Looking for Liberator party - Emerald

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DanceSC, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. DanceSC

    Sadly I have spent a lot of certs into this vehicle and there is no one on to gun it for me. I am sick of getting shot out of the sky by enemy liberators with daltons and I am sick of sitting in the VS warpgate for 2 hours waiting for someone to gun. I don't care if I am flying or gunning, I just want to get better with the damn thing. Are there any liberator players out there with experience looking for or willing to teach me more about it?
  2. Nehlis

    Unless you're running a shredder, pubs will usually be all to eager to get in your gunship. If you got a dalton or zeypher just type in /re: "WHO WANTS TO GUN A [insert bellygun here] LIBBY?!" and you should be good. The capslock is mandatory if you are VS.
    Hell, I personally prefer shreddy freddy, but most people see it and think "It's a stock pull, no go".
  3. KenDelta

    Server ? time ya playing ? faction ?ign ?

    Try asking your outfities for a gunner(if you're in an outfit) , if you're not in one , JOOOOOOOOOIN ONE!!
  4. Brahma2

    All the good Libs are on Connery.
  5. radrussian2

    what faction? look up VSAF on the outfit list if your playing VS. basically all we do is fly and we could use some good pilots. or even bad pilots. just pilots.
  6. DanceSC

    VS - Emerald, Anytime between 7pm-midnight EST
  7. KenDelta

    Dang , hoped you'd be from Connery , try to lookup an outfit , pretty sure emerald VS has some airfits you might wanna join if you're gonna be a dedicated Libby gunner/pilot.
  8. DanceSC

    I can always make an account on Connery, also sorry for not posting this above:
  9. Forlorn Hope

    Way to be a d*** Brahma! :p

    OP join an outfit otherwise you will suffer the fate of having terrible pubby gunners to good ones at a ration of 1 good to 1000 bad forever. It takes time for a pilot and gunner to get in synch and 3 mins of flight time isnt going to cut it.
  10. Brahma2

    My bad, meant to say best* :p