How much more can this be screwed up?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yuki10, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Yuki10

    Just logged out after pulling a Viper Lightning and unloading on multiple soft and armored targets... I wish i could make a recording, but the video part is still not functional.

    Situation 1
    - enemy is spawning form the sundy located between big rocks (surrounded by them from 3 sides) and running to A point through the opening.
    - I see an infantrymen running on the side of the rock, unload 6 shells from Viper - first two register hits, the other 4 do no damage even though they are landing
    - same repeats over and over

    Situation 2
    - Enemy sundy is parked, i'm hitting it form Viper Lightning.
    - I unload 6 shells (all register), i reload and repeat... NONE register.
    - Next reload and again all 6 register, another reload and fire... and NONE register

    I can understand poor code quality on client--server sync of infantry and bullets (massive amount of info going back and forth)...But two stationary objects, slow fire rate and long reload? How could this be screwed up?

    If this is not a sign of bad quality of the code then i don't know what is....
  2. Ribero

    At least you were able to aim at the targets. My game just decides to turn into a slide-show when I'm within 50m of anyone.

    (In all seriousness, it's a known issue and they're working on it all. Not much more to do about it in the meantime.)
    • Up x 1
  3. Pamelo

    I have good framerate 25-50 fps but my 64bit client is hitching and when I force it to 32bit it crashes to the desktop every 5min.
  4. Reccettear

    had some of these tankrounds today as well, although it's by no means as bad as infantry. got a new dmg record today: 7 knifeslashes, 1 basr headshot, 1 bodyshot until that moron got his 6 senses together, turned around and shot me. awesome hotfix on hitdetection.
    flying properly has been impossible for over a month now due to stutterfreezedeath.

    can anyone recommend a f2p game with a competent developer? preferably one that just started.
  5. Wizlawz

    Space Engineers {sandbox}, From The Depths.,<- not f2p

    Entropia Universe, Heroes & Generals <- f2p
  6. Drasilov

    I manned an anti-air turret at Tawrich for an hour today defending vs TR aggressors during an alert and all my shots that should have hit - did hit. Didn't notice anything unusual?

    Maybe they only fixed some of the hitboxes but not all?