Removing nonmember offline cert gain is a mistake

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Risen, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. K2k4

    Its not necessarily entitlement that makes a free player think they deserve something. It's disappointment when they find they will no longer be getting the thing they were getting for free anymore. They've developed expectations that they will be receiving a thing and they're no longer receiving it. Not that I really care about this person's plight, in fact I'm not even sure why I am in this thread seeing as it's not affecting me. I felt a need to respond to the post seeing as the OP is upset about not receiving certs and I feel that the subscription is worth my money. Also I thought you stating that he's bad was a little harsh given he's totally justified that he's upset, after all he did lose something, whether he was paying for it or not.
  2. Risen

    Passive certs did result in me logging in more to play.
    Sometimes I would log in for the certs but play around a bit anyway. Most of the time I wanted to but time did not permit.
    Aside from that, it indirectly resulted in my playing more. I don't have a lot of free hours to grind certs, so if my passive exp gain can save me multiple hours of cert grinding per week then that is a huge help. in some cases it would double the amount of certs I would otherwise gain that week. Because I felt like I could progress at a decent rate without having to play more, it increased my sense of involvement in the game, which in turn made me desire to find more time that I could spend playing.
    The fact is that, without my station cash on hand to buy lots of weapons, and the help of passive cert gain to increase my play options quicker, I probably would not have got as invested mentally in PS2 as I did. I would have written it off as a game that I probably can't be competitive in unless I'm willing to spend a lot of time grinding certs to unlock the fun stuff.
    But because I felt I was getting somewhere even when not logged in, it increased my interest in the game, and actually resulted in me wanting to find more time to play it when I could.

    So the devs are removing something that not only indrectly led to me playing more, but more importantly, it increased my desire for a membership.
    Some other people here seem to think that because they have never experienced this, that this must not true. But I know there must be others out there who have had a similar experience with passive cert gain as a nonmember, how it increased their desire for membership and resulted in them playing more overall. Because of that, I see nothing to be gained by removing nonmember passive cert gain, but several downsides. I'm not upset and complaining about the change, but I'm just stating a simple fact that passive certs were resulting in me playing more, and increasing my desire for a membership, so removing it is going to have a detrimental impact on those two goals the devs have in the case of players like me.

    I imagine it will have a similar impact on others, and as such, I don't see how this could be viewed as a good change. If the certs really aren't that big a deal in the long run, then that only proves it's better to leave passive certs in for nonmembers because when they are newer players those certs make a big difference in helping flesh out their options more quickly. And for those who don't have a lot of time to invest initially, that sense of cert gain progress is going to make them want to find ways to spend more time playing.
  3. Unsp0kn

    Another thread of freebie complainers. You get to play the game for free. Earn your certs by playing or pay to be a member if you want them so bad. Pretty simple concept.
  4. sustainedfire

    Removing the small non member passive cert gain was a bad idea.

    The log on certs were incentive to log in on days when PS2 was not that enticing to play.

    And there were times where I intended to log in and collect the certs and log out, though had a tell from an outfit member asking if I wanted to "X, Y, or Z", and I stayed on to play a while.

    I have been BR100 for some time, the 12 certs are not that valuable to my game progression, though to a new player they certainly would provide a needed boost to get into the game.

    When you first log into PS2, and are being shelled in your spawnroom, being massively outpopped, and out played by people that have been playing for years and know all the tricks and nuances of the game- A small incentive to keep trying against the odds is very helpful.

    I have bought my share of SC, and have been with the game since "launch". I have laid witness to the debacle of the "UPGRADE NOW" fiasco. The non member passive certs should be returned, and when the measly 12 certs are granted, it should be given with a note indicating that UPGRADING NOW could provide you with even more certs. Easy subscribtion marketing chance missed.
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  5. Doctor_is_in

    You choose to spend money on a game you enjoy. That doesn't entitle you to look down upon the people who don't or simply can't follow suit and treat them like pariahs. That's not how free to play games work. They're players, a game's lifeblood, just as you are, and an equally important part of a game's demographics.

    You pay to get in-game benefits that you think are worth the investment, and perhaps to support further development. In no way does that mean that you are superior to anyone else. I've played PS2 since beta, and PS1 before it. Paying for extra benefits does not mean you are intrinsically superior to me or anyone else.

    Get off your high horse. You are in no position to be calling anyone a "freebie complainer".
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    Did you really just suggest that player skill should dictate whether or not they have a voice in this game?

    Im sorry, but wit that mentality, you have proven a lack objectivity to the point where you are the one who should likely not make comment..................

    That doesnt make him bad at the game............................

    Its enough to make a difference for a casual player. A player that logs in a hour every day, will be able to buy the equivalent of x3 1000 cert weapons with certs left over, within a year of playing this game, and much more by the time the year concludes. Does this passive cert gain mean anything to dedicated players? no, I never really cared about it. But to those that have REAL lives outside this little computer box, and use PS2 for the game it is, a massive instant-action fix, those certs add up quick, and can often times allow said player to buy a shiny new toy a little earlier. This is a good reason to keep playing for many casuals.

    My question has always been: Why? what benefit for SOE gain from this. THey have already said that they no not see this decision as a subscription seller, so what benefit to they gain by taking away from players?
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  8. Fellgnome

    The concern isn't as much the certs as what such a petty change suggests their situation with the PC game is in. They're so desperate for membership, rather than making membership better they're going to just take things away from F2Pers to make it relatively more rewarding without actually giving members anything extra really.

    Of course they claim it was failing as an incentive to log in and play, which was the intended purpose. But I really, really doubt that had much to do with it and I'm sure it was an incentive for many players. I know I've logged on just to collect daily certs, and then ended up scanning the map and maybe playing a bit if there was a good fight.
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  9. DK22

    Frankly, been playing about 18 months, learned alot, but sometimes still feel like a noob and I got br73 the other day (ya!).
    I'm just an ol'fart now, can't shoot to save my life 0.28 KD, but hey, they shooting at me, you get them! I'm happy.
    I think the whole thing is a mistake. Its the new players I worry about, give them something
    I know how to get my freebies now, but they don't!
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  10. siiix

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