what is it with this insistence on receiving "constructive feedback"?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tahn1000, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. andy_m

    Speak for yourself :p ;)
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  2. Reccettear

    i agree on most things. sometimes this is difficult though, because most people would expect the developers to have an idea about why the community hated the [X].after all, they created it and hopefully made some tests with it.
    it's their job to create something that is fun and rewarding to use, very specific feedback on something that is not living up to the expectations of anyone should not be needed, as there are often many ways to fix this. and it should be their goal to choose the way that works best.
    expecting the community to present them the perfect solution just makes them look incompetent and clueless.
    also, i dont think that a player-balanced game makes a very good one
  3. Crator

    Forum posts should be used for constructive feedback... Polls (which I don't believe exist on PS2 forums) should be used to get a weigh in on what the majority of people think of something....
  4. Popper100

    Actually, I would like to hijack this thread a bit and ask RadarX if he has been cataloging the two camps that have cropped up regarding the Valkyrie buff debate. The camp I'm in who want combat buffs because we believe this game is a combat game and non-combat equipment has little to no place here. And the camp who want support buffs in an attempt to give the craft its own niche in the game apart from current balance and vehicle capabilities.

    So, mister mod, how is the score looking?
  5. cruczi

    To determine what to buff, pit the combat buff camp against the support buff camp in a squad vs squad match on the test server
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  6. Niamar

    The Dev's seriously need to be forced to use the phaseshift for a few hours one day. Not constructive enough?, fine but do you Feel my rage? Swearing would help get my point across better, though not allowed.

    The reason for my angst is unsaid because it is a 100% known issue, and only a few would disagree.

    Unlimited ammo is cool, but the only situation where that would be effective 100 times out of 100 I would rather use the engineer and the eidolon. If that is not revealing enough I do not know what is.

    Is what I have stated above constructive? It depends on your knowledge of the subject...;)
  7. tahn1000

    did you watch that video in my siggie? that nc player openly admitted that he and many others regularly clamored that the stirker was op even though he KNEW it wasn't. HE KNEW IT WASN'T. so there's your "constructive feedback". and thanks to multiple threads of "constructive feedback" the toy cannon became something you would sling on your keychain. do devs actually play the game? do they at least runs tests to see how well things will perform before releasing them to the unsuspecting player field. since there is a TEST SERVER and that youtube was done on the TEST SERVER i would say yes AND YET, THE THING WENT INTO THE UPDATES AS CRIPPLED AS IT OBVIOUSLY WAS.

    in fact anyone that actually played the game and came across one either as a tr using it, or on the receiving end would know it was just a toy cannon. there has never been a striker fest in the history of the universe. do you know why? because it takes 5 people all hitting the same target to do what the other lock-on does with ONE rocket. and they'll hit it a good 2 seconds later, assuming the finicky lock-on held long enough to fire the thing at all. that is what the striker was like BEFORE it was nerfed into the ground. all the striker was good for was taking off that little bit of damage so it would take one less of the other guy's rockets to finish the job.
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  8. Who Garou

    Today I had a reply from SOE customer service that said ::

    "I wanted you to know that I have forwarded your concerns to the appropriate game team. Unfortunately, I cannot say whether or not this will be changed in the future, but I wanted to thank you for providing feedback on this. The best place to get in touch with the developers is on the official forums regarding your feedback and suggestions for patch release dates and the development of the game."

    And that is a lie. The developers of PS2 apparently have abandoned the OFFICAL forums.

    When I pay for a product - in advance even - I expect the product to work properly.

    They want something constructive when they don't live up to that and refuse to use their own OFFICAL forums?

    I see some post saying that players should act like adults.
    The DEVs here don't act like adults. They deny that they have a responsibility to the player base to discuss, receive, and give information in these the OFFICAL forums.
    From what I can tell, they aren't even taking responsibility for all the screwing up they have done with the patches lately. I have seen no apologies for their blatant failure to provide a reliable game client.

    What I see is angry players complaining about a product that doesn't work correctly and DEV apologists that defend the DEVs for their inability to provide a usable product - because some of us couldn't even get into the game.

    Before the Valkyrie and Pumpkin patches, I had no problems running the game. I had no problems with the updates. These two patches have caused major issues for a good number of people in this community.

    If I had not paid for All Access, then I could simply say to myself - "well, you pay for what you get and this was free". But I did pay, and, as a consumer, I'm not getting what I paid for.

    And, if it isn't constructive, to post about being upset with the product and the lack of feedback from the DEVs on their own official forums, then they need to figure out if they are really cut-out for working in this industry or not. Without SOE helping to bankroll Planetside 2, they would be looking for another job pretty soon if not now.

    It's time for them to step up to the plate - use the OFFICAL forums and take responsibility for their blatant failures.
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  9. FieldMarshall

    Constructive feedback doesent mean what you think it means. Its not (necessarily) the same as positive feedback.
    Negative feedback can be constructive, but so can positive.

    Ways to provide negative feedback:
    The wrong way: Striker sucks.
    The constructive way: Striker sucks because "reason(s)". They should "insert idea(s)".

    Ways to provide positive feedback:
    The wrong way: I love this game
    The constructive way: I love this game because "reason(s)". "reason(s)" is why i keep playing PS2.
  10. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    I'd like to thank RadarX for actually replying to a thread that, on first glance, wasn't really all that helpful or important to my eyes. Kudos!
    'Sides, one point about what is 'constructive enough' should probably be the alternatives.
    If "They don't like the Striker" is all you have, it's not satisfactory, but you'd probably still pass it on.
    If there's even one person to elaborate, then his opinion instantly gains more weight as it is the only qualitative opinion around.
  11. Rickenbacker

    Brush up on your reading comprehension. No one has asked for "positive feedback", constructive feedback just means something they can use. Most player post things like "Teh striker SUXXXX!", which is no good to anyone. If the example player had said something along the lines of "The striker has too low ROF, so it's impossible to kill something in two clips with it" THAT is constructive feedback, and that's something the team can use.

    So, in short, they're just asking people to not yell and rant uselessly, but rather think about what you want to say before posting. Good advice in life, as well as on the forums.

    Edit: Now I see that this has already been pretty comprehensively answered, boy is my face red! But I've run a few forums, and I can confirm what the community guys have already said. If you post is rage filled and contains no actual information, no-one will read it, except other angry, stupid people.
  12. Nitrobudyn

    Imma let you finish, but first You need to know something about the test server. I've been there two times right before pumpkin update. First time i met Higby along with 6-7 other people - they were testing masks (believe me, You don't want to know how the masks looked like back then). Accidentally we found a bug with Flash's passenger seat cloaking. Second time i was there because on life server i found out that flare gun had no collision with engineers in their turrets and I wanted to check if the same applies for candy gun - test server was almost empty and there was noone who'd like to kill me with candy gun.

    So basically Yes, the Devs play the game, they use the test server, but as there is so little people there it is almost impossible to collect enough data. The pumpkins are a good example - only a few people on test server = enough pumpkins for everyone, but was apparently not enough on live server (good thing, that the spawn rate was increased yesterday). Now i'd like to ask You, have You been to the test server? If so, have You found enough test objects? Did You left some feedback on test server forums?
  13. Crashsplash

    Yea, I've often found the term 'constructive feedback' odd.

    Of course leave out all abuse and pointed criticism but constructive feedback should encompass more than just "this is broke->because->this is what you should do to fix it".

    In my eyes it should also include "this is broke" or "this doesn't feel right" or "this doesn't feel enjoyable". Some reasons why would help greatly but sometimes the player may not be able to give reasons, "e.g. weapon x just feels off".

    When it comes to suggesting changes I often feel that the devs may well have a better handle on that than I do. Don't get me wrong I've often suggested changes, all of which haven't been picked up and the possible reasons for that would be that I don't understand (how could I) what kind of constraints the devs work under or possible not understand what the end goal of the 'vision' is.

    example: the last time I played many fights were ruined by libs hovering over spawn rooms and ending the fights there and then. This was only really a problem in low population fights. My suggestion was to not nerf the lib but to provide protection over every spawn. IT didn't happen that way, why? I have no idea but I presume there was a reason.
  14. SerasVic

    I'm glad that you are transmitting constructed suggestions to devs.

    Any ETA for Vektor on Valk though? i guess you transmitted it (what ? you didn't? ....). Joke apart keep the good work done.
  15. Wizlawz

    you can give constructive feed back whether it is positive or negative....just depends on how you go about the negative side of it and turn it into a positive...you know like a Discussion SHOULD be not a rant or a rage post,... you could even do heated debates so long as its respectable and honorable.
  16. MonnyMoony

    Even when you do try and have a sensible discussion and provide constructive feedback - you just get jumped on by Forumsiders yelling 'LTP'.
  17. Verviedi

    Oh for Vanu's sake. Who cares about mankind? We are building something better!
  18. DatVanuMan

    Good point.
    P.S. How's the game working out for you, man? Getting slightly better, I hope?
  19. Verviedi




    While I'm listening to loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooping audio.

    I just got the 32 bit client. I crash every 10 minutes but it's playable,
  20. Ronin Oni

    Rules are
    1. Valkyries only
    2. No gunners, pilots only :eek: