Is Connery NC really that dumb?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IBLOWSTUFFUP, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Swordsbane

    I think the key to commanding a squad or a platoon in any strategic sense is to make sure everyone who's in it has the same idea in mind. I've done a few squad/platoon leads just grabbing guys at the warpgate or letting in anyone who wants to join and that's fine for the xp bonus (and for experimenting which is what I did earlier today) but you don't know them and they don't know you, so how can you expect to get anything meaningful (at least to you) accomplished?

    As I said; I'm surprised there are so many open squads on the roster. For those of us who want to play in a strategic environment, there is very little help out there. The game provides very little, and the players even less. Prospective leaders need to organize their squads instead of just mobbing from one base to the next. Talk to other squads and platoons and find out what they're doing and coordinate... even if it's an open squad, everyone in it should at least be on the same page and be there for at least generally the same goals.
  2. Aeravic

    Alerts don't matter.
    Certs do.
    Good fights give more certs.
    Connery TR gives a good fight.
    Connery VS just spams all the cheese.
    Thus, NC fights TR even in territories not linked by lattice.
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  3. Swordsbane

    I have never gone into a fight looking for certs. I've gone in because they were in my way, because no one else was getting in their way, but mostly because they were not NC :)

    What matters is having fun. If you have fun because of a counter on your stats is going up, then rock on. Frankly, I don't find that very fulfilling, but that's just me. A good battle is it's own reward. If you agree with me but think people need a reason to have a good fight, then those people don't agree with us and even giving them a good reason won't make things any better.

    Play how you want. If people get in your way, shoot them.

    NC give me the best farms on Emerald so thats who I fight.
  5. TwwIX

    Nope. They're just simply cowards. Every alert they start pecking away at the lowest pop faction on Connery, i.e., the TR, while the Vanu zerg steamrolls over everything else. They would rather deny us an Alert/continent lock than defend their own territory from the VS. Yet we still manage to accomplish a tie during most alerts. If anything, they're merely an annoyance.
  6. Swordsbane

    If it's a tie, then they are more than an annoyance :)

    And who are you calling coward? Most of my fights are against the Vanu. I go after the faction that's on top. They are the biggest threat. Or I go after whoever's camped on the Bastion. The Bastion is mine :mad:
  7. Kaizer

    I knifed two tanks to death today. That's progress.
  8. xDesideratus

    Connery NC are the worst players in the game, hands-down; it seems to be made up entirely of players who reached the bottom of the barrel, then tweeted "#YOLO" and began to dig. If Connery NC had a civil war, somehow both sides would manage to lose; It's like an advanced race of cyborgs from the future were sent back in time, programmed only to feed kills to other players on the server. Connery it the only server where I've seen a person get rezzed, look at the medic that rezzed him, and shotgun him in the face before immediately managing to die again.
  9. ColonelChingles

    I live on the West Coast, but my NC main is on an East Coast server for a reason. :p

    Connery TR are tolerable, though that's probably because Emerald TR are equally pants-on-head.
  10. SpartanZero

    Fact. NC has no central command. There was at one point, yet people either trolled them or ignored them, but I'm sure that isn't isolated to purely the NC alone. I've definitely listened in on more bickering an arguing between players over command coms, an read giberish from those who simply paid for the 100 certs to get access to command chat. To which I'm sure gets tiresome to the point where no one cares to step up to the plate to manageany sort of command structure. Aside from a few outfits who have established any sort of communication outside of the ingame system who will work together (WTAC, PG, X, Recursion) Where'd Recursion go? Feels like they abandoned the NC outfits they worked with for other pastures. Many of the organized outfits are small, an eventually get rolled over (sometimes providing a good hard fight vs the opposition), while being hopeful that the non-outfit, or NC randoms to help maintain the line.

    Regarding the general NC population is, most of the them either A) don't care, or B) have no situational awareness, C) do not utilize the kits their using properly, D) can't seem to think outside of direct linear thoughts/approaches, or E) all of the above.

    Now I'm not saying all NC are of this mentality. I think what's happening is those players who do, or did, either gave up to become 4th faction players, which shrinks the NC factions demograph of players capable of thinking outside of linear/die rinse repeat thought process. Most simply join the side that's winning, holding no loyalties or desire for challenge. (Yes VS have an arsenal of uber weapons, my KDR easily doubles when playing my VS test alt).

    If any NC players are looking to learn a few things. I would suggest (if you can handle the latency) during the early daytime period, play on Cobalt. The Euro's definitely seem to have a fair grasp of how to do things, an appear to play the game as it was intended. At least in my experience between all 3 NA servers an compared to the 2 Euro servers.

    The difference in general pop player mentality for NA is more out for me (again this is a generalization not an overall)
    The Euro's seem more focused on coordinated teamwork, field control, proactive counters/defense.

    That's not to say the solo pubstar or teamworking group isn't present amidst both. Euro's are less split on focusing their efforts in an organized manner during alerts, where the Connery NC seem more inclined for personal glory rather than being a dominant force during alerts.

    Mind you the personal skill levels on average for Euro seem lower in the common pool of players than say the NA crowd. Since NA's tend to lean to more of a personal KDR bar vs a PPM/H or broader spectrum than the Euro's. Again not an overall consensus, just a generalization of my observation. This could be more due to many differing Euro nationalities having gone through mandatory minimum military service an carrying that mentality with them into gaming, I'm not entirely certain. Probably just a different perspective on what's fun to them, an a different attitude in general to what MMO means.

    Another observational note for Connery. During 75% of the time NC have the fewest squads/platoons running (most being split between continents even on alerts) VS have for the majority of times have 2-3 times whatever the NC is fielding (most of them being on the same alert continent) with TR being somewhere in the middle (again majority focus on alert continent). SO it mostly shows where the NC priorities are, as well which factions have players willing to lead/or handle squads/platoons.
  11. Alkezo

    Please project more.
  12. Aeravic

    50%+ VS server pop along with 60% Orion Heavies, 35% MAXes, 1/3 PPA harassers and PPA Magriders on every single high terrain, mass Air anti-ground zergs. Oh and with the added bonus of 300+ ping Japanese players. Did I miss something out?

    The above average annoyance that VS weaponry causes amplified by overpop and high latency. Welcome to Connery VS.
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  13. FateJH

    What could I possibly say to that? I've run with enough otherwise respectable Connery TR outfit platoons, and heard enough from command channel, to draw the conclusion that virtually none of them enjoy fighting the VS during Alerts and, at any time that they do commit to a VS fight, it's with absolute reluctance or necessity, with the hope that they can leave it soon enough.

    Personally, I'm nearing the point where I'd rather fight hopeless battles against a squad of [00] on my own than go near a VS lane. Each time I log on, I tell myself I'm not going to let myself end up feeling that way, only to end up feeling that way within a shorter duration of the start of each session.
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  14. Neo3602

    I don't think that's entirely true I don't mind fighting the VS that much it only gets bad when they pull a lot of PPA equipped vehicles(which after the nerf doesn't happen that much any more) other than that I don't really mind fighting them to much and the players that I'm fighting alongside with don't seem to either.
  15. FateJH

    Time of day difference perhaps?
  16. Leer

  17. Taemien

    NC has some talent, it really does. But with potential, it has to be unlocked.

    Connery NC doesn't normally wish to do that. In fact they actually wish to keep it closed. Outfits like ADK, COLG, BinC, and a few others will have leadership* that will take an open platoon and go cert farming specifically. Some outfits will even TK people who blow up enemy Sunderers because it hurts their farm (the ones listed above don't do this).

    *I understand it may or may not be the intent of those outfits listed to cert farm. If it isn't then I'm sorry but you do have PL's doing this. And the reason I'm listing it here is because its at a pandemic level. I don't have time to go on your websites, create account, login, post screenshots, ect ect. There's just too many instances of it going on. Also its not just limited to the ones I listed. Anyone who runs public platoons will do this.

    Its part of the reason my static squad is what it is and will not join a public platoon on Connery.
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  18. iller

    I been dealing with it by playing way more Railjack & Phoenix than I should.... they really really hate those weapons b/c most of them don't understand how ineffective and "only good at trolling" they are. There's very few "greener Grass" scenarios to them than the Phaseshift Vs. RJ, and the Lancer Vs. Pho. ...other than maybe the Spiker vs. Desperado I suppose. Everytime they die to either, a blonde japanese schoolgirl escapes a tentacle monster just b/c they're kills they'll never understand. It's definitely not an efficient use of time unless you just wanna pad KD I guess. Example #1... and I've had a dozen of those, especially on the weekends. The hardest part is just finding a cliff that none of their PPA harassers will be climbing all over. ...also intentionally pacing your fight against them in a Vanguard so it looks like the shield decided the fight, is another great way to make Lord Varnu's pikachu cough up a hairball
  19. Neo3602

    Well I usually play during the morning and afternoon, and sometimes at night and I haven't noticed to big of a difference in behavior, the main difference that I've noticed is the player populations and how the VS seem to use more PPAs that later in the day it is.
  20. Yuki10


    Alerts? who cares about alerts?
    TR put up a good fight, even when outnumbered.
    VS = 110% cheese. Most of the time one trick ponies with nothing to contribute (either they only play HA, only fly ESF, or only move as herd, i mean zerg).