Pumpkin Hunting

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ghalestorm, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Ghalestorm

    I feel as if it's not worth it any more, I want to enjoy the event, I really do. However that is not the case right now when trying to gather pumpkin kills and gather seeds to unlock more helmets for directive rewards (1-3 seeds per pumpkin? and if collector's want the 1000 seed skull helm, that is a horrible collection rate.) Worse yet, I can literally drive around the entire continent and find maybe 1 or 2 pumpkins, at best I'll find 4, but more often than not I won't find a single pumpkin and spend an entire hour mindlessly rummaging through the world.
    Are spawn rates for pumpkins too low? I know the event lasts until November, and at this rate I would need to play almost every day for around 4 hours just to scrape up enough to earn the rewards, but going around the world with the event and not finding any or maybe 3 pumpkins on average just isn't enticing enough to keep me active or give me the desire to continue.

    Does anyone else feel this way? Or perhaps there's some magical list on how the spawns work for for the pumpkins that I've neglected to find?

    TL;DR: Pumpkin hunting isn't rewarding enough and feels boring.
    • Up x 2
  2. TraatAdmiral

    Was it worth it in the beginning? o_O
  3. Vixxing

    Well i flewn around in my schythe for 3 alerts and found a whooping total of 5 pumpkins... So yeah, spawnrate is way, way to low...
  4. TripleVasectomy

    I don't know what they look like yet. I have a feeling that won't change.
  5. tastyBerryPunch

    Try flying around in an ESF. If there aren't too many pilots around, it's alot easier and faster to find pumpkins that way. I spent most of the pumpkin alerts on my wraith flash and reaver. Sometimes I find around 10 or more of them during an alert and sometimes maybe just 1 or 2. It's mostly about luck. Of course it's also easier to find them, when there are less people on the server.
    Also the a pumpkin can give you between 1 and 6 seeds. The big rare one can give you from 18 to 60 (maybe more).
  6. z1967

    Drive around as a Skyguard or wraith flash. Either they can't mess with you (can't see you) or you can defend yourself against most targets.
  7. Jac70

    I logged on this morning and noticed there was a about 6 minutes of a pumpkin alert left - so I thought I mat as well drive around and search and I found one within a few minutes. I then was playing when an search started and over the hour I found 3. The next time I spent an hour searching and found none.

    I think the fact that they are so rare is OK, otherwise there would be no rarity in actually finding them. I think they should give more seeds, I have found 5 in total and have 6 seeds.

    Increase spawn rate slightly but put more seeds in them.