Striker fix. Just give it a more descriptive name.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sternn58, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. Saool

    The W.G.A.C.A
  2. Chrispin

    The ****ter
  3. The Rogue Wolf

    Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

    Flopper is one letter away from Flipper.

    Flipper was a dolphin.

    "Dolphin-diving" is another term for repeatedly going prone in an FPS.

  4. Archiadus

    I can't believe that no one mentioned the obvious name for a 5 rocket dumb-fire launcher that's supposed to engage air.

    The Misser :eek:
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  5. radrussian2

    earlier in yell chat someone asked what was more useful, the striker or a condom made of cheese. so i vote we call it "TheCheeseCondom".
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  6. Pootisman

    I used the new striker today and i can confirm that this name is accurate. Its only good for tickling enemies. Its damage is so low, everything can esape or kill you before you can do any serious damage.
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  7. Chrispin

  8. Geneaux

    I really wish they simply QA'd this ON the test server before going live, Jesus.

  9. Goretzu

    With jokes like that who needs weapons. :eek: