Daily Certs for non-members vital for new players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alilua, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Nano(zip/zap)

    What about those player who can't spend 2-3 hours on the game and only get max of 30-40min at a time 12 cert can = a big chuck of what they earn as a new inexperienced player. Also I don't want to hear any more full access members say they get enough certs through game play they don't care about free one when they already get 2x the certs for every action a F2P player gets. Face it this game is pay for stats and then to spam vehicles or grenades with those higher stats to win. Every advantage is given to longer lasting paying members (all those BR 100s) a new F2P player is left high and dry from the first moment and has to claw their way up to being average then to good. This game throws tactics and strategy out the window for "pull more stuff" every time. Just spam tanks, spam ESF, spam nades, this game is nothing but a massive CF of spamming of crap, and NOOBs are just those that actually think this is a strategy based shooter game and don't just spam stuff with their nanite resources.

    Here's a frickin idea get rid of the class system and just let people mix and match equipment types to make a soldier they want! That way you can spam with the stuff you actually like using.
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  2. BEAT

    I agree with some of the other people in this thread. Passive cert gain is very helpful for new players as incentive, helping them cert classes/vehicles/weapons and even player retention. But for higher BRs it isn't really and issue. Give the passive certs to new characters until they reach about BR 15-20.
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  3. Nurath

    People play games to feel good, if they don;t feel 'psychologically good' than they won't play.

    I don't know why taking away those 12 certs was a thing that needed to be done. It didn't harm the game, it gave people a nice "here's something for sticking with the game!". Twelve piddling points that didn't bother anyone and now they're gone?

    It feels cheap, stingy, pointless and not good.

    I know I appreciated those certs, even if they were a fraction of what I'd earn in a play session.

    That decision thus falls under 'things to do to make people not feel good about your game and probably leave it'.

    Sometimes it's the little things after all that keep people coming back.
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  4. Winfield

    Agree, new players need more incentive to stay and play the game. Not less.
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  5. Desspa

    making certs is easy.
    with no boost or anything.
    just play the game
    default weapons are the best anyway.
    when new players invest in weapons they are making a mistake.
    you need to upgrade your skills
    focus on one class at a time.
    auraxium the default weapons then get new ones.
    don t invest in vehicles until br50...
    just play the game
  6. Rodinvac

    Thing is, it makes the Membership "juicier" by punishing those that do not have it, instead of finding a way to further incentivize those that do.*
    That and as other have said, there is the psychological element of "hey, I'll log in to get my passive certs and then I'll be... oh wait, there's a few friends online at a fun fight. Sure, I can play 5 minutes... wait, did a whole hour fly by?"

    And this is unrelated to the above reply, but I feel like pointing out one thing about this bit of justification: "Offline cert earning is not communicated effectively as a general login incentive and does not achieve its goals"
    Maybe it did not achieve its goals because it was not communicated effectively? Like maybe through the launcher, where we could have a message say "if you login with your character, you will receiver n certs that you accumulated passively", which could have a bit in parenthesis saying "(membership grants more passive certs, in addition to further benefits. Click Here to find more)"?
    The launcher for this game is really underutilized: it could advertize the passive certs gain, connect to the game API and pull some basics stats from your the last play session, or advertize special events like double XP weekends and similar, provide links to guides, etc.
    This is just one of many small things that makes me wonder about the competence of some of the people working on it.

    *note that I am currently a Member. I do not find that this makes my current Membership more valuable. In fact, I find this choice to be incredibly stupid and is making me reconsider subscribing further. That and how SOE keeps making this game more unplayable after every update
  7. Diilicious

    are you serious? there is quite literally NO WAY i would have stayed playing this game by only playing infantry until level 50, and im only level 64.

    the stock vehicles are desperately bad, and as new infantry player you are just cannon fodder, I spent most of my time dead on the floor (and of course not being ressed at all) as a new player. so this is just the worst advice ever.

    vehicles were the only thing that made me continue to play the game, because there are a squillion other games i get to run around as infantry which are more fun and less of a grind focus.
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  8. NC_agent00kevin

    Its not a punishment; which in itself is a fantastical spin on not being given something for free which can be earned by playing or paying.

    The arrogance and audacity of you guys amazes me. You have this awesome game that you can play 100% free, and still think SOE is obligated to give you more and more benefits. Its simply mind boggling. They already give you free weapons and camo to ease the experience as a new player.
  9. DrBash00

    I have to agree that the first 5000 certs are by far the hardest one... And i dont know if this is the way you get people to a membership.

    But maby you implement 10 or more rewards per day, or a "noob boost" so it is not as hard to reach the first 5 or maby 10k certs...
  10. Diilicious

    nobody said they were obliged to give anyone anything, so please dont put words in my mouth.

    everyone is simply making the observation (that is quite obvious really) that removing incentive to play from beginner players is a very stupid thing to do.
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  11. Rodinvac

    Ah, but it is because it was removed after so long. If the passive certs for non-Members was never in, then we probably wouldn't complain in the first place.
    That and again there's the stupidity of removing this system which is pretty common in F2P titles in general because it's one of many little things that helps with player retention, since it gives an incentive to log in and play.
  12. NC_agent00kevin

    You earn far more XP now than players did at release and for a very long time after that. When the game released, there were far fewer ways to earn XP; things you did often didnt provide any at all, and the XP earned was far lower per event.

    Its not a punishment.
  13. Rodinvac

    Thing is, XP gained is not the issue here, especially not for members since we get a flat bonus for every single thing we do in-game.
    As I said, this system helps with player retention by incentivizing players (especially new ones) to log in when maybe they aren't sure about what game to play: so they log in to get the certs and (when the game isn't broken) usually stay and play.

    As for the punishment factor, while I'm sure it's not intended as one, it gives the impression of one especially considering the rationale provided. The fact that it feels like it is something that should not be just ignored.
  14. NC_agent00kevin

    Xp is how you earn certs. XP is a factor, it is directly related to cert gain.

    If players arent playing the game and only logging in for free certs, they arent actually players. Arguing that players doing this suddenly change their mind and stay to play is a very weak argument. You also have absolutely no way of knowing if players actually do that - though Im sure all those F2P players will claim they do now since its become their last leg to stand on in the debate. Personally, I doubt that even the tiniest fraction of the player base logs in with the sole intention of collecting free certs, and something convinces them to stay for any period of time.

    If I were you, Id be thankful that I can play this game for free, still earn everything outside of cosmetics completely free of charge, and are even given free items to get you started as opposed to complaining about not getting benefits that paying players get.

    As I said, the arrogance and entitlement are mind boggling.
  15. Auzor

    I quite liked the 12 certs/day..
    suppose you log in 300 days/year (vacations, away for work,..)
    then that would be 3600 certs/year.

    This gets you (for example):
    your ES RL (phoenix, lancer or striker (bahaaaa haaa haa)) 2600 certs remain
    the Battle rifle (250 certs, 30 cert scope, 100 cert compensator, 100 cert forward grip) 2120 certs remain
    The 'short range' bolt action sniper rifle; suppresor, rest same 1640 certs remain.
    a pump action shotgun 640 certs remain (or an SMG; which can be used by infiltrator)
    one 500 cert weapon of choice.

    For a new player, that is the difference;
    the amount of 'fun' unlocks.

    Because everyone starting out is, without question, weaker than a BR100. (F you 'sidegrade'. a new player doesn't even get a 2x reflex sight. )
    You start with weapons without forward grip/.., compensator/.., special ammunition or sights.
    Those are pretty much 'must buys' to compete, depending on weapon.

    Suit slots: per class. You can pick nanoweave as a new player; it costs certs of course. How 'fun' is it to go up a rank in nanoweave? In ASC? in Flak armor?
    How fun is it to get an actual zoom level on the cannon of your tank?
    How fun is it to up your medic equipment, so you can rezz quicker and people aren't getting up one shot away from dead?
    How fun is it that your deployed ammo stays longer on the field?

    two thumbs down from me for removing the certs on log-on.

    SoE: why do you keep convincing me not too spend money on you...
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  16. Desspa

    i am br 140. played the game for more than 1 year.
    started an alt and reached br 50 in 3 weeks.
    playing only infantry.
    if you play solo then yes.. maybe some vehicle farm can help.
    but if you want to play in a squad focus on one class.
  17. Nano(zip/zap)

    It mainly stupid that it was removed for F2P which is where you will see the most new players while it was kept for members which is where you see the most long term player so if anything it was meant to prevent people from progressing as fast as F2P and force them to sub just to get their certs at a reasonable rate.

    Should have done the inverse remove for members since they already get 2x XP for every action and free SC to supplement certs as well. Free players are trying to see if this game is worth paying for and when nickle and dime people in a pay to win style it make them not want to pay.

    And yes this game is pay to win SC = Certs and Certs = gear and gear = more ability to kill. You need certs to unlock C4 you have to upgrade just about everything, to get a scope or improve your gun to compete with SC only guns that often can kill you in 1 burst while your whole clip take about 1/2 their shield down at best. So don't give me that L2P **** this game has nothing to do with player skill and has everything to do with player stats. Hands down a player with fully spec gear on infantry or vehicles will blow an ungeared player out of the water while just sitting there not using any tactics at all no matter how smart the under equipped player acts.

    Default rockets do nothing to a tank but certing 2 C4 or LA can kill a tank so this game is all about what is or is not certed and more things certed always = an advantage over less things certed.
  18. Voiidd

  19. XsolarflareX

    The biggest problem is that a lot of people started playing while the 12 free cert gain was In effect. if you started way back, I believe that wasn't the case. ( been a while, but I don't think they had it at all even after beta)
    For those who played when they were not around, this is just a return to form as it were, easy come easy go, but for those who started the game while the certs were coming in, this is nothing but a nerf. How can you see it any other way. It's something you have always had, and now it's gone for no reason other than to push subscription. That will impact how people play the game.
    I understand why they are doing what they are doing but they really should have used a bit more tact when it came to removing it, other than just , now you get nothing, to bad for you.
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  20. Diilicious

    what part of starting you have an alt and got to level 50 means you are experiencing the game as a new player? youve already made your point irelavent by stating you are level 140, which means when you started again you are not 'starting again' as a new player, you are starting a new character with knowledge of every trick/weapon/tactic in the book and know exactly how to do everything to get your certs up fast.

    I also dont like how you believe when i said if i didnt play vehicles then id not have played you immediately believed i meant farming with tanks.

    I play tanks to kill other tanks, not to farm infantry (or by extention feel like im getting my own back with a tank because i cant defend myself outside of one) tanks allow players to experience the game for a little bit longer without having to look at the gravel under your feet every 2 seconds because you are constantly dead to people that know the layout of every base inside and out, that know everything there is to know when you comparatively only know that pressing mouse 1 shoots, pressing mouse 2 lets you aim and holding shift makes you run.