Are we Ever going to see Rendering Distance fixes..

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Rhapsody, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Rhapsody

    For those of us who want to play Planetside 2 in NVidia Surround / ATI Eyefinity on multi-monitors?

    The game looks great, and even plays great, on 3-screens using NVidia's Surround.... But... the Rendering distances of ALL objects in the game... are less than 1/2 of what they normally are, when running PS2 in a single screen.

    Meaning you get killed/shot at by objects/players you cannot see, and your return fire hits solid objects that you cannot see, rather than the 1 target you actaully can see. Vehicle/base detail also is extremly short-render distanced. There's been instances lately were i can be sitting near a wall in a base... turn about 45-degree's to the wall, and be able to see THROUGH the wall... because the seam in the middle of the wall will de-render (the wall basically Drops down to a LOD of -1).

    Is fixing the Rendering issues for Multi-Minotor Setups EVER going to find its way into a game update?
    • Up x 1
  2. LibertyRevolution

    The wider your FOV, the less distance at which objects render?
    What, you wanted to have 180º 3 screen FOV and still be able to see things just as far out?
    That wouldn't be fair now would it?
  3. Smagjus

    So instead you let people shoot wide fov users without giving them the possibility to shoot back? I think the advantage you get with the fov is negligible compared to the problem described in the opening post.
  4. Rhapsody

    180deg vision (and lets be frank.. the 'extra' vision gotten by using 3-monitors is NOT a full 180 degree's, if anything, its 'maybe' 110 vs the 90 a single monitor has due to how the view on the left and right screens are 'stretched' .) only lets you SEE the other guy maybe 1-second before anyone using 1 monitor might. But you still have to TURN to shoot that guy. And with nearly every single weapons' TTK less than 2 seconds, that extra wider view is NOT the 'clear advantage' everyone tries to make it out to be.

    And as Smagjus said. The other side of the coin. How is it 'fair' for you to be able to shoot me, while 100% invisible?


    And just for reference. -- Standard Resolution. -- Widescreen Resolution.

    That is NOT 180-degrees.
  5. M3f35t10us

    I play with AMD Eyefinity, I'm pretty new and did not know this was happening. The only thing I can suggest is to turn off the wide screen setting, which will drop your vertical fov, but I would think, (in theory), that it would then give you full render distance as it's not 3 different screens, it's one screen running at 5760x1080 or whatever your settings are. If that makes sense. I only say that because I didn't even notice the widescreen check box or whatever it's called when I started, so I had a terrible vertical view, then I noticed that, checked it, got my full vertical fov, and the semi strange stretched side screens.

    As far as my opinion on it, I do agree that it would be nice to have the same render distance as 1 screen as that is a pretty steep disadvantage.

    With that being said, I do think 3 screens is quite a large advantage. While I might not have 180 degree vision, I have much more than a 1 screen player, I have 2 wide open screens while zoomed with a scope, those need to be blacked out, that is a ridiculous advantage. The side screens have a nice zoom factor, so while the screens are very poorly rendered, I essentially have perma zoom on my peripherals which allows me to detect movement much easier. I don't think stretched displays should be removed because they are very immersive and fun, but they need to tweak them so they aren't as large of an advantage as they are, and they should definitely not make them more punishing than 1 screen... Now with that being said... Typically the FPS loss by rendering a 5760x1080 display is enough of a disadvantage to compensate for the extra vision, I just think some of the aspects of ultra wide displays are currently able to be exploited in PS2, but now knowing the render distance issue, I think they are all together a competitive disadvantage even if they are more fun.
  6. Rhapsody

    that little check-box only snaps your view into a constant 3.5x zoomed in state. You still have the loss of Rendering distance, with it checked on or off.

    Having it off makes piloting/driving vehicles a pain as your never see the noze of your tank.. and since yoru zoomed in.. shooting at anything 'near' you.. is almost impossible as the vehicles/people near you move faster than normal to your screen due to the constant zoom.
  7. Drasilov

    For those who think 3 monitors are an advantage - it is fully negated by the fact that you cannot see the minimap while looking forward. This is a lethal disadvantage. One that's stopped me using 3 screens for this game. I play on one monitor in windowed mode.

    Also, all turrets are totally messed up in 3 monitor mode.