to regain territory with an entire zerg vs. 1/2 a platoon worth of players. It's really frustrating but I like the challenge. VS has got all the MLG pros and lots of coordinated outfits that's why they're so strong. Pop is fairly balanced for the most part and I would say new players rather flock to NC/TR, particularly NC.
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  13. Xasapis

    Was the only faction that actually looked futuristic in a futuristic game.
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  14. Ztiller

    Because i only want to use OP weapons, obviously /S

    Nah, but because Science.
  15. Bananenweizen

    If I play VS I do it because of unique and/or fun weapons: Magrider, Lancer, Lasher, SASR without bullet drop (still missing dropless slugs for LA sniping)...

    However, after half on hour I get head ache from the music and constant pew-pew sound and have to switch back to NC.
  16. Prudentia

    i chose Vanu as my first char because Science
    anf then stayed with it since release because i didn't want to increase the population problem with 23% worldwide
    also it was fun fighting in underpop with underpowered weapons. so much whine when you still dominated <3
  17. Alzir

    I play all factions, but probably prefer my VS on Cobalt because the infantry play feels much more like what I was used to in BF3, plus the Orion is a CQC monster.

    NC was my main during beta, but it wasn't as intuitive to pick up the way their guns operate and so I ended up preferring VS and TR over NC from an early stage. Ceres was also a good laugh playing underpopped all the time before the merge, and Cobalt is currently much more fun and less spammy than Miller, so I keep preferring my VS.
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  18. LodeTria

    I like driving the mag-rider because it's very responsive. The lasher is fun to use & the lancer is EZmode.
  19. AFK1

    I play Vanu because of the VS MAX unit

    The VS MAX unit is the easiest way to rack up kills, and almost never die. Unlike tanks and aircraft, if you are killed, a MAX can still be revived. The TR and NC MAX units are not as effective as the VS MAX
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  20. Paragon Exile


    OT: Science and enlightenment. The moment I saw they were a radical transhumanist faction I was like "omg pls" and joined immediately. Haven't regretted anything.