[Video] When even VS rant on PPA

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Matti, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. D.C.V.

    So much this. And i have never played as Vanu
  2. Corezer

    The only "problem" with the PPA is that it shares a name between vehicles and aircraft.

    if the banshee was called the marauder (or vice versa) people would complain about marauder spam

    if the air hammer was called the canister... well nah cause canisters are so rare on vehicles it wouldn't make a difference if they were all called the same thing you would still only see them on reavers...
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  3. Ragnarox

    Only thing i dislike on PPA is stupid sound because i cannot hear any infiltrators out there and i know i just saw 3,4 of them running around.

    All other things are just trolling. For example if you think PPA (250 cert) is borring go pick yourself a phaseshift, lasher and Spiker and drop that commissioner - its too borring. And dont play LA its borring, go play Engie with shotgun or medic with corvus(worst dps weapon in the game). Or if you are so bored pick up Zoe max.

    Troll thread. You are borring.
  4. Xasapis

    More for NC than TR, but we already know that.


    Looks like Vulcan will become the new ground Banshee and hilarity will ensue.

    It will be especially funny if nerfing the PPA and converting the Vulcan to Banshee (a weapon that overperforms 50% over the rest of the AI ESF options) happen on the same patch. I predict a substantial influx to TR numbers, just like the time they had every overperforming vehicle weapon in the game on their side.
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  5. bl33ping

    yes, soe should let us have banshee's on our vehicles just like how vs has the ppa on theirs. maybe limit the clip size to 20. then add some more range to nc's variant and some decent splash damage.

  6. ProfessorHobbes

    The reason every VS uses a PPA for infantry is because it's the only real AI option left. The Sauron was nerfed against infantry to where it takes 3 direct hits to kill. The tank AI primaries no longer are as effective against infantry as they used to be with the recent nerf. So now you see anyone who wants an AI capability equipping a PPA. I have seen an increase in the amount of magriders who use an AP primary but have a PPA for AI. The frustration is more from the mass amount of people using it, however I don't know all the stats so I won't assume anything.

    It seems like the best thing to balance it out would stick on a CoF increase after each shot. That way you don't have people spamming it from longer distances, and they would have to pace their shots.
  7. Nogrim313

    frankly i love how much hate the NC/TR have for the PPA, its actually encouraged them to back up a base and pull some armour and counter attack rather than sitting in their spawn shield whoring and accomplishing nothing for the rest of a capture. now we seem to get an actual counter push and frankly its made it a lot more fun to fight them
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  8. Nogrim313

    im in favour of it being more like a lasher, but with a CoF and slow RoF it would need a bit bigger clip to remain useful probably not as big as the old clip but bigger than current

    for the peeps bithcing about the noise, think about it if it were quite youd complain you didnt know it was hitting you...
  9. Nailhimself

    MattiAce against AI-weapons? I didn´t know that he is able to leave his vehicles.
  10. Axehilt

    The entire point of Oracle of Death is that we can avoid looking at data from different balance values.
    • Currently the PPA is about 10% better, if you filter for just the more recent balance (Aug19-Sep27, 76.8 KPH PPA vs 69.46 KPH for the Canister, with Marauder at 69.85)
    • Before, the PPA was about 50% better, if you took the same timeframe and slid it back (Jun23-Jul31, 59.35 PPA vs. 39.44 Marauder, with Canister at 47.78.)
    Still worth a change? Just...barely. (As a professional game balancer, I feel something needs a change if it's 7% better or worse. It's an arbitrary line, but feels right in most cases.)

    When you consider the bigger picture, the PPA doesn't deserve a change because quite a few faction weapons have more than a 10% balance difference. Deal with the bigger problems first, then deal with the PPA once you're down to worrying about the 10%-sized balance problems.

    Any individuals who can't stand the PPA can simply jump into an AV vehicle and kill the PPA user. The game is already balanced so that when your opponent plays Rock (PPA), they're usually telling you constantly that they're playing Rock (the sound effect) and they're unable to play anything else until they die. This means if you keep playing Scissors (infantry), you're going to lose horribly (why would you do that, they TOLD YOU they were playing rock!) but if you play Paper (AV vehicle) you're going to kill them easily.
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  11. Nogrim313

    shhhhh... god help us if these people actually learn how to play ;)
  12. DamageKing

    You forgot that other infantry farming things were touched, things like HE, for example. PPA was fine compared to pre-nerf HE and Libs. Now it isn't.
  13. CipherNine

    3404 - Proton II PPA Uniques: 1118 Avg Play Time: 143h Total Play Time:159 874h
    3707 - C85 Canister Uniques: 234 Avg Play Time: 21.9h Total Play Time:5 124h
    4007 - P525 Marauder Uniques: 270 Avg Play Time: 30.2h Total Play Time:8 154h
  14. Xasapis

    So what does uniques tell you? Popularity dictates balance now?
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  15. Nitrobudyn

    A "go to" option instead of a sidegrade? As i recall SOE said the same thing about pre-nerfed Nanoweave Armor.
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  16. CipherNine

    It tells me PPA is far more versatile than other two weapons. Marauder and Canister are more niche. If you forced players to use Canister and Marauder as often as VS uses PPA then KPH imbalance would be even larger.

    How do you interpret the fact that PPA has 10x more play time than Canister and Marauder combined?
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  17. Xasapis

    I wonder how many people would be fine with MBT abilities falling under that logic, aka sidegrades instead of goto options.
    10x more time and only 20% better results. Boy, that thing must suck :D

    3404 - Proton II PPA | KPH | Daily Average: 68.48
    3707 - C85 Canister | KPH | Daily Average: 59.17
    4007 - P525 Marauder | KPH | Daily Average: 56.04

    4906 - M14 Banshee | KPH | Daily Average: 46.66
    4305 - Light PPA | KPH | Daily Average: 39.67
    4605 - M30 Mustang AH | KPH | Daily Average: 32.08

    15013 - M3 Pounder HEG-Left | KPH | Daily Average: 15.62
    17013 - Comet VM2-Left | KPH | Daily Average: 9.32
    16013 - NCM2 Falcon-Left | KPH | Daily Average: 9.00

    7540 - Lasher X2 | KPH | Daily Average: 23.78
    7528 - NC05 Jackhammer | KPH | Daily Average: 31.24
    7533 - T7 Mini-Chaingun | KPH | Daily Average: 27.84

    7390 - NC08 Mag-Scatter | KPH | Daily Average: 21.98
    7414 - Spiker | KPH | Daily Average: 12.03
    7402 - T4 AMP | KPH | Daily Average: 18.17

    Imbalances ... imbalances ... are they always bad? I wonder ...
  18. Nitrobudyn

    I definitely would. This model works fine with i.e. MAX abilities, so i see no reason why MBTs should be different.

    Believe or not, but 20% is a lot.
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  19. Xasapis

    I know, which is why it's getting adjusted. The funny thing is that it's not only the Magrider PPA that is getting whined at but all guns that share the same name, regardless of their performance.

    Of course the wise thing would be for the whole MBT AI weapons revamp to take place, else we'd end up with VS underperforming, yet again. Consider how the Prowler is the best AI MBT with the main cannon only right now and what it would do to balance if it receives a Vulcan that performs similarly to PPA.
  20. CipherNine

    He doesn't seem to be familiar with concept of average. Total kills correlate with play time but not necessarily the average KPH per player. I guess he couldn't explain the stats so cognitive dissonance set in.