Thank you so much for fixing pumpkin spawning

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Samutus, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Samutus

    I am actually really having fun with this event now.
  2. ZenitHMaster

    where do the pumpkins spawn after the patch? Do they still only spawn in the alerts?
  3. cruczi

    Yes but there are like 10x more of them and you get some seeds as the alert ends
  4. Ribero

    It's still going to be quite a grind to get the Title and Knife, I think, but that's fine. At least now it feels possible.

    I'd also be interested to hear what the Auraxium Tier actually needs to be completed, if anyone on forumside has reached/finished it already.
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  5. Samutus

    I think it is 60 pumpkins.
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  6. NoctD

    I still have no clue what the in game pumpkin looks like even. :(

    At least I found a snowman or two before Christmas ended.
  7. Tommyp2006

    They still spawn under the same conditions, they just fixed an issue with the respawn rate, so they spawn as often as they should.

    I managed to find 16 pumpkins while on my wraith flash in about 45 minutes last night.
  8. kadney

    Browse the internet for "Planetside 2 Pumpkin" and you will find something like this:

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  9. NoctD

    That doesn't even look right - I thought they only appear on Hossin?
  10. Morti

    They appear on whatever continent the pumpkin hunt alert is on.

    And this event is better now with increased spawns. More and more people to buy the 25 seed masks to make the event directives possible.
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  11. Jac70

    I've farmed 86 seeds today - before the patch I had 15 and that was days of searching. I still haven't seen a Galact-0-Lantern yet.
  12. andy_m

    That's nice.