[Suggestion] Make Maxes a force multiplier role instead of a playstyle.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LibertyRevolution, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. William Petersen

    And your 'solution' to this problem isn't. It's easy enough to run from base to base either in a Gal, or a Sunderer, or hell, even on foot. Making maxes terminal-only would not do anything to address the issue you describe.
  2. Mxiter

    The idea is nice but it would makes trouble for biolab assaults where you often need 50-100% more pop (including maxes) to cap it until it reach 24 defenders and those few "easy to defend" bases.

    But I agree that maxes spam should be limitend, especially when you are steamrolled by 50% more ennemies that still spam maxes.
  3. Axehilt

    Uh, the game is already massively defender-biased at many bases. Removing the ability for attackers to pull MAXes would make things much worse.

    It's much better to balance MAXes by either giving them actual counters (loadouts that consistently beat a same-skill MAX 1v1) or by reducing their capabilities (damage, armor, or nerf charge). In either case, the cost of MAXes can be removed (or significantly reduced) once they're balanced because they'll be on equal footing with any other class.
  4. LibertyRevolution

    Read my original post... you know the one I started the thread with..
    I said they should dissolve into Light Assaults if they were in a hex were they were not outnumbered at least 2:1.
  5. Rovertoo

    I think the only change needed to MAXes is to make them non-revivable. (maybe just make the engineer inside pop out when it is)

    Because currently, killing a MAX just isn't really much of an accomplishment. In a large biolab fight, you know that they'll just be back up in a few seconds.

    MAXes should be very terrifying death machines, and they are, but the problem with them comes is that they are unkillable zombies, while their vehicle brethren stay dead once killed.
  6. NoctD

    Same with sniper infiltrator cowards if you ask me, unless you're outnumbered infantry wise, they shouldn't be allowed period.
  7. LibertyRevolution

    Actually me and one infiltrator sent those 9 guys packing after killing their magrider, 2 sunders, gal, and 2 scythes and the 3 maxes.
    Frostbite harbor, about 8am yesterday, [CFAR] tagged guys, you got pwned by a bad. ;)

    Still.. it is frustrating and I would rather not have to deal with it.
  8. Meeka

    Then why worry? If you're fighting against the odds and still winning, you're still winning. Don't pick a hard fight if its frustrating. ;)

    And that sounds like something R3PO would do; haha, we are a terror to vehicles. Obliterating them wherever they may be.
  9. William Petersen

    Touchè. I think that's really, REALLY contrived, though. And why suggest this for MAX units but not vehicles? Nothing like a Lib coming to a small fight and completely shutting down all effort at defense.
  10. Inex

    Also: No medics unless sombody's dead. And no Engies unless a MAX/Vehicle needs repair.
  11. FactionTraitsFTW

  12. Xrkr

    And no soldiers if there's no enemy s -- wait.

    Welp, since no one's left to fight, any TR or NC wanna come hang at Papa Vanu's Giggity Bar? We just concocted a man/woman/goat/tree hybrid with 10 *******, 7 dicks, and tentacles in places it'd be a capital offence in most nations to even describe. It's got something for everyone! :D
  13. FateJH

    Assuming you mean strictly non-MAX: HA, concussion grenade (or AV Grenade; those thingsa are insane), rocket launcher, LMG. If you can't pull it off consistently, then you're not skilled enough yet (of course, I jest; regardless, it's absurdly easy to pull off unless the MAX knows the art of running away).
    Alternately: LA, C4.
    Heck: Engineer, carbine, obstruction to duck behind and coax the MAX to pursue, tank mine trap.

    The main reason the MAX was revived is the same that any other Infantry enemy gets revived: you did not push up to overtake its position, where it had fallen. MAXes are even more poignant examples are there's no way to revive them at a distance and they take the longest to be revived.
  14. DQCraze

    Is there anything you dont complain about. :p Maxes would be fine if you couldnt revive them.
  15. Yuukikun

    R3PO? you mean the outfit known to ghost cap amerish and run as soon as a single player arrives to defend?
  16. dezusa

    Limiting maxes would be nice, I had my fair share of troubles especially when a certain outfit calls max crashing with a whole platoon a 'skill' and requires much more 'tactics' and 'leadership' (wish i had taken screenshots)

    Eitherway, Dissolving maxes is waaaaaay out of SoE's capabilities. Though they seem to have made a decent job on making hit detections disappear, just maybe :confused:
  17. Axehilt

    Those methods aren't consistent though. For every 10 players that try to kill me that way maybe 1 is successful. Which isn't to say I never die. My K/D is only like 6 or something because I deliberately play very aggressive because I know it's impossible to counter directly -- you can only wear me down through superior numbers if I happen to charge into the wrong room and can't focus everyone down before the damage accumulates.

    I'm talking about a class MAXes truly fears. Not just "oh gosh it'd be kinda inconvenient if that HA hit me with a rocket and then I charge-killed him and then now I have to wait a few seconds to autorepair back up before continuing my killing spree."

    We're talking about same-skill match-ups of course, since any expert is going to have a fairly easy time knifing an LMG-wielding noob, but that doesn't mean that -- skill being equal -- an HA actually fears knife-users. Same deal with MAXes: obviously I can use each class' best anti-MAX techniques to kill bad MAXes, but that doesn't mean MAXes actually fear infantry.
  18. vsae

    Grab an AI esf and shrek them then.
  19. Rovertoo

    I know they take the longest to revive, but I still feel that MAX crashes are far, far, more unstoppable than any Tank swarm solely due to the fact that a Tank swarm can be whittled down with time, and a MAX crash will stay nearly full force because MAXes can be revived. The way I see it, MAXes are just indoor tanks and I think they should be treated that way.
  20. Shockwave44

    Conc grenade.

    That's it.