Can't Open PTS...

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by lords8n, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. lords8n

    Since this last update I can no longer open PTS.

    What happens...
    Launchpad opens.
    I select Play.
    PS2 opens to the character select screen.
    I select a character and choose Play.
    The waiting animation on the Play button in PS2 starts, then freezes, then the PS2 window closes.
    After a few seconds Launchpad closes.

    My fear is if you send this to live I, along with others, may be unable to start PS2.
  2. Jeralamo

  3. DarkTexas Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    No need for such a thread; check Twitter or something like that; the PTS is currently having some issues with accessing it. Please wait a while.

    Best Greetings
  4. lords8n

    Oh wait, you mean don't come to the forum of the game you're having issues with?
    Interesting concept!

    I don't twitter.
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  5. Jerox

    Exactly my thoughts.
    I wonder why the hell we even have a forum when devs don't look here and only post up to date information in places like Reddit and Twitter. Like, that makes absolutely no sense.
  6. DarkTexas Volunteer Quality Assurance Assistant

    I just meant to say you can always find Why and what happened.. twitter, reddit, issuetracker,.. etc ec. but the forum isnt just that up to date like the other services are..
  7. lords8n

    I understand. It's just that old forum versus twitter/reddit thing again lol!

    Thanx for the heads up though, seriously!
  8. Pikachu

    Can we stop making these threads? It has been this way since forever. The server goes down around updates and sometimes randomly for other maintenance. It's just that it's not announced 99% of the time.
  9. lords8n

    "You" can stop doing whatever "you" like Pikachu. "We", as in you and I, have no relationship, so "we" are doing nothing together.

    When SOE makes it perfectly clear what's going on by posting on their own forums instead of twitter and reddit, then posts like these may reduce in numbers. Until then...No.

    Your post was no help and was made for the pure purpose of being a jerk and was insulting and offensive.

    I'd like to ask the mods to ban Pikachu from the forums and remove all your SOE accounts for serious infraction of their rules. Pikachu, you are not the kind of rabble SOE should wish to keep as a customer, and you are disrespectful. My mother would wash your mouth out with soap.
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