NC living up to its reputation ... ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by cnec31, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. cnec31

    Today I played my long-no-care NC alt in Conney, and I witness :

    -30> infanties and a sunder farmed by a VS viper ligthing, that was within 100m, for 3 min. No more than 2 or 3 ppl attempted to tackle it during that (and they failed).

    -4 to 5 Max , one (me) engiee;

    - +48 fight, less than 5 medic;

    - Platoon "lead" whining half of his men were in distant hex instead of, you know, providing any direction.

    None of these happen to me when I play my Conney br 72 TR (well, except for the fail platoon leadership).
    I have to admit I spent little time in this Conney NC alt, but is such incompetence faction-wide or just I was bad luck enough to witness all theses?
  2. Leftconsin

    A true farmer does not cut down the tree which provides fruit.
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  3. cnec31

    But the point is not the tank farms as a farmer; the point is these NC being farmed more easily than fruit by a close range stationary weak tank for and almost no one give a slightest damn as if "it's ok as long as it doesn't hit me" (i saw all these ,being too busy being the only medic around the sundie/the line)
  4. BetAstraal

    I don't want to insult anyone but it looks like it's a faction-wide problem. Every time i get on my NC alt i'm left marvelling at them. It's weird.
  5. RachelGomez

    Same. When I try to play NC, the guns and the vehicles and everything are like, the best in the game.. but the people.. oh the people. No organization, no teamplay, no intelligence, nothing. Every time I log onto NC, I'm either caught up in a zerg (even in a "platoon"), or we are just being completely stomped.. or both. It is sad. I do not understand this.

    I go back to VS.. and it's like.. almost every platoon is full, everyone's working together, the platoon leader is giving clear instructions, making intelligent tactical decisions, etc.

    With how good their equipment is, the NC would absolutely dominate this game if they knew how to point their guns away from their faces.
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  6. Ztiller

    Every time i try to get in my NC MAX i end up having to shoot teammates to get them to pay attention to repairing me.

    I think the NC just takes this game a whole lot less seriously than any other faction, and cant be bothered to stop and waste time repairing.
  7. Ryoken

    I have a theory that the NC ineptitude is down to the way the factions are portrayed in game as well as all the promo art.

    As far as the game tells you, the NC are the "good guys" fighting for freedom and what is "right". Whereas the TR are portrayed as the evil dictatorship and the VS are the crazy cultists no one likes to talk about.

    This would, naturally, cause most of the younger players and/or bads to gravitate to the NC. Every game I've played has more poor players on the "good" team and a higher concentration of competitive players on the "bad guy" team.

    Then you get the guys who root for the Empire in Star Wars who join the TR/VS and really try our damn best to crush the sickeningly sweet NC and their heroic pretensions.

    Of course this is a gross generalisation, but I'll wager the average NC player is both younger and less serious about the game than an average member of the other factions.
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  8. RachelGomez

    I don't disagree. I've noticed the age thing too. On VS or TR, platoon leads always sound like they are in their 20-30s.

    NC is full of squeakers.
  9. zombielores

    I would say is that the more vocal ones are younger, not only on NC but also TR/VS, I wouldn't say average as in everyone and just generalize a whole entire group creating false stereotype like you said. But of course each faction has their own group of whiners that are very vocal like the VS who thinks ZOE and the PPA was fine or the TR who thinks lockdown/anchor is useless or the NC who thinks their guns have a lot more recoil then the others, etc etc etc.

    I don't know what's really changed over the last year or two that made NC good and the other empires, flinch was nerfed for justified reasons, ZOE and Striker were nerfed for justified reasons [not to the degree of which], scat maxs were nerfed for justified reasons [other options would be nice], Magrider mobility was nerfed for justified reasons [Dodging shots was not okay], etc etc. What exactly changed for VS/TR from being okay/fine and the NC just need to L2P to NC being OP and TR/VS are UP, to this day no one has correctly answered this question and I would really appreciate one.
  10. Leondre

    I often regret choosing NC simply due to the players. I don't really know what it is, but you cannot rely on them to ever be of any assistance to you. I've noticed playing on my TR alt is much less stressful, I could even call it fun.
  11. Taemien

    NC was alot better on Genudine before being merged with Helios. Even then it wasn't so bad before the merge with Connery. But the funny part is, NC still wins alerts from time to time. Numbers aside (as they aren't that far off when it happens), how bad does TR and VS have to be to lose?
  12. William Petersen

    Shoot me, I'll C4 your ***. That said, if I see a MAX in a spawn room my inclination is to swap to engie and repair. Unless he feels the need to mash his "REPAIR ME!" button. I'm not an idiot. I see a MAX in a spawn room there's only one reason for that: he needs fixing.
  13. phreec

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  14. Hegeteus

  15. Whatdayisit

    I play all 3 factions but NC is my primary followed by vanu then TR. SOOOOOO many times I get killed by guys that just walk up and shoot you which doesnt happen with the other two. So many hide in the spawn room waiting to get the points or follow you to a door but not go inside with you till the shooting stops. Never expect to be revived by an NC medic just be glad it does happen on the odd occassion.

    Vanu is a step up. Better assistance given in most things although some of the above also applies.

    TR seem more practiced and seem to take the game much more seriously.

    In teh end its a game and if one faction suits someone better than another it is good to have the choice.
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  16. BIllyGG

    NC Connery I think is pretty much like NC Emerald, both are **** beyond any help.

    but I think Connery at least has the numbers to zerg, so it's at least a little bit better.
  17. Borsty

    Same on Miller. I play all 3 factions there, and the fact that NC has the smallest population (but only by 3-5%) and absolutely no leadership, led to some sort of "we're going to loose anyway, so why care" mentality.
    Very little teamplay, lot of whine, and a "died? I don't care, I respawn and do exactly the same again" mentality. Also the fact that there seems to be no real NC airforce most of the time, really helps TR and VS Liberators to farm like crazy.
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  18. Xocolatl

    Wowwee...I just switched over to the VS (RIP my Phoenix) in the middle of a fight to see what things are like on that side, and it is just so much easier to play. Not that VS has more people, mind you. If anything, I was surprised how little VS there were at the base that I was defending as NC. The NC actually outnumbered them!

    The difference is the VS were pulling vehicles, and the NCs were all walking around with assault rifles. When I was NC and have to take the room back, I pulled a MAX, got absolutely no support from my team (they were standing outside, afraid of dying if they step into the room).
    Not once in 20 minutes did I get an ammo drop, or heals. A lot of engies even lay down the turret, and never exited it to drop ammo for the team.

    From the VS side, people were running around in small squads of 3 or 4. I get ressed 3 seconds after nearly every death, and the Engies were spraying ammo box everywhere like it's going out of style.

    The NC on every server seems to be extremely unorganized. Even when they have the number, they simply won't be able to fight anyone.
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  19. uhlan

    Sometimes I think that the NC faction is the go-to faction for the new, the drunk and those that don't care.

    It's more than that though.

    The lore, what there is of it, portrays the NC as smash-mouth, anti-establishment mercenaries 'taking it to the man!". Like cowboys, or rugged "outback" individualists. Unless of course you read into it and realize they're corporate capitalist shills, but we'll leave that aside...

    This draws a certain type of player, but once they're in, they soon reach the wall which makes or breaks all NC players... to use the weapons effectively.

    If you can breach this threshold, Auraxis is your oyster, if you fail, you get frustrated and look for the "easy mode" faction... whatever that might be.

    This tends to snowball and it's created the situation we see ourselves in now.

    Because of that NC weeding out process, you'd think those that are left would be the cream of the crop of PS2 players and many who do make it through really are some of the best.

    The problem is that no matter how good you are, it's nearly impossible to win anything unless the odds are somewhat close to even. If you constantly find yourself on the wrong end of a zerg, even the most dyed in the wool NC will eventually sucumb to the need to win... something.

    So many people are drawn to the NC faction at the start which means you get a lot of newcomers sprinkled with a lot of very jaded veterans who dont give a crap.

    Lastly, the NC aren't a spam faction.

    No fast flashy weapon systems, no real fast firing, high mag spray and pray kind of combat.

    The NC require far more precision than the other factions IMHO. Which, if you think about it, doesn't make any sense as far as the lore or faction traits are concerned.

    You'd think the VS would be the precision faction, but through the oddities of game-play and weapon design, the VS, the LASER faction, are more of a spam faction than the NC, the "shotgun" faction. Which I find hilarious.
  20. Alkezo

    Just last night my gunners in my Battlebus racked up like 150 kills with my Furies fighting the NC. Donno why they never laid down tank mines. It was glorious.