is there any nc weapon on the level of orion?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rogviir, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. rogviir

    I am a BR 99 nc player, have auraxiumed almost every LMG, and most of the carbines and there is not single weapon in the nc arsenal the is on the same level as the orion. This weapon is so rediculously accurate, so insanely fast,
    there is no way in a straight up fight any nc weapon can compete. I have gotten on my Vs alt and laugh at how embarrassingly easy it is to kill people. The biggest problem I have is the small magazine size. But with the introduction of the beatleguase or however it's spelled that ammo problem is solved.
    Tr weapons feel balanced against the nc to me. Nothing they have seems straight up better than I have. Take the carv, same rate of fire, double the magazine, as the orion, but long *** reload, and not super accurate. Feels right to me. I dont mind fighting the tr cause I feel like I have a chance.
    Im not calling for an orion nerf, I just would really like a weapon on the nc side that can be on the level as vs. Give me and ads of .75 on the guass saw and call it a day.
  2. xDesideratus

    If you don't think the SAW is equal to the Orion then you should learn to aim or something. Equal does not mean the same, and the SAW and Anchor are both as good as the Orion (I actually prefer them, but I'm also weird and don't like the Orion at all... Not that it isn't a great gun and all). If you want a good .75 LMG try out the NS-15M, it's great and also on all factions.
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  3. minhalexus


    It's definitely on par with the Orion except that it costs 1000 certs.
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  4. Solidpew

    The SAW isn't the same gun as the Orion. It requires conservative burst firing, and strafing with the SAW can be detrimental to its performance. The Orion's better suited for breaching and strafing.

    This isn't to say the SAW is bad, but it's not ideal in situations suited for the Orion (or even the Carv).

    @OP: Use the Anchor, try to follow the head in ADAD fights and don't be afraid to hipfire for their head in extremely close combat (Anchor HS TTK > Orion HS TTK). NC guns reward accuracy immensely. The SAW is an example of this, and it can still work in CQC- it's just not as efficient as the Anchor. Also, bullet count is not an issue, since Orion users have only 50 bullets yet perform well. The trick is to not put yourself in situations where you have too many enemies to deal with.
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  5. KenDelta

  6. MagnumOpus

    You are straight tripping.
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  7. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Not only is the Anchor on the same level as the Orion, but it's actually performing better after the recent round of Orion nerfs.
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  8. minhalexus

    I think it was always performing better than the Orion, mainly cuz it's 1000 certs and Orion is free for all.

    Change the Anchor to the starter LMG and NC will get a HA buff, and Anchor stats will go down.
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  9. MagnumOpus

    Sure thing make the Terminus the default for VS Medics.
  10. Xasapis

    Anchor performs better than the Orion in any BR cluster, including the very top.

    Orion is actually not the best performing VS LMG. Two LMGs perform better. The absolute best is Betelgeuse, but has about 300 users out of the 6000 or so Orion users. The other is SVA-88. SVA-88 performs better than both the Anchor and the Orion.

    Still, if OP is looking for a weapon that others perform better than the Orion, the Anchor is his answer.
  11. MagnumOpus

    If OP wants to fire while moving switching to another faction is his answer.
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  12. Metallic123

    Do the NC have a gun that inadvertently exploits the combination of bad hit registration and the client side nature of the game?

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  13. Xasapis

    I'm pretty sure NC have access to 0.75 ADS weapons (even LMGs, if you take into account the NS-15M)
  14. Paragon Exile

    Orion is accurate? lol

    But the Anchor is more-or-less identical. Great gun.
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  15. z1967

    They actually have two .75 ADS ARs, one .75 ADS Carbine, and no .75 ADS LMGs (disregarding all NS weapons).
  16. Goretzu

    It kinda does. :confused:

    NC6 SAW and Orion are just very different weapon, the Anchor is the Orion competitor (and what the OP is after), of course. The NC6 SAW isn't really equal to the Orion in any way because it should be used in different situations and has vastly different strenghts and weakness, however that is not to say the NC6 SAW is bad, just very different.
  17. Shatteredstar

    This smells of "omg .75 ads move need!"

    I personally like the SAW but prefer the EM overall. The Orion at least in my opinion is middle of the road in most aspects, which makes it seem better than things with glaring downsides like the SAW
  18. Sir.Rip Yo Fezz Off

    Why does everyone love the orion so much? It sucks and i'd give it to you if it would be possible, and if i could have your gauss saw in return.
  19. MagnumOpus

    Weapon is VS = Weapon is OP
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  20. Alarox

    The only way to compete with the Orion is the Cyclone.
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