What am I doing wrong?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ralasuco, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Ralasuco

    Greetings, I am a brazilian player currently living in Japan that plays PS2 on Connery (US Coast) server. I am just BR 48 or something around that, and in my entire PS2 'career' I experienced huge lags, freezing, stuttering, etc with a few moments of smooth gameplay. I always attributed this to the fact that I was playing from Japan, plus the game was free so I never really put a serious effort in looking into it.
    Recently however I recommended this game to an english friend of mine who, to my surprise was willing to play on the same server (US Coast). I advised against it due to the enormous lag but during the period he played he told me the that the lag was almost not noticeable.
    I was shocked! He does reside in England which is further away. Afterwards I tried to see if I could do something about the lags, trying to follow the steps other players took by reading these forums and asking tips in-game.
    But some player's tips enter in conflict with others player's instructions. Plus some players claim that their FPS gets worse on low settings while other claim its worse on Ultra settings. Add that with memory leak and my huge ignorance in 'computry' stuff and you should understand my dillema.

    So my questions are: Am I doing something wrong? Is SOE to blame for all this lag? Is my computer system to poor for this game? Anything feedback and/or links you could provide would be appreciated.

    My PC system is the following:
    OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz
    Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
    RAM: 8 GB
    Keyboard: X7 Gaming Keyboard Super-Combo15 G800V
    Mouse: Logicool Optical Gaming Mouse G400S
  2. Drizzt

    Your pc should be more then capable to play this game, I see you have a unlocked processor and are not overclocking it? This game needs lots of cpu grunt, you should be able to overclock your cpu to around 4.2GHz with stock heatsink cooling and voltage, this would give you a bit more performance.

    Also for game settings try to disable shadows, flora, ambient occlusion and put your graphics quality to medium.

    What motherboard and cpu cooling are you using?
  3. Ralasuco

    Thanks for answering. No I haven't tried overclocking cuz I am under the impression that it could cause more harm then good on the component, not really sure. I did had turned off the shadows and flora though.

    The cooling is a CGU-NC25TZ, and I think the motherboard says it's a ASUS PCIe 3.0. As for the motherboard for some reason the system tab doesn't show me the model nor the manufacturer. I tried to visually looking into toe motherboard itself, I THINK it says ASUS PCIe 3.0
  4. 3punkt14159

    Just for saiing it,.. it is not really for sure that the conection from japan is better then from england, i can imagine that there are not so good connection between asia and usa then between usa and europe.
  5. m00eh

    You might once in awhile suffer problems due to location yes, but people that could throws rocks at the building the servers are housed in also experience the problems you are, so I doubt you are doing anything "wrong"

    Stick close to the forums and I am sure you will begin to see a pattern that follows as such: it works okay... then they patch, and break 15 other things and maaaaybe fix what the patch was supposed to fix, but then they have to patch and hotfix and hotfix to try and minimalize the damage from the latest patches and hotfixes and so on and so on and so on..." and once in awhile we players get lucky and we get a couple weeks or a week or two here and there of fairly stable game play, but for the most part, it's a constant ebb and flow of patches breaking the game and SOE doing damage control and we suffer.

    Why is this happening?? SOE bit off way more than they could chew with regards to this game, from their visualization and concept to creation and the final product is a code monkeys version of frankensteins monster. It got out of hand from what they had as an initial vision and all they can ever hope to do is one of two things: start over with clean code (Hint and Spoiler... not gonna happen. Ever.) or place band aid after band aid after band aid on a gaping, open festering wound of a game engine and layers of code in hopes of minimizing the negative stuff enough to keep the players happy enough to continue pump $ into the Station Store.

    So having said that, although it might seem like you are the one with the problems, it most likely is not you at all.

    P.S. optimization is a joke in todays MMO games, as are memory leaks and the inability to patch or contain them etc. and will probably not be going away anytime soon
  6. Drizzt

    To find out what motherboard you have install a small program called cpu-z and click on mainboard then look for model and next to that it should show what you have. Link to cpu-z: http://www.cpuid.com/downloads/cpu-z/1.70-setup-en.exe it's a handy piece of software to have even if you don't plain on overclocking.

    You could also try turning render distance 1000, particle quality low, model quality low, terrain quality low, lighting quality low, bloom off, texture quality high, turn on raw mouse input and reduce input lag, turn off all vertical sync in game and nvidia control panel, also turn your polling rate to 1000 for your mouse if you haven't already. Too high sensitivity will cause accuracy problems, I like to keep mine on the low side, 800 dpi for mouse, 0.1 in game sensitivity.
  7. DashTech

    Distance isn't really an issue when it comes to lag. It takes less than 1ms to get a signal from the UK to the US, the delay comes in processing the traffic.

    So you cannot compare the latency of a UK/US connection with Japan/US, as it's really to do with the peering and processing.

    If you want to try and resolve it you can run some network diagnostics to see where the delay is. Your ISP may just be peering badly. You can use tools like 'ping' and 'traceroute' to see what your latencies are. Run the same commands at a friend's house, at work or an Internet cafe to see if they are the same.

    If you can identify a particular bad spot on your route you can raise this with your ISP (not that they will necessarily do anything about it).
  8. Ralasuco

    Wow thank you for the replies everyone ^^. It is being very helpful :)
    Just DL it and it worked, thanks a lot ^^. The motherboard is ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. P8H77-V. Good to finally know my own MB at last xD
  9. Ralasuco

    I remember when playing League of Legends between the US and EU servers, it was like day and night. In the EU was unplayable while in the US the commands were fully responsive. That's why I always thought that distance was a factor in the gaming performance.
  10. DashTech

    Distance and lag is a correlation, not causation. Usually the two go hand-in-hand, but that's because to go distance you have to go through different networks (remember, fundamentally the Internet is about connecting networks together). Each time your packet has to be processed there will be a delay.

    Did you ever use a dial-up modem (e.g. a 56kbps device)? ADSL technology goes the same distance but provides orders of magnitude better latency. This is all to do with how quickly the device at each end can process the signals. Once the signal is on the wire it travels at light-speed.