Things i have seen just this week.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FGurce, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. FGurce

    I know there are no hackers on this game but there sure are some strange things on here. I saw a guy disappear and reappear further away several times. Almost like a warp hack. Ive seen several vehicles move off at an extremely high rate of speed. Almost like a speed hack. Ive seen several players take an immense amount of damage without taking any damge. Almost like an immunity hack. Ive seen several airships fly backwards totally. Almost like a movement hack. Ive been killed in the safe zone by hidden infiltrators. Ive been shot through walls. Ive been head-shot by players running away from me. I just wish I could learn all these mad skills so I could be as good as these other players ( who don't hack ) are.
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  2. Utrooperx 2...

    (But there are NO hackers in PS2...)
  3. SpruceMoose

    got shot by a burster max
    all shots headshots at range

    no hacks in planetside 2
  4. EGuardian1

    That's happened to me too. Had to stop playing for a bit to vent.
  5. Leftconsin

    I actually also had this happen to me.
  6. Rovertoo

    Is this even possible? I don't think an aimbot can change the CoF and things like that, I don't see any program increasing the accuracy of a weapon.
  7. Mitheledh

    Just tonight, I was on Indar taking a base while this Vanu harassar kept driving around running people over. Finally, it got stuck on something and a bunch of us opened up on it. I got no hit markers and it drove off. When it ran over me, it had taken no damage. By the time I respawned, it had hit some rocks and flipped over. Once again, people opened up on it. Then... it drove away. On it's roof.
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  8. Liberty

    Tonight at Esamir Munitions, there was a VS hacker running around.

    38 kills in just over two and a half minutes all with an LMG.


    Removed their name, but grabbed a SS of the killboard.
  9. drstrange2014

    Of course there are no hackers. There are though those who are so good that they even transcend the physics of the game, can shoot without aiming, move at incredible speed, and headshot people at great distances with their eyes closed...and then there are all the rest of the players, who are just 'bad' of course. Because anyone who points out the obvious in this game must, by definition, be bad.
  10. Rikkit

    btw, flying backwards is at least with an ESF possible , but it require a little bit of training to pull this off.
    (Ask one of the known ESF aces to teach you, or look for Videos from said Pilots)
  11. AFK1

    It depends on the game

    I'm not sure how much you can do with Planetside 2, but with certain FPS titles, you most certainly can change the trajectory of your rounds; which would also allow you to smash every shotgun projectile into one, though that's an example of a very obvious cheat that most people won't use
  12. Whatdayisit

    Funniest I saw was a TR lightning, myself and everyoone else was just pounding it while it continued on its merry way running people over and taking out MBTs and sunderers. Eventually got pinned between a group of sundies and vanguards and was flipped on its roof. After a while it did blow up.

    Lots of funny things go on :>/
  13. AFK1

    5 LMG rounds straight into your head, from 250 yards away?

    Just better playing
  14. FLHuk

    If you search there are vids of older PS2 versions where no CoF "bugs" are displayed. Of course these are no longer in the game as SOE is great at fixing each and every "bug" that never comes back!

    Always makes me laugh when I meet an amazing player that can land "ding ding ding" headshots over 100m with a carbine using iron sights. Laughing as I know I'll never ever be that good!
  15. DK22

    Connection: bad
  16. Schizomatic

    I'm quite sure you can one-hit headshot me at full shield, full health with a semi-auto sniper rifle at over 150m while I'm at a sprint. This totally happens because of legit skillz.

    If you could pull stuff like this off, you ought to be in Delta Force or something.
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  17. Corporate Thug

    Some of us are so bad that they wouldn't even realize someone was hacking even if they landed all head shots on them at 100m using a repeater :(.
  18. dragonwinds

    Disconnecting can cause things like what you're describing. Aircraft can continue on whatever path they were on, even if its backwards. Players can teleport because of reconnection and updated the server on the players locations. Tanks get the funniest effects, on an uphill slope, they will start flipping and fly away into the sunset.
  19. breeje

    just a moment ago a guy shot me with a shogun 4 to 5 times in the face point blank
    nothing happened
    i look to the guy and knifed him, i jump up he is still shooting at me knifed him again and i walk away with half my life as a sniper

    what happened ? i don't hack
  20. patrykK1028

    GylleBMF? I think he could do that. And he isnt hacker.