[Suggestion] Death happens too fast

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Targanwolf, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Targanwolf

    Think about this.
    SOE wants people to pay them for playing this game.
    I pay the money every month. I invest my time getting great skills....great armor...great weapons.I'm really feeling good...identifying I identify closely with my character.I like the way they look.I like the way they fight.I love the great skills they possess.
    and then I find myself in a world where most anyone who can move their character quicker.....shoot accurately from great distances... and see me first .....kills me in no more than 2 seconds.Head shot....no head shot....2 seconds
    When I want as many $15 subs as I can get.......the above experience is not going to pull a broad cross section of potential customers into my game....and most importantly keep them paying .

    The fact other games have extremely short kill times means nothing to me unless you think you can capture enough fps players to make a good profit and drive the game development forward.

    Right now...I would call the game a disappointment from an SOE investment pov. i think ways need to be found to broaden the games appeal.
    My opinion.....2 seconds to kill a fully developed character......makes SOE less likely to ever grow this game beyond. a small hard core franchise.Last I looked there were fewer servers not more over the last year. That suggests to me that the basic features should be looked at. I say these things because I care.This game could be far more than it is.
    My 2 cents .
  2. Klypto

    Just going to say I hate the TTK of infantry combat in this game and I definitely do not play Planetside 2 for it's infantry content for this reason, but I also am not sure that a lower TTK would be any benefit in the way the current game is structured around mass zergs.

    And just say no to increasing TTK. Like, holy freaking crap. Next we will be drawing swords to kill each other because we ran out of ammo like it's space 1700's.
  3. Leftconsin

    First: Any mention of how other games do it is purely anecdotal and is meaningless.

    Second: The way Planetside 2 works internally is what makes it seem like the game has a low TTK on the receiving end. I have had a LOT of situations (and by a lot I mean several an hour) where my computer receives the info that I'm being shot at all in one bunch and I die instantly. This will make it seem like TTK is low because you are perceiving all the damage happening at once! However you were shot with a whole lot of bullets over a significant period of time.

    Third: As for what Klypto said, I'm kinda on an accuracy threshold where I can't play with some guns because they require so many hits to kill, and my accuracy is just plain 18% and I can never seem to get it any higher. In fact, recently it has been going down considerably. I just plain always run out of bullets before my target is down with the NS-7. Nine bullets to kill and I've got 30? Yeah, no. I'm not killing that guy.
  4. Xasapis

    The problem is really only when you shoot somebody in the back. Sometimes their head will snap down and you end up missing completely what should have been a nice and easy headshot surprise takedown.
  5. Archiadus

    I was joking! :eek:

    A kill cam that only shows you and maybe a meter next to you is fine but it should never show the killer's location, that's one of the things that I both hate and love in BF3. :p
  6. PhineasDerp

    TTK is too short. You're dead before you can even respond, which makes it not fun, and from my perspective removes any reaction skill from the equation. By the time you know you are being hit, it's over, and you are re-spawning. Aren't there shields for a reason?There are simply no defensive options currently, except to have better map knowledge to pick the best angles/cover, and to generally have a better offense than your opponent. It's an extremely one-sided approach, and limiting to strategic gameplay imo, especially given the technical limitations which create situations where your opponent can be seen on your screen to be facing away from you, but in actuality has already killed you. There should always be the opportunity to react to a developing situation (ie. incoming damage) without the only option being to respawn and try again. This type of "bang, you're dead" gameplay will limit the longevity of my enjoyment in this game, which also means it will limit the money I spend on this entertainment.
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  7. Klypto


    Reaction skill is supposed to be coupled with an awareness skill to be used effectively. Obviously you can't always know where the enemy is all the time, but the idea is to be aware of what angles you are exposing with your current course of action and be prepared to face an enemy from that direction or take a risk that they may not be there.

    What you are suggesting would significantly reduce or eliminate that dimension of skill and strategic options. Always being able to react to and counter a threat is not strategic depth, but in fact the opposite. Why use cover and better positioning when you can just bait them out in the open and kill them with superior accuracy. In a sense it is higher skill, but it's only in one dimension where as the other method is multiple skill factors working in combination to achieve success.
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  8. Horrida Messor

    No to both increase and decrease in TTK. As a matter of fact, I play Planetside 2 and Tribes:Ascend. In T:A TTK is far bigger than in PS2, but that's the point of the game - low TTK on all weapons would make T:A less skill focused and more twitch based. However in T:A you can achieve TTK of 0, but that requires a very specific approach and won't work on 2/3ds of the classes.
    T:A is different to PS2 in the weapons stats - huge TTK is inherit to weapon design in T:A - most of them are single shot explosive weapons. To give you a generalization and a point of perspective of how things would work in PS2 I would say that it requires you to get 2 shots from default HA's launcher to kill an Infil. Do we want this? I highly doubt. When thinking about TTK in PS2 you must consider the fact that this game is not meant to be a closed arena for Team VS Team battle - PS2 is meant to be an endless war over huge battlefield with hundreds of people from EACH side fighting at the same time. That's the major difference.
    Also I already mentioned that in T:A you can get TTK of zero. When do you think this happens? - When you get a drop on the enemy. That's as simple as it stands - getting a drop on enemy and putting yourself in a favorable situation is a skill.
    But hey, my opinion may be completely invalid - because I play an Infiltrator in PS2 - the ******* who can put a bullet right in your brain with TTK of 0 seconds.
  9. Sir.Rip Yo Fezz Off

    Even though i love me a fast TTK, which is why i'm a fan of both COD and battlefield, i also love the TTK in this game. However, there is one glaring issue i'm noticing, which i'd love to mention.

    It comes down to the headshot multiplier, the netcode itself, and the head's hitbox.
    It bugs me that the headshot multiplier in this game is x2. It is highly annoying in other games, but in this game specifically, it reduces a 6 hit weapon to a 3 hit weapon, which the netcode of this game hates with a passion, and i feel it harms the experience in a big manner of ways.
    Then we have the hitbox itself, it seems off. The biggest issues i'm noticing is that it seems to be too big, and many hits register as headshots even when they're not. Many times i'm shooting 3 headshots in a row where every hit is a shot to the leg, same goes the other way, i've been killed by a only headshot death when only my feet were hitable. I think i've even done that to NC ans TR before.

    What i would like to see changed is that a headshot multiplier is used more as a balancing mechanic. Some guns award it more than others. Some guns might have a x2, while another might have a x1.2, or 1.5. Alongside an attempt to make the head hitbox a bit more consistant.

    TL: DR
    The TTK is fine, but i think the headshot multiplier and head hitbox is too big
  10. Klypto

    If the headshot multiplier was changed, some weapons would become impossible to use effectively. This was apparent back when nanoweave counted for headshots.

    There's a reason why there are different multipliers for different weapons.
  11. Jac70

    I also feel the TTK is too short, you can kill someone in less time than it is physically possible for a human to respond and situational awareness will only get you so far in this game - there are too many threats and enemies for people to be aware of them all. In the end it is not satisfying to be constantly getting killed by threats you couldn't even anticipate. That's the problem with massive meat-grinder battles of the sort that the wretched Lattice system brought to the table.
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  12. Pikachu

    This again? What games are you people playing who thinks ps2 has too shot TTK?
  13. DatVanuMan

    TTK in this game does not need change.
    1. TTK is already acceptable.
    2. Surprise and approach are MAJOR factors of infantry combat. Tactics still have a place, but when will you ever need tactics in a bio lab?
    3. Increasing it would make it resemble PS1, in which everyone but me was seemingly invincible.
    4. Increasing TTK would make newer players pretty angry because they ACTUALLY did land a lot of shots on an enemy, but still didn't get the kill.
    5. Do you honestly want to spend more than three seconds fighting a bad guy? I don't think so; too many times has that happened to me in PS1.
  14. Xasapis

    Because of the shield mechanism in this game, the TTK increases the further you are from somebody. With that in mind, people that feel that the TTK is too low should probably try to increase their distance from potential threats.
  15. Kalendric

    Sorry, but in that case I don't think PVP is really for you. The joy of planetside, the beautiful thing is that everyone is a threat. This isn't Warcraft, or Wildstar, or whatever the big MMORPG is nowadays where you can rely on your 50 levels and purple armour to make you invincible to all comers (possible exemption to Vanu characters).

    There's a reason for the huge explosion of games like League of Legends and other MOBA's - people like competetive play, but they don't like having to endure the miserable grindfest of being pounded by guys in glowy armour for weeks until they can get the points to buy their own glowy armour and *maybe* compete on an equal footing.

    While ranks and certs grant an advantage in Planetside, they don't grant an insurmountable one. If you screw up, no magical numbers in the sky will save you causing your enemies to mysteriously miss (unless they're using Strikers). BR1's are a threat. They may not be 100 ranked combat monsters with two years experience and everything certed to the nines but they can still take that starter weapon and they can still kill you with it. And that is how it should be.

    Back on topic, I personally think TTK is a bit fast. But that particular decision was made long ago and attempting to re-balance the game around a longer TTK at this point would be disastrous.
  16. MajiinBuu

    As a guy who dies constantly, I honestly can say that TTK is in a good place right now. Not too long, not too short.
  17. Atis

    And with passionate speech in pathetic pose.

    I wouldn't mind increased TTK to reduce effect of latency, since SOE wont fix it anyway.
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  18. Jac70

    Further to what I said I don't know if increasing it would make much difference. I think it is the overall scale of the game that is the problem - especially the issue of funnelling 100s of players into the same small section of the map. Plus the base design seems to get increasingly bad - they're like rat runs now.
  19. maxkeiser

    TTK is fine as it is. You mostly have time to run away, unless you are caught point-blank or simply out-positioned.
  20. Tricycle
