[TVSC] Vanu Stealth Corps- Officers Needed

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by MisterSlim, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. MisterSlim

    Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Mister Slim, but you can call me Slim (or Frost in-game). My goal is to start an outfit that caters to the stealth-oriented player. Whether you like to be a long-range sniper, a sneaky stalker, or a creepy Light Assault, my goal is to bring us together.

    What is Needed:
    • Officers: So far, with no members, business has not been booming for membership. Starting with structured leadership is important to attracting new members.
    • Members: Without these, we are nothing more than an idea. Social players that enjoy sharing a playstyle that not many people have are an important ingredient to success.
    • Dedication: Having leadership is great. Having members is awesome. But if those members don't care that they are in a group of like-minded players, it will be like not having an outfit at all.
    So, now that we've discusses what we need, let's talk about some features:
    • This outfit will emphasize on the value of superior positioning, team-based stealth, and for some, the adrenaline of hunting an HA with a crossbow.
    • We will be primarily comprised of Infiltrators and stealthy Light Assaults, but not limited to any class(es)
    • Coordinated ESF and Valkyrie hot drops will be conducted regularly.
    • Wraith Squads will be coordinated often.
    • Fun is key. If the orders are to cripple a base, and you fail without making much of a dent, but have fun doing it, you have accomplished your mission. We aren't out to pad stats, or shoot up to the top of the leaderboards. We're here because we like sharing our playstyle, and meeting new people to share it with. This outfit isn't about the numbers, it's about the experiences that will happen down the road, and the friends we will make along the way.
    • A website will be constructed, and a form of VoIP will be established within a short time. If you guys want a site, you'll get a site as fast as humanly possible. The same applies to VoIP.
    If you have any questions, suggestions, or remarks, then please reply here in this lovely thread, or PM me directly!
    *please note that this image is rough and temporary, and is in no way a permanent representation of the outfit.

    I look forward to starting something great!

    Sounds good, sign me up.
  3. MisterSlim

    Will do! Glad to have you watching my six, and the favor will most definitely be returned.
  4. Otterpike

    I'm available. :D
  5. CannonFodder213

    Any BR and cert requirements?
  6. MisterSlim

    Glad to hear! I'll shoot you an invite posthaste! Glad to have you watching my six.
  7. MisterSlim

    Certainly not. However, if you do not feel comfortable in a more leadership-geared role, I'd recommend opting to be a standard member. Nothing will be stopping you from leading a squad as a member, but you won't be held to any sort of standard. (Not that the Officers will be held to a major standard, just a more interactive role).

    Since so many positions are open, the choice is yours!